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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. Feliciano has been solid all year when I have watched him but Jones made him look awful. I think Jones was the best player on KC and impacted the game more than anyone else.
  2. I don't think you are discussing analytics, you are simply stating that all the teams that have beat them scored a bunch. The Chiefs scored 17, and low 20's multiple times this year in one score games, if their opponent scored one more point in any of those games they win. You have a small bit of information and are calling it analytics.
  3. The way you beat KC is to outscore them- regardless if it is 13-10 or 38-35. You beat them by being efficient with your opportunities and make them inefficient with theirs. If KC take 9 minutes on a drive and don't score it is a win for Buffalo. That game was not won or lost by analytics but by the team that made more plays.
  4. First thing is bring in a better back- do not cut a cheap player until we have the improvement on roster
  5. Wow you are a cynic, I just wish I could say you were certainly wrong.
  6. You believe the paris accord will save the planet? China and India are not even going to peak their usage for another decade but I know for you that "intent" outweighs results
  7. One poll done online that is self reported is not a good source, but at least it is a source.
  8. The only person I can find who admits to believing it is a Russian communist. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2020/05/27/russian-communist-leader-links-coronavirus-vaccine-to-microchip-conspiracy-theory-a70391 I doubt many other do- the schematic seems to have been added later, probably as a joke, and people ran with it. I also doubt Qanon is too closely linked with communists.
  9. You also see Joe as a genius because of his amazing track record of no accomplishments for 50 years, don't forget that part.
  10. You think you are clever but your inability to answer simple straight forward questions is sad especially when you call all other liars for showing you facts you don't like.
  11. Are you arguing Clinton and Biden did not vote for the war in Iraq or that a million Iraqis did not die from the war?
  12. Sherman is a lesser version of Josh Norman to me. He would not be the worst signing but doubt he brings much upside.
  13. For me it was by far the easiest to get over because we were playing a great team that has their best game in a long time. I also believe that Josh will be better next year and have something to look forward to next year.
  14. To me the first one is the biggest one because we did not take advantage of it on defense. If we had used Edmunds on Kelce and forced Kelce to fight more I think we would have done better. That being said we were not sharp and KC had their best game in 3 months so winning that one was gonna be almost impossible.
  15. Just want to point out that Russia and Ukraine are not the same country and current president of Ukraine is not a Russian lackey ( I know because I watched a documentary on Netflix)😀
  16. you called me a liar and I showed you my source but instead of a respond to my evidence you tell another lie. I legitimately tried to help you with your business funding and you don't even have the decency to engage in a mature discussion
  17. I am waiting for the first lawsuit of profiling.
  18. Why are you using this guy as a source though? He is so dishonest I don't trust anything he says. You responded to a comment about police brutality with minimum wage argument? Are you just bouncing around with random thoughts, on the other thread you called me a liar for quoting the AP.
  19. Where is my lie- I linked to the AP story right above. Is the AP now right wing? Put please explain my lie.
  20. https://www.google.com/amp/s/mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSKBN2360SZ Literally took 30 seconds. Bailing out rioters who burned down police stations is inappropriate. But you are honest you don't pay any attention so you often " don't recall" obvious things.
  21. The right is the internal terrorist- we had a few morons, who should be arrested and put in prison, pull a stunt that impeded congress a whole 8 hours. Your side continues to to destroy businesses and homes to the tune of billions of dollars and your presidents campaign was bailing them out of jail. I can not imagine the mental acrobats it takes to describe the CHAZ as ok but what happened at the capitol as a threat to our country.
  22. I think we have an easier time replacing Frazier since so many offensive coordinator are being hired and the two picks are useful.
  23. This does not make sense unless you truly think he can throw for the most yards in a season and still be a below average QB. Numbers aren't everything but they matter.
  24. I am not sure why so many are afraid of him going to NE. They have no talent at the skill positions and while he is good he has not shown the ability to elevate a team. If he goes to NE so be it, we will kick their butt next year.
  25. If insurance refuses to pay I can pay for it myself, which is part of my point. In most socialized countries- I believe all but I have not look at all- you get what is offered and anything new is out of grasp. The reason I am bringing race into it is if you are going to compare a country whose risk factors are 90% identical then you can expect better outcomes from identical treatments. If Germany had a population that was 40% minority the same treatments would not work as often causing the difference in outcomes. It is not a judgement to point out that difference races have different risks.
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