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SD Jarhead

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Everything posted by SD Jarhead

  1. Thanks!...And please don't group me with Tracy Lee...
  2. I'm wondering which file sharing program you all reccommend with the least amount of spyware and bogus files. Thanks!
  3. My former boss had a stroke at the age of 37. He is a Marine and was a marathon runner. It turns out he had a congenital heart defect, and had to have open heart surgery. I'm not sure if this is the reason for Teddy's stroke, but who knows?
  4. Wow...that dude's circling the drain. I've enjoyed his acting. I hope he gets it together.
  5. I'm on the band wagon. TO was brass. I had a very similar break/surgery to my leg and know how long it took me to recover. Having experienced that, I thought that there was no way he would have any affect on the outcome of the game. Wow, was I wrong. He does talk a little too much for my liking, but he showed how much heart he had last night. Props to him!
  6. Say what you want about Terrell Owens...Selfish, egomaniac, etc. But he showed what he truly was all about last night. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of trash talking athletes, but in this case I've got to give props to TO for doing all he personally could to help the Eagles to victory. I feel that the press has kind of mis-represented him. I remember reading an interview with him earlier in the year about how he stays out of trouble off the field, but still has this reputation as a Randy Moss type. He's right. I also loved his quote I read this morning the with God on your side there's nothing you can't accomplish. Flame away...
  7. I am now a Cleveland Browns fan. God bless them... Ugh, I still love the Bills, but bravo zulu to the Brownies!
  8. Hey Idiot...anwswer the question! What are you doing to defend our nation as you asserted you were? All you are is a Pus*y. I bet you piss sitting down, coward.
  9. Yes, I probably made an error by connecting NORML (no A) with NAMBLA. My bad. As for Coltrane, I'm still waiting for a response to his statement that he is currently defending his country. Are you there Coltrane? It is unfortunate that we must kill those who are sub-human. But it is a task that we must, from time to time do to secure our freedoms or assist others in the quest for the freedoms that we enjoy. For the Men who we call to do our nations dirty work, it is not easy, and changes a person forever. Everyone has different ways of reconciling their actions. I think that the General may have been able to choose his words better, but I will not criticize him for those words. They are his feelings and just because they are not PC, this manis still an American hero, much more than the career athletes many of us have in their avatar.
  10. Shall we connect the dots for Coltrane? Hmm let's see, the terrorists who attacked us on 9/11 trained in Afghanistan, sanctioned by the Taliban. So the mean 'ol USA went over there and destroyed them. Most of the uber liberals see this as a justified use of American forces...but not Coltrane, the man (I use the term loosley) who WOULD defend our country...
  11. In my neck of the woods talk is cheap my friend. So again I ask...What are YOU doing to defend our nation? Oh...that's right.."I would defend it..." POS
  12. So, would you care to expound on how you're doing it right now? Let me guess... you're a member of N.O.R.M.A.L. or N.A.M.B.L.A. and are working to secure the rights of us Americans.
  13. So please enlighten us...what do you or have you done in defense of your country?
  14. As once once said in a fairly entertaining movie, the Lib's "Can't handle the truth!"
  15. As someone who has served in General Mattis' command, I can personally say he a man above men. He is not a politician, but one of the true American heros who protect our freedom and has made the gut wrenching decision of sending men to die. Politically correct statements are not in his vocabulary, and I salute him for that. This man is one of those Americans we "need on that wall".
  16. It'll also be interesting to see which, if any assistants Crennel and Weiss take with them. IMO the more the better...anything that helps weaken the enemy.
  17. Here's a true story that parallels part of that worthless movie... I have a friend who shall remain nameless from highschool who was living in Tampa as a married father of two in 1991. We grew up together in a suburb of Buffalo. Anyway, before the Superbowl he goes and places $10k on the Bills to win with a bookie. Well, we all know how the game turned out, with Norwood missing the 47 yard field goal wide right. Here's the strange part... My friend goes home and tells Mama about his bet and loss. She takes the kids, leaves to her parents and divorces him, and ever since he's been a raging alcoholic. The kicker (pardon the pun) here is that my friend was born and raised on 47 Norwood St. in the unnamed burg of Buffalo. That event precipitated the circling of the drain that my friends life has become. In fact, if I told you the name of the bar, you'd be able to find him there tonight I bet, telling anyone who'll listen his "story". As an ugly Canadian once wailed..."Isn't it ironic...don't you think?.."
  18. I think it's got something to do with all the toxins in the soil...or it could be the food. But wait, the food just fattens 'em up, it dosen't make them fugly... You'd think the Bill's could import some hotties for the football season or something. For crying out loud, it IS an NFL franchise!
  19. You mean you don't miss WNY's finest? The women back home either have mullets or look like they came out of a Whitesnake video. What I truly don't get is that there's like 5000 'cosmetology' schools there touted as 'career options' for the women-folk. You'd at least think they'd open an issue of Cosmo or something and get out of the 70's and 80's. Too funny... That reminds me of an old joke..."What do you call a good looking girl in Buffalo?" ...A tourist. I love the Bills, but if that's the best they can drum up for a cheerleading squad, they should just dis-band the whole troupe.
  20. I'd love to join you all, but just received orders to "the Rock". DAMN IT JIM! For those who weren't in the Corps, that's Okinawa, Japan. Errr!
  21. http://bobbywarns.com In this season of giving, please remember those who gave all. If you find this memorial moving, please donate to his unborn son so that he may have the blessings that his father can't provide to him. God Bless all of our brave heores!
  22. First off all, show me where I EVER posted or implied that ALL Muslims are terrorists. You can't. However, you make a foolish arguement in trying to equate Christians of this day and age with Islamic Terrorists because of what past Christians have done. We are fighting to free people from repression while Islamic Terrorists are fighting to keep their women and populace enslaved by their failed religious culture.
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