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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. I am not offended- I am mocking peopl who are too dumb to understand that all sorts of symbols mean different things in different context. I do apologize IF you now feel offended that I called you dumb.
  2. I was responding to a person who stated that Rivers was poor in the playoffs and therefore should not be in hall. Brees is a first ballot certainty and Rivers compares well with most of the QBs in the hall. To exclude Rivers from the hall would require people to focus only on the few things he did not accomplish vs everything he did accomplish.
  3. This is one I had not thought of and it does make sense, it uses his abilities better and gets him into space better.
  4. He was 5-7 in the playoffs and so many act like he was 0-8, his best was enough to be in 12 playoff games. Drew Brees is 9-9 in playoffs and not many QBs are much more than 50% in playoffs.
  5. I am not sure why he is a maybe for anyone- 8 pro bowls, top 5 in yards thrown all time, had a winning record more often then not. He absolutely deserves in the Hall unless your goal is to raise the qualifications to be closer to the baseball hall.
  6. I actually just looked up his career stats and he only had 3 winning seasons. One dominant season does not get you in or else Bryce Paup would in.
  7. I agree there needs to be accountability and that accountability has to start with individuals and their actions. I actually do not understand why anyone , especially blacks, lives in liberal cities with racist cops and racist schools when they could move and have better lives living in my neighborhood. We have a nice mix of colors and beliefs in my neighborhood but we all have one major thing common, we are responsible for our own actions and therefore get along great.
  8. https://dailycaller.com/2021/02/25/syracuse-womens-lacrosse-team-member-makes-ok-sign/ Can any liberal defend being offended by the circle game? If you don't understand it basically it gives you the right to punch someone if you can "trick" them. It is childish but talk about searching for a reason to be offended.
  9. I had forgotten he was a all pro, I just remembered he was not good in 2019. Good point.
  10. Couple of points from my 20 minutes of analysis- only restructures that makes sense are Diggs, who saves us 7, and Dawkins, who can save us 5, as far as getting us under the cap, everyone else we would be better off cutting or trading. I don't think there is anyway Jefferson and Butler are on team next year since that would be 35 million on 4 DT who are not special. Lastly I don't think Williams gets 12 a year, especially this year. I would guess more likely 3 years at 8 million per year. He had a great year but his qb made up for a lot of issues
  11. I did not know him personally but the majority of his high school comes from well off parents. His high school pulls from neighborhoods that former athletes live in. I doubt money was an issue to him like so many NFL players.
  12. Every player should say he wants top dollar since it is a cutthroat business but from what I have heard about him from his high school coaches he values winning as much as money, so he is likely to take less than top dollar to stay on a good team.
  13. I bet he takes less money than all but Reddick, he will give up a little cash to ensure his team can win.
  14. That is not who you are talking about but that is who you are effecting. By the time we finish who you don't mean we will be discussing 12 people. But you believe something that is antithetical to liberal government workers- they want to get these people off of assistance. If minimum wage goes up to $25 an hour poverty level will simply be raised to make sure a certain segment is below it and government is still needed by them. I know I am cynical but if you think leftist want to lose their government control you are being naive.
  15. I will answer with one real example that I worked for- I came on after the initial 5 year period- the company started with 6 employees of whom the owner was independently wealthy already and the company lost over $100,000 each of it's first 4 years. I know that each person who started those years was working for around 30k but working 60 hour weeks. By year ten each of the 5 was still there making 100k and happy they survived the begining. In your world this company that now employs 80 people would not exist because the known risk at the time of early losses would not have been worth it. I will ask you though why do you prefer removing a persons option to work for less and get some experience than allowing them to make the choice?
  16. How damaged do you have to be for a GM that drafted you to cut bait after less than a year? If it was a new GM it is possibly just a fit issue but this guy apparently just burned every bridge.
  17. You actually took economic classes and wrote that businesses should have to make sure their employees make more than poverty level wages? Should wegmans have owed me above poverty level wages when I worked there after school in high school? Should the bank I worked for after I graduated college paid me more than my worth from the get go? Who are you arguing for with this argument? People who make minimum wage are 90% of the time starting their work history and can not produce $20 an hour worth of work. I will make one other point, the minimum wage increase will make first chances harder to come by and that will hurt the poor much more than the rich. My kids will be able to get jobs at $15 an hour at publix or Chick-fil-A based on who me and my wife know, while the unknown kid will have a much harder time
  18. Where are college costs through the roof? Not at the public schools in my area, our community college has 4 year degrees for under 12k total, UCF is less than 20k for tuition and fees. If you want to go to private you will pay for it but that is your choice. Healthcare is completely out of control but Government tried to fix that with Obama care and it just got worse. The fact that you think the solution to any of these topics is more federal control shows how economically illiterate you are. The solution to raise low wages is to tighten the job market so business must compete for quality people. The solution to high college cost is to not pay $150k for a $15k education. Healthcare is more complex but the federal government will not fix it. The people who say "do something" rarely fix anything and just cause other problems, I can deal with crickets if they don't make it worse.
  19. I honestly do not understand how you can state the USA is clearly different than most of the rest of the world. I think the differences make us superior but even you don't think we are superior the difference between how our country is built vs Europe is built is easily noticable if you leave the inner cities.
  20. you have argued this point with conservatives? You feel it is conservative people who don't encourage a proper family enough? Yet the more liberal a person is the more likely they are to be and have a single parent. Your initial point is correct but I can't imagine a conservative who is under 80 that argues blacks don't deserve a proper family
  21. This women is very proud of her ignorance. Math is not something created it is simply the understanding of how numbers and shapes work. She could more realistically argue Oxygen is racist because white people discovered it since Algebra is an Arabic word since it was first discovered by Arabs.
  22. If the IOC has to show the US how to deal with immoral dictators then I am truly concerned for our country. I don't expect much of Biden but this seems like a pretty easy slam dunk, especially after COVID.
  23. Since I like to argue with you I must give you credit on a very good point- the last 3 presidents have been allowed to pass far too much through executive order. I will admit that when Bush did it I was not bothered since I did not think the next president would be allowed to ramp it up even further. I was truly surprised when so many members of the house gave away their power
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