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Everything posted by BUNCH OF MULARKEY

  1. Two dudes sent 1000 messages to each other? Sounds like they both are a couple of dweebs.
  2. Not so sure about that. This is the bills bad luck were talking about here.
  3. I don't see why it has to be turned into some kind of dance club for fourteen year olds. But hey maybe I'm just old. If it helps the young folks get interested in the Super Bowl so be it.
  4. Well at the very least everyone knows "money talks" and it would send the strongest message to the league that the fan base is dead serious about ensuring the team stays here. So say this "pool of money" is started and we have it sitting there. Ralphie lives for another five years so is it safe to assume the money is kept in an interest earning account. Who would be entitled to the interest if the team moved? Sort of a "good" problem to have. It would also be fun if we had a running total scoreboard on this website updating how much we have in the fund. Hopefully they can keep it open ended and folks can continuously contribute. A couple years and I bet it would get up there pretty good.
  5. Why take a qb third round or lower, do we need another Jeff tuel? Go big or go home, although Murray and garropolo interest me.
  6. And don't forget peppers real dad is Denny Green. So if ya want to crown him go ahead and crown him...
  7. Nothing like a shaved skin sandwitch once a year. The curly fries are their saving grace. I was thinking Oscar Meyer cause all we get is a bunch of bologna out of them.
  8. You ain't kidding jr. This thread was slow so I read some of their posts. A lot of them are referring to him as the dude from pawn stars with pictures of rick and mike which was hilarious. Then the whoa is me since they were so desperate to look at a buffalo guy. Probably 7 out of 10 of them just assumed pettine was a joke. One guy said he was a solid choice and posted a great old article off of jets.com that told the story of mikes move up the ladder under his father and Rex.
  9. Crashed mine too wish I looked first
  10. I think most are a bit harsh on spiller. Combine poor o line with high ankle sprain and dumb play calling that uses him like a fullback and he still had some great runs that kept us in games, Cleveland,kc,Atlanta. I consider two of his three problems fixable. We're gonna be stuck with poor play design and calling for awhile my friends..
  11. That Calvin Johnson rule is one of the worst rules in football. Once ya step out of bounds the play should be over. So a guy is two yards out of bounds dodging yardage markers and the coaching staff and drops the ball and it's incomplete. Good job by the refs covering for a dumb rule IMO
  12. I don't know why I remember this stuff from training camp but a few things about da'rick stuck with me. Don't quote me my six month memory isn't that good. First was interview with buddy explaining how he told da'rick we are giving you a chance. Be careful not to screw it up or you'll be looking for jobs in the paper. He was warned. Then there was a nice play he made in camp and he stood over his teammate and taunted him. Marrone went right after him asking him, "is this what we can expect with any kind of success from you?" Third was marrone was being interviewed at fisher and da'rick was standing in the back ground shaking a chain link fence like an immature child like "look at me, look at me!" I'd have cut his ass too. Maybe a team like Indy or New England has enough success and built in accountability that problem players have no choice but to stay in line. That's what we need to achieve here.
  13. Cracks me up when y'all argue. Reminds me when the old lady watches desperate homewifes. Bunch of old hags bickering over nonsense
  14. Is she absolutely positively sure it wasn't a picture of geno's face, I could see how that could get mistaken....
  15. Our analytics guy Michael Lyons is all over this... Uh I think...
  16. Why didn't they get someone serviceable to replace levitre? Because coach marrone, with his endless expertise coaching o line, thinks that he can coach up any tom dick or Harry to play line.
  17. I'd trade turd and a third in a heartbeat if the first was at least a top twenty pick. I'm still bent over the plantar facilis fiasco and frankly I think Byrd hits like a broad.
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