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Everything posted by Dan

  1. Perhaps? That’s the thing I keep seeing people forget. You may be vaccinated.. but you can still infect other people. Since you shouldn’t want to spread the virus to anyone, and never know who’s vaccinated or not, everyone should still be masking up, distancing, and washing their hands frequently. But everyone has completely over politicized this and/or are too self centered to care about the rest of the world. So here we are, infections running rampant...2 years in! And sure. It’s mild for a lot of people ...but some of us have several family members and friends that have died, and more still in the hospital. Bottom line, vaccinated or not, young or old, wear a mask and take common sense precautions. Get vaccinated. And stop hating on people regardless of their stance. It’s my only problem with Beasley’s stance.. stop thinking of yourself and think of people like Dawkins. There is no conspiracy other than the league trying to keep the Bills down. I wish Cole well and all the Bills’ players and fans as well. Pats players.. that’s another story. Lol.
  2. We won 31-14. Looked in control the entire game. And walked out with no additional injuries. What more could anyone ask for? If you can’t enjoy a win like this, then why are you watching? It doesn’t mean we’ll be in the Super Bowl; but for a single week... we kicked a lesser team’s ass and walked away with an easy win.
  3. I’ve been in the “continuity” bandwagon for Josh and the offense. And wanted Dabs to stay for that. However, now, with Josh’s ascension to offensive leader and Dabol’s complete inability to develop a running game for 2 seasons, I have zero concerns about him leaving. Amd feel it could solve a difficult decision for McDermott.
  4. Agreed. He should not be severely sick this go around. It’s been too soon for him to have a booster shot... assuming he did get the second. But yeah kinda uncharted territory for my brain. You get a shot. A couple days before the 2nd shot you get sick. So I doubt he got the 2nd shot, but the. You do get some level of immunity from actually contracting the virus. So where’s an individual at given all that! Lol. Lord only knows! I just hope he’s ok and wish him a speedy recovery. I was wondering with a buddy the other day if the NFL is in all this trouble because vaccinated people can get the virus, carry it, transmit it, but are largely asymptomatic. Hence, those around them get it and everyone is testing positive. So my question, because I haven’t had time to really look into it, how many severe cases are there with these players? Is it largely just people testing positive while vaccinated? I’m sure there’s a mix. But just some morning pondering that I’m spilling onto the board.
  5. Why would Moss be gone? Isn’t he still on his rookie contract?
  6. The Pegulas need to take this information, along with the screen captures of Diggs jersey being pulled off him, to the league offices. Demand a meeting with Goodell and ask for an explanation. They have to make it known that they too have spent billions of dollars and support they league, so they too need to be treated fairly by the league’s officials.
  7. Whatever you wanna call it... do it more regardless of the opponent. Sometimes I think our coaches out think themselves with all these game specific plans and player rotations. Find some ***** that works and stick with it!
  8. In my mind, I’m not concerned with him running to win a game next week. I’m concerned that he “overplays” a tweaked ankle and has a longer term, more substantial and career altering injury. So if he does play, make sure you limit that running to help him win for the next decade in Buffalo.
  9. It all comes down to Josh’s health. If he’s able to play, he should play. If he’s a misstep away from a blown Achilles or ACL or whatever... sit him. If he does play I hope he has a brace on.
  10. Money is the only motivator the Refs or the league need to sway games with bad officiating. They all stand to make a lot of money if certain out comes are encouraged. And yes they make a lot of money regardless of the outcome. But ya know the one thing people with money really want? More money.
  11. Any way you slice it, the Bills will get more ticky tack calls on them. Until Pegula gets on the competition committee and starts padding pockets, we’re getting screwed no matter how they change the rule book.
  12. So you don’t see the DB trying to pull his jersey off?
  13. I think you go for the FG and the tie every time in that situation. Now... the play calls that led up to that 4th and 2, I think were highly debatable. IMO, we should have taken advantage of Josh’s legs down there
  14. The league could literally come out tomorrow and admit the calls were favored and should have been made. But it’s still a Bills loss, no matter what they admit to.
  15. Been saying for weeks... less Sanders and more Davis is what the passing game needs. Running game needs more Singletary and less rotation.
  16. I gotta admit late 2nd quarter..they had the look of a team that had given up. Just bad play all around. But they showed a lot of fight to tie the game. That was an impressive 2nd half. The league hates Buffalo. I don’t know why. But they do. The Refs call every single flag they can against us.. and only the most egregious calls for us. It’s just ***** bad how lopsided it is. so retool to line in the off-season, get a new OC, Oline coach. And yeah.. Edmunds needs to walk. He lacks the killer attitude you want in your middle linebacker.
  17. Once again out OC outsmarted himself. He proved he was the smartest guy in the room and showed BB how unpredictable he is! I just know a power sweep with Allen would have scored inside the 10. But nope, we’re gonna run Moss right into the teeth of the defense. strange is one way to put it
  18. They need to stop with the heavy rotation. None of the players, especially the RBs, can get a feel for the game and what the opposing players are doing. Hence, we never see a RB get comfortable and make good back side cuts. It doesn’t help that the offensive line is slow and unable to execute any basic blocking scheme. But overall I think the coaches take the rotation of players, so that we have fresh legs, to the extreme. And very few players can get into a rhythm and even consider taking a game over.
  19. This is what I see every week. No one steps up and makes a play other than Allen. There are times when you need the RB or receiver to just do something extraordinary and break a long run. We never seem to get that. I would add the offensive line needs a complete overhaul. Start with the center and both guards. They simply can’t run block and more often than not are completely run over when they need to pass block.
  20. Am I the only one that feels like the Bills as a team just wakes up late and runs out of time? They’re easily the better team, week in and week out. But they don’t get the win because they sleep walk though half the game... give up a huge play or two and just never recover. We definitely outplayed the Pats tonight. But got the loss. I don’t know what it is... but this team seems ...off. They’re missing something. How do you let a team that’s thrown 1 pass ...run that effectively against you? Half the defense should just quit playing football.... they were a disgrace. Edmonds ..should be done.
  21. Ok. Yeah. The wind and weather is ridiculous! Gonna be an interesting game.
  22. Serious question ...is there a lineman in the entire league that would look competent when going against the best defensive line ever assembled ?
  23. TV Execs want Pats / Bucs SuperBowl ? I suddenly expect a horribly officiated game.
  24. We’ve all said this.. thought this.. several times this season. The real question is... will Dabol stick to the run game and make them defend it for 4 quarters (or maybe it’s Josh switching to all the pass plays at the line?). My biggest concern with this game is Dabs and his penchant to prove how smart he is by dialing up all sorts of slow developing pass route concepts. The game plan against BB defenses is fairly simple... run the ball, have plenty of short, quick pass plays ready to go to counter the exotic blitzes, be patient, and strike with intermediate range passes when the safeties are crowding the line.
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