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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. Two points about the officiating 1)the planning by the teams is at least partially based on expected calls by officials. The comparison of the AFCCG and SB was as different as possible. To go from only calling it when you absolutely have to call it in the AFCCG to looking for things to call should be unacceptable. 2) Our Defense was built around the way the NFL called holding the past 4 years when smaller speedier guys would get the call enough to make it worth having them. This year they called it differently but at least it was consistent throughout the season and we could adjust. I think we will adjust well and be back better next year.
  2. I compare him to Barry Bonds in many ways, the numbers don't lie as far as accomplishments in the game, both would virtually undisputed if not for the absurd level of cheating. To me the fact he and his team has been caught and punished for cheating multiple times will be enough not to ever give him that status. If the cheating does not bother you then I would have a hard time arguing against him.
  3. Orlando is growing very quickly but if you are willing to live a little ways out there is still some good deals. As for Disney I live very close and it is a cool place to visit, as is Universal. I have had annual passes to both over the years and the biggest advice I can give is always be there at opening and bring snacks so you can wait to eat till later in day when park is at busiest.
  4. I will say with certainty that you have not lived in other parts of the country, especially during COVID. My family who still lives in NY has had their business shuttered, which does not mention gun ownership rights, ease of opening a business, or ease of getting proper school for your child. FL is not a utopia, but it is much better than any of liberal states right now.
  5. Just to be clear- do you believe Trump won in 2016 due to Russian involvement? Or are you simply pointing out Russia tried to influence our election?
  6. I agree that Trump's argument about a fixed election is wrong, and the funny part is he sounds just like liberals for the past 4 years complaining how Russia interfered in 2016.
  7. What is stopping you from moving? I have explained many places that while my house is more expensive than one up north that my lower taxes make up for the difference in mortgage cost per month. Other than that the cost in savings on heat and clothes balances most other cost.
  8. The Mueller report did state that Russia favored Trump, but before the Mueller report he maintained that Russia did not interfere to HELP HIM, which is a big difference from just interference. I will also point out that Russia was pretty open about wanting Obama vs McCain, so them having a preference is not new.
  9. I will argue with the Forbes article because it shows the improving trend until Covid. The imports of goods were decreasing and exports of goods were improving in the months prior to early 2020. At no point did I expect him to drastically change the curve but it was improving before Covid and most importantly to me we were limiting our exposure to trade with China. I will give you credit- you argue better than I gave you credit for.
  10. The question stated that Russia interfered with the "purpose of helping Trump" which is different than just asking if they interfere. The Russian main purpose to sow division and they accomplished it.
  11. Your side was the one lying about abortion when Kavanaugh and ACB went on the bench, why are you acting like it was our side? https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/brett-kavanaugh-roe-v-wade-697634/amp/
  12. I don't usually respond to you because your comments are always stupid but this one over the top stupid. To act as if 2020 was normal in any way is dishonest, to really complete your analogy it would be comparing the 9 point lead then Josh Allen gets hurt and can't play, along with the entire offensive line and DBs. It was unprecedented economic damage from a virus that caused the change. If you can't admit that there is no reason to even deal with you because you are completely dishonest.
  13. Slim you are not a moderate if what you post here is indicative of what you believe overall. As for Trump, he never stated that Russia did not attempt to interfere in our election, that was Obama "But the larger point that I want to emphasize here is that there is no serious person out there who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America’s elections, in part because they’re so decentralized and the numbers of votes involved. There’s no evidence that that has happened in the past, or that there are instances in which that will happen this time. And so I’d advise Mr. Trump to stop whining and go try to make his case to get votes." But If the investigation from Mueller did not convince you literally nothing will.
  14. Looking disinterested is now white privilege? The right to dress appropriately for cold weather is white privilege? If a black congressman dressed the same way no one would comment on it being inappropriate except maybe a few leftist who try to be offended all the time.
  15. Slim I hope you are a young guy because this comment about Russia smacks of being extremely naive. Russia has tried to influence every election since at least 1960. Showing Russia had bots is not evidence of anything except Russia tries to sow discord in the US. At this point only partisan hacks have not realized that Russia is our enemy and want to weaken the US by any means possible.
  16. I assume you live in NY or you only come here and give your most liberal takes because you have never espoused any thoughts that were conservative I have seen. Most moderates have left NY due to the insanity of the government.
  17. I don't see how we don't make him the 2nd round offer at a minimum. He started most of the games the last two years and it is at worst quality depth- we paid Norman twice that. At that cost he needs to be on our roster.
  18. I don't remember anybody who was ineffective two straight years becoming an impact player again. He was not even average the last two years, he was ineffective. I pass unless literally league minimum
  19. He is not bad and will forever be the guy taken before Watson. His play on playoff game is not why that team lost and I think if we could get him cheaply I would love it.
  20. Let me repeat word for word what I wrote "Which obviously does not include Diggs which was how we used the first round pick" stating blatantly that he was not drafted with the first pick but was the player we got with the first pick( and a little more)
  21. Which obviously does not include Diggs which was how we used the first round pick. So if he was included I would bet we would be top 3 at worst.
  22. That is not his point- he states explicitly that he is not discussing the field goals. His point is that we should have run a faster offense because they have only lost games where the other team scored 38 points. We did not make plays and that is why we lost, KC was prepared for the way the game was called by the officials and we were not.( I am not blaming officials since they were consistent) Honestly with 20/20 hindsight you are probably correct. They planned to face something similar to what they saw in October and we gave it to them. If we had thrown a different style maybe we have a chance, at the very least do that after half.
  23. I look at it primarily as can I find a better or at least comparable guy for what we save by cutting him. I think we can cut Brown, Jefferson, and Butler while finding someone better for that cost. Though I wonder if Jefferson or Butler will be better with Star next to them, so maybe one stays. I also am probably one of few who think Lee is well worth his cost since he is an extra lineman 80% of the time and half his catches are TDs this year.
  24. I see how Barkley is a great locker room presence but can't we pay him a million as a position coach or something? I know 2 million is not a lot of the cap but I would rather use it on another guy and keep Davis and Fromm since if Josh goes down we are screwed.
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