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SD Jarhead

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Everything posted by SD Jarhead

  1. Thanks to both of you for posting those...Miller hit the nail on the head in both essays.
  2. we'll have to see NozzelNUT's stupid avatars for four more years. That is, if she downs enough thorazine to emerge from her depressive condition and begins to post again.
  3. Taking it a little hard this morning, aren't we? But thanks for quoting a racist line to express your point...
  4. Kelly, as always, you show that you are a class act. Thank you for your reasonable discussions here...I look forward to them in the future.
  5. [scratching head] I thought the Dims said that GW had a secret deal with his Saudi "buddies" that was supposed to result in low oil prices thus assuring his re-election? Dims (particularly NozzelNUT) - what happened to that conspiricy theory? You've been pretty quiet about that for quite some time...
  6. Actually, I think Jim is one of those wacky Christian types you blasted in an earlier post. Those Christians are sooo screwed up!
  7. Bush wins (prayerfully) ...don't ask for the state by state breakdown, because I don't know. Dim's immediately file blitz of lawsuits to further weaken our Democratic Republic. Bush eventually named winner, but the damage to our nation has been done. OR: Kerry wins through voter fraud. Hopefully, Republicans DO NOT file lawsuits to challenge, but lick their wounds and deal with it and draft legislation to prevent voter fraud in further elections. Either way, the political parties continue to erode the faith of the American people through their validation of unethical and illegeal actions to retain or grasp the reins of power in our nation. In the meantime, the rest of the world laughs and continues to plot backroom deals and plots to ensure our destruction. Rome contunues to burn...
  8. That's another dis-enheartening aspect to a Kerry presidency...turnabout is fair play. After the crap pulled by the Dims on GW's judicial appointments, you can bet confirmation hearings for JK's nominations will be ugly if not non-existent. That's the part of the game that finds us in even greater gridlock at each turn. I'd like to think that the Republicans are above that, but...
  9. Melissa, that's exactly why my wife and I make the financial sacrifice of putting our children in a private school. I get incensed when I hear about teachers feeding their students their political views in elementary and high schools, not to mention their values on homosexuality etc. At the collegate level I'm not so bothered, though I still think it's wrong, but for younger kids it's outrageous.
  10. Hey...look who's back! Coincidence? I think not!
  11. Have you been asleep for the whole campaign? 1st off, I don't hate the man. But I hate the fact that he doesen't stand for anything other than getting himself elected. That's it. I think he is anti-military, and has been since 1971 or before. What he did to veterans is unforgivable in my book. He's a hunter?...Do I really need to go there? Puleese... As far as him being for the war. I really can't tell you whether he was for it or against it. Heck, I don't think he even knows anymore. And I'k not being a smartass either. Kelly, ask yourself, why do you think JK's running for election?
  12. Well, Libs...what do you think of that. The October suprise is that BinLaden supports Kerry. Or maybe he's a Nader fan...who knows? If this doesen't wake the country up we get what we deserve...
  13. Liberal reponse? NozzleNUT, Cow, Kelly? OPEN YOUE EYES PEOPLE!
  14. But if we're nice to them won't they be nice to us? Can't we all just get along?
  15. Agreed, I sacrafice $800.00 a month to send my two boys to a private school so they can get a decent education. The only way I can do this is if my wife works. It is unfortunate that families are forced (figuratively) to do this because of the stevestojan they teach in the public system.
  16. Have any of you in the 'Hot Pockets' crowd considered that our Intelligence agencies and also the President may be aware of the bullsh*t games these nations are playing and just MAYBE that is the reason we're not having better relations with them? I found it peculiar after the Russian school bombing that Bush didn't come out with a stronger statement of support than he did. You know what they say about payback right? Nah...Bush is an idiot...right?
  17. LIES! All lies...don't you know reporting on Drudge is biased and never reports anything negative about Republicans?
  18. I think she goes by the monniker "NozzelNUT"...but I'm not too sure.
  19. Ken, do you still retain you secret moderator powers?
  20. I missed it, and I'd need a good laugh...c'mon Mods, bring it back!
  21. I have been in the Corps for 19 years, why do you ask?
  22. Please forgive me for forgetting to turn the [sarcasm] on/off in my initial post. When I sarcastically wrote the JK was everymans canidate, I meant that because, if you listen to him he's in favor of all sides of all issues, or has been within the last week or three...
  23. Saddam Might have been gone... I just can't understand why the election isn't going to be a Kerry landslide. I mean really, he's everyman's canidate. He's in favor of ALL issues. We should all love the omnipotent John Kerry... [scratching head] I just can't understand why everyone doesen't love him?
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