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  1. 2001 Miami Hurricanes- college sports 1992 Barcelona Olympic Mens Basketball USA
  2. only positions set are qb, k, ls, p. always want to look forward, especially wr where salary keep escalating quickly.
  3. They may want to take dl, but I think one of their biggest worries will be keeping someone off chiefs. barring they don't trade up ahead of bills again.
  4. my guess is if hes at 28, then he blew his knee out shortly before draft. so no.
  5. Elam if allowed playing time. Kincaid obviously. Spencer Brown seems to be figuring things out so maybe him. Also Brian Thomas.
  6. nabers if trading big, thomas jr if smaller trade. How about trade back? Maybe Keon then
  7. Yay, another guy for the Chiefs o-line to hold in the playoffs.
  8. DL is great for our regular season win, but in playoffs the chiefs o line will not get called for holds so rushing qb is not as imporant then.
  9. No team will touch Miami for me. Maybe Stockholm Syndrome with Pats, but I didn't hate them that much and still consider Brady the best all time. Perhaps living in KC skews my view but they are getting up there in hating. I used to be fine cheering for them come playoff time, until probably 2020.
  10. here I go again- Whitesnake bad romance- the gaga, yes not rock. bad decision- the strokes
  11. You have to play to win during playoff vs just surviving in regular season. This seems to be a philosophy that holds them back.
  12. That TD was beautiful all around.
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