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Everything posted by BUNCH OF MULARKEY

  1. I almost feel bad for laughing at their moves earlier in the week. Other than Williams, very impressive since. Ebron or Evans in the first and OT in the second. Might have a playoff roster here now folks..
  2. Wow this is hilarious, both the guys they are signing and the reaction to it... Can't wait to hear about the new right tackle in a half hour lol
  3. Notice the hits are D and the flops are O Line. Dougie thinks he can coach any olineman up, obviously.
  4. Yea... Oh well LG hole filled.. I guess. Five more to go.
  5. Whaley said the offer was significant and I believe him. We will see what his market value is soon enough.
  6. If Byrd and Parker don't get a better offer and come crawling back after all this b.s. I'd tell them to beat it. We just signed a safety that hits.
  7. I'm sure jim leonhards flip phone is ringing they might want to lock up his last year here.
  8. I'd love it they stuck it to him but 8 million is a lot to prove a point. You know he's not going to camp and will be "injured" and the drama will continue. I have no problem if they use the money to get hmm.. linebacker.
  9. Well if our money isn't green enough for him good riddance. It's like a bad relationship that just drags on, at some point just be done with it. Is it possible for the bills to just drop the franchise tag and cut him loose whenever they want? It's tempting to tag him then drop it a couple weeks after free agency, when everyone's already spent their money, just to stick it to him. I'm sure there's a gentlemans code in the league against pulling stuff like that, even though that slow prancing fairy and his agent Jackie Childs deserve it.
  10. Nothing short of Mr. Miagi could prevent Stevie's annual training camp groin injuries.
  11. You're gonna like the way you look. I guarantee it.
  12. A good question.. Gotta blame management I guess for not having someone better. Maybe they thought Ike Hilliard failed at coaching him up. Goodwin was only a rookie who's best used situationally. Theres a reason why it's believed far and wide that a WR is needed in the draft or free agency and it's not Stevie Johnson. Graham should be at best a back up who knows the system. Or cutting him works for me after we get a guy.
  13. After readin this thread this is my favorite. This guy needs to be pushed down the depth chart or cut. Just cut hogan while your at it. There's no comparison with him and Goodwin IMO. I really like Goodwin. Watching those corners squirm worrying about him blowing by them is great. At least he's fun to watch.
  14. Maybe he wants to just hang out, collect unenjoyment and drink protein shakes and creatine..
  15. Ha ha lovin some Maybin. I'll see ur Maybin and raise ya mike Williams. As far as ebron some folks say that he can't block at all. I can't really form an opinion on that watching his you tube highlights which looked pretty good to me. Anyone?
  16. As loaded as this draft is id still trade down for... Um.. I dunno... Maybe pick 20 or better and the 2nd. Hmm
  17. If the bills get an elite TE for the first time in franchise history, I might think I have the wrong channel for the games this fall I like this idea alot
  18. I really wish I knew what we had in moeiki. Doesn't seem to be much video out there on him (maybe for a reason! ha ha). The guy I really like is Ebron but it seems like 9 is too high and he'll be gone by the 2nd round. Maybe if we trade down? As far as Chandler it's like, who cares? Nice enough guy, very average and if he wants to stay here on the cheap, fine. If not I'm sure no one will be trembling if we go against him.
  19. That's great .. Or it will be after we beat A. Luck on wildcard weekend...
  20. Our new senior offensive comptroller (or whatever the heck he is) advises Nate Hackett to avoid running Spiller in the "A" gap on first down every single series.
  21. I'm scheptical of any man who wears red pants.
  22. I was trying to sugar coat my original thought so beerball wouldn't have to remind me to turn my filter on.
  23. We'll we all know he'll never make it as a broadcaster.
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