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SD Jarhead

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Everything posted by SD Jarhead

  1. If any of you are interested, PM me and I'll send you a letter that was sent out to military women soliciting them for an upcoming 60 minutes hit piece on the military and how we "allow" women to be raped and do nothing about it. The letter says it all...the producer clearly has an adgenda and is looking to smear the military. I'd post a link, but I've got the letter in acrobat format. It's just another example of how the Leftists at CBS are trying to smear good Americans.
  2. You and Millie are in my prayers. God Bless.
  3. Here's a question I have yet to hear asked...If Killians wife and son didn't give the 'documents' to CBS and dispute their authenticity then where did they come from? Rather reported that they were from LtCol. Killian's personal files, so who had Killians personal files? The longer CBS tries to rationalize this away the more credibility they lose. What I can't understand is how the libbers can't see what a joke their party is and how desperate they've become.
  4. I was enjoying reading BRH's epileptic fit, and how none of the usual suspects came running in with a tongue suppressor before he swallowed it. As someone who resides on the right side of the aisle, I find this funny.If I couldn't laugh at it all I'd get sick to my stomach at the depths electing our leaders has sunken to. In the USMC we have a saying, if you've dug yourself into a hole, the best way to get out is quit digging.
  5. This is too much fun! Where's Nutty Nozzle, LasBlz and Tenny? Aren't they going to come to the rescue of their fellow partisian hack BRH? Dude's taking on water and sinking fast...just like the Kerry campaign
  6. So BRH...are you going to scream for an apology from Dan "The Man" Rather when the documents prove to be forgeries? Dosen't it even seem remotely strange to you that some Colonel would have these 'documents' in his personal files? Wow...the Kerry campaign is getting REALLY desperate.
  7. I'm one of those kids who earned spending money as a kid picking beans and peas. In the 80's summer jobs were a scarce commodity for teens in Buffalo. I lived in Hamburg and walked four miles to Henry farms in Eden every day to pick beans at $.11 per pound. It truly is hard work that I wish my kids could experience to help instill in them the value of a dollar. Living in California, the landscaping industry is dominated by illegals, while in Buffalo most landscaping is done by locals. I point this out to demonstrate that I feel Americans will do the same jobs that illegals currently do if there is a demand.
  8. Wow, Nozzlenut must be off her medication again. She's usually so inventive with her rants.
  9. Wow...the stars, sun and moon must be in perfect alignment...I actually agree with Nozzlenut, er, BlzRul on something of substance...The Aztec is one FUGLY vehicle (Is it a car? A mini-van? an SUV?)
  10. VA- Agree...Blasdell's wings aren't what they used to be The best wings in the Southtowns are from Mamoser's Tavern in the Village of Hamburg. They know how to cook 'em, and the sauce is by far the best out there. If you haven't tried them, you need to check it out.
  11. Thanks for the heads up Nozzlenut...I was wondering what happened to you. You got pretty quiet on us there for a few days...
  12. Exactly. It cracks me up to hear JK spew about how Bush squandered the "Surplus he inherited"...and people actually believe that stevestojan...too funny.
  13. I think GW got it right last week when he pondered that the war against terror may be unwinnable. Understanding that terror is a tactic that has been used for thousands of years, realistically what hope do we have of preventing it? In this age of asymetrical warfare, even if we win we may not realize it. There will be no flag raising when we defeat this enemy, no victory parade etc. and in fact, some other disgruntled group will eventually raise it's head. As far as the safety issue, I think theres two types of safety...the physical safety that prevents terrorist from striking domestically, but almost as important is the psychological feeling of being safe among the general public. Since our economic machine depends so much on feelings of optimism toward the future, this is one important aspect that must not be overlooked in considering the whole equation. If terrorists are successful in stripping away our feelings of security, we'll be in for some rough times ahead...hence the term terrorism. If we are to be successful in the long run, then I agree with AD that we must change the culture and conditions that would inspire a person to blow themselves up for Allah. One measure that I agree with is the Isrealli tactic of destroying the homes of the terrorists family. As brutal as it sounds, it's been relatively successful. We must let these vermin know that there will be a cost to those that they care about after they desend into Hell. Unfortunately, we lost seven Marines yesterday to bring our death toll in Iraq to nearly 1000. We must not let these mens contributions be for naught. There will be a media circus when we reach the 1000 dead mark, but in reality, it's going to cost ten of thousands of American lives over the next several years if we are to come out on top of this epic battle.
  14. Is Hastert running for President? Get a grip Mick.
  15. I've got to say that Miller was unbelievable in that speech. I had no idea he was going to come out like that. I honestly feel that his speech will have a very big impact on any undecided voters who are still on the fence (not that there are many of those). And you can debate whether he's a true Dem or not, but in this age of the sound bite, just having that 'D' listed in front of his name will probably serve to sway some voters. It's way too early to predict this horse race, but unless something drastic happens between now and Nov. 2nd, I sense the momentum heavily favoring Bush the rest of the way.
  16. Maybe he was a little upset at having urine or blood sprayed at him from squirt gun toting 'protesters'. Or maybe it was the harassment he endured in trying to enter the arena? Oh yea...I'm sure it had something to do with his rich parents, because we know in your world all conservatives are rich...right?
  17. Goo...an appropriate user name, because thats apparently what your brain has turned into from watching all those Michael Moore movies over and over again. Regarding your focus group comment, I think you are referring to the wrong administration...Clintons presidency ended almost four years ago. Keep hitting the bong dude!
  18. Are you a squeal? If not, exactly what do you do for the Navy? Just curious.
  19. You and your family are in my prayers.
  20. OK, Mickey...I'm sure the convention scheduling being late had NOTHING to do with the fact that there was a small sporting event called the Olympics happening. FTR, I'm sure that the Republicans DO want the country to remember that we face a very serious threat from the extremists that will not subside for many years to come, unlike many on your side of the aisle who see this as a minor domestic problem.
  21. Sadly, you are correct with that statement...The Empire has begun to crumble...
  22. Nice try, but did you see or even read the whole interview with Bush? I'm sure you probably didn't, or if you did you chose to ignore the context in which the statement was made...but hey, whatever blows your dress up .
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