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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. this one is a hilarious fact check since you must pretend she said Texas was an original 13. What she said is accurate Texas and the Original 13 colonies, meaning it was not one of them. In order to "get her" they have to be illiterate.
  2. You just hit on a salient point, if you want Dems to back it make it illegal and then make it part of "black" culture. At that point no one will ever be charged with a gun crime in the liberal cities.
  3. I am curious what part of the bill is going to be the most effective? Or at least what improvement you would expect? Please tell me the fentanyl thing- I truly have no idea what this lunatic is even referencing.
  4. I definitely am ok with the death penalty in cases of people whose very existence is a threat to society but do not feel I could be on the jury that does it. It needs to be someone whose actions were well thought and intentionally horrible not someone who is a reactive situation.
  5. Not good enough for Pro Bowl but an MVP candidate, what an odd situation.
  6. I voted Elam 100% on what I hope happens because otherwise we wasted his talent. Picking a good coverage CB to play zone is dumb. Dude is a freak athlete and I hope we get some use, but I expect a draft pick
  7. If I am paying one or the other I am paying Dak who has been around longer at a top 15 level but I am glad we have Josh so not an issue.
  8. He has been discussed and my side agrees we should treat him as a mass murderer regardless of color. You have defended his black counterpart, not me.
  9. My son is 18 and telling him he had to a Bills fan growing up backfired in that he hated football. He is now at FSU and enjoys it greatly but that is more despite my efforts than due to them. I would recommend that you allow him to distance himself from the Bills and maybe look into college teams and players he likes in NFL to root for instead of Bills exactly.
  10. Depended on day of season- at begining I did, after London we couldn't, when we destroyed Cowboys I was back on the bandwagon, when the TB and Benford went down I knew it was over, KC would punish us there and they did.
  11. I will agree with you that he was being misused but playing vs Chiefs we needed to do something different and he was not solution I saw.
  12. I hope not intentional, it is an old stadium and maybe maintenance needs to be upped for the final few season.
  13. I stated early in game when it was clear that Klein is not athletic enough to do what was needed that we should needed a better athlete on the field, I suggested Elam but Neal is a great athlete also. I am not sure if we win anyways but the current guy was not getting it done.
  14. DeSantis has to grow a lot as a retail politician is he wants to president. I think the last time s president was a lesser retail president was Ike.
  15. I was asked by many coworkers today if this put things is real. I explain that it most likely is real and they will find 20 people at the bottom this weekend if they don't have a plan to stop it. I am both proud and embarrassed to be a member of this group at this exact moment.
  16. This is certainly a made up statement that has no basis in large or small settings- the US had 39000 gun deaths in 1993 and since then the numbers of guns in the country has increased steadily and the number of deaths is less. In small settings I am certain that there is more guns than people in my neighborhood but not one gun related death in the 20years it has existed. The main issue seems to be liberals with guns.
  17. You post math, I explain what it means, and you call it dumb. You are truly a proud liberal
  18. I want DeSantis but recognize that it is a one person race, Trump is the nominee unless something crazy happens.
  19. You are stating 2/3 of all voters, which means that about 40% of Biden voters think the election was questionable. Amazing you keep saying baseless but 40% of people that did not vote for him believe it.
  20. Since they can't argue with him logically they just don't let him talk, sounds like good communists to me.
  21. That is actually pretty clear so you are definitely correct.
  22. I am not arguing but I am clarifying- I thought if a player was off the ground but hanging out of bounds he is out? I clearly remember a game against NE where they called it out when the players helmet was hanging over the sideline but nothing touched down. Obviously that could have just been poor officiating then also. Guy yesterday appeared to be off ground when he touched ball
  23. This is the reason I think Texans have a reasonable shot at winning, early lead puts pressure on Lamar.
  24. Unless Bass is injured he needs to be cut after season, he can't kick in weather apparently and Buffalo has been known to have some
  25. You thought it was fake slide? Apparently it was the first game you have ever seen. The penalty on the slide was on the soft side but your first comment is beyond stupid.
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