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SD Jarhead

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Everything posted by SD Jarhead

  1. Wow! Excellent Article, great response CG. I pray that our nation does the right thing next Tuesday. I talked to my hardcore Democrat brother back in Buffalo on the way into work this morning. We usually get into heated 'discussions' regarding the selection of the next POTUS. This morning, he seemed more reflective as the day nears when he will cast his vote. I asked him to consider or explain to me his feelings and perception on why JK wants to become the President. My perception from what I've heard is that he's doing it for himself...because of his personal ambition to become "The next JFK". For those of you who have followed the election closely, I ask you; Why is Kerry running for President? I see Kerry as an "All about me" narcissist. Funny enough, my brother didn't dispute this perception. On the other hand, I believe that President Bush, truly believes he's doing what's right for our nation. Harken back to the first debate...while his performance was bad, he was lampooned for his facial expressions. I think he just couldn't hold back his dusgust at the lies Kerry was laying out. In the final analysis, who knows what God has planned for our nation. Many of you may not be Christians, but if you are halfway schooled into Biblical prophecy, much of the end times scenario may be playing out in front of us right now. I'm not claiming to be Nostrodomus (sp?) or any other kind of prophet, but clearly, the table is set for biblical prophecy to begin to take place. As AD and other have occasionally alluded to, we are in the stage of our national history where we resemble the Roman Empire, and our weaknesses have been exposed for the world to see. Do we have the intestinal fortitude to carry on the great traditions of our nation? Do we correct our our course? Only God knows. That my friends is why I am a Christian. God Bless America!
  2. Thanks for the compliment...after listening to Kerry tell us how incompetent we are for the last 6 months I was starting to have some self esteem issues But seriously...when one listens to all the rhetoric Johnny Longface spews, you'd think the US military was a bunch of bumbling idoits. We're not, are we? (There goes that issues thingy again)
  3. The same person who has only one position on Iraq? "Wrong war, Wrong time..."
  4. You Sir are correct that I will willingly follow lawful orders from those appointed above me. I will do so because of trust and honor, which are valued in my profession. I am happy to voluntarily serve my country. If I ever lose the trust that I have in my superiors, then I will seek further employment elsewhere. That, is exactly why I'm concerned about who may be our future Commander in Chief. Have a nice day
  5. "What I do know is that it was right to hold Saddam Hussein accountable, absolutely correct. And anybody who doesen't believe it wasn't correct ought to dig around in those graves or even make a judgement about what would happen if you left Saddam Hussein alone to do this" 7/9/04
  6. Kerry, who has a "plan" for Iraq, has missed 23 or 24 meetings of the Foreign Relations committee on Iraq. This is the guy you want as your CiC?
  7. I sledom to never agree with your postings, but in this case agree you are right on. The issues are extremely complicated. Many 'average Iraquis' are fearful of situations like the one you described. As President Bush pointed out during one of the debates, there are many members of the ING who have given their life already. If Iraq is to survive without becoming a nation led by Fundamentalist Muslim Terrorists than the average Joe is going to have to continue to step up to the plate. But for people like NozzleNUT, and the weak kneed Rabid in VT, they don't see the big picture. And the truth is, we don't know exactly what went down when they were captured.
  8. I agree and think that we take him for granted. Keep in mind folks this is his 1st DC gig. He's doing a pretty freakin awesome job as far as I'm concerned...
  9. How convienent of you to forget the Dayton Accord and Arafat saying no to the best deal that the Palestinians will ever see.
  10. By the way...the thread should read "E-mail from a MARINE".
  11. As a current member of the military (although I haven't yet deployed to Iraq), I partially agree with your comment. I think in past peaceful years, many military members have voted with their pocketbook. However, in this present state when we are engaged in a war that I feel will last a generation, I don't think this is a valid observation. Nobody wants to be at war, but my experience in the Marine Corps is that we understand what's at stake and why we're fighting. The dynamic has changed this election cycle. The close friends of mine who have been there and fought completely understand the importance of having strong purposeful leadership. Sure, we're patriotic, but we believe what we're doing is something that needs to be done. Voting this year isn't about a paycheck, but about a leader who will see that the sacrifices made by our fellow countrymen aren't a waste. Please don't discount the opinions of the Marine in the 1st post. He echos the feelings of many. To add a quote that I recently read that goes hand in hand with his observations "All it takes for evil to prevail if for good men to do nothing". That is what I feel we'll get if we get JK a a President. Inaction
  12. I'll go out on a limb and guess that it's not a conservative group...right?
  13. C'mon guys...this should be an easy one. It's no wonder Republicans have better sex...those hippie Dim chicks like NozzleNUT don't shave their legs or pits. Who want to sleep with a cavechick?
  14. I agree, Cheney clearly got the better of Edwards during the 1st half. But then he backed off a bit...I'm not sure why. Also agree that the moderator was awesome. She asked very tough, but balanced questions.
  15. Oh yea...that's right, it was Isreal who walked away from the table at the Dayton accords.
  16. I've worked for Gen. DeLong. He's a pilot whose call sign is "Rifle", in part because he's shot down many weak officer's careers. This guy is hard as woodpecker lips. He's a straight shooter who's NOT politically correct and calls things like he sees them. A very difficult gentleman to work for... While he was the 2nd in command to Gen. Franks, you may have noticed that he never was on the evening news. That's not an accident. While he is an outstanding officer, a politician he's not. I give great weight to what he says. OK Leftys...pile on...Let me start the chant for you...Flightsuit! Bush is a Liar!
  17. C'mon...you can do better than that!
  18. As Tom opined above, as much as you'd like to be able to blame the whole situation on GW, Iran's quest for a nuke goes back MUCH farther than GW...but if that's what allows you to sleep at night, believe what you want. Your solution sounds like it came directly from a Kerry sound bite...change on Nov. 2nd...right. You're much smarter than that. As far as mutually assured destruction ala the cold war, it's a different game now and you know it. The rules have changed. Why can't we go back to the days of the Carter administration when those pesky Iranians were so much more kind and gentile? In order to determine a direction to head in, I believe you(we) must first decide if Isreal is a an ally we want to keep, because once Iran completes it's quest, chances are Isreal won't be around for long.
  19. Exactly...You've identified a problem Mickey, so what's the solution? I don't want to be a wisea*s, but you seem to be trolling into Tenny's territory. The sooner the American public opens up their eyes and sees that we're in the early stages of WWIII, the better off we'll be. We may need a draft before this whole thing is over...only time will tell. The sad truth is that if Iran is left to aquire nukes, we're in a big stevestojan sandwich. So it's basically either us or Isreal who takes action.
  20. Unfortunatley Mick, I think we will see attacks of this nature sooner than later.
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