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Everything posted by LabattBlue

  1. Obviously HIPAA is a cumbersome regulation that is 1000's of pages long, but in a nutshell it has to do with the "privacy" of ones health records/medical conditions. I don't believe HIPAA precludes the Bills from releasing info on Parrish to the public. What HIPAA does state is that a nurse, doctor or other health professional who has knowledge of Parrish's injury cannot share this knowledge with anyone outside of the people who need to know(other health care professionals who are working on this patient). I believe this shroud of secrecy has more to do with the coaches/front office of any team, attempting to gain a perceived advantage by not releasing the nature of an injury within the rules of the NFL. I know the nfl has some rule about the weekly injury report and not listing injured players on it(which in turn has caused some teams to be spiteful and list half their roster every week on the injury report), but I don't know about general statements to the media during the preseason regarding any injuries.
  2. Not everyone can be funny all the time and some of us can't be funny any of the time
  3. Looking through the NFL Network schedule you appear to be SOL until Wed @ 3PM.
  4. I can't wait to see TO's response to this... Eagles | Owens Sent Letter about Behavior Problems Mon, 15 Aug 2005 12:51:59 -0700 ESPN's Sal Palantonio reports the Philadelphia Eagles have sent WR Terrell Owens a letter outlining what they perceive is a series of behavioral problems over the past two weeks. Owens acknowledged the letter during a conversation with ESPN's Michael Irvin. A source characterized the letter as the beginning of a process to suspend Owens if behavior does not change after he meets with head coach Andy Reid. Owens is expected to rejoin the Eagles Wednesday, Aug. 17, but Reid has said he only would allow Owens back on the field if he sees a marked change in his attitude and behavior.
  5. I'm always look to revise this classic post whenever the riddler shows up!
  6. I believe the place you are thinking of is on Abbott Rd., north of the stadium. They had online ordering and in the past there has been some heated debate here as to the quality of their customer service. I'll be damned if I can remember the name of the place though.
  7. sh--...I apologize for forgetting the '72 trio of Shaw, Hart and Taliaferro. ....1968's dynamic duo of Dan Darragh and Kay Stephenson.
  8. Following in the tradition of other polls, I'm only going back 10 years or so. Of course I have no excuse since I'm in my 40's versus the other pollster who is probably in his late teens.
  9. Yes,the avatar is me as I was reading the best 1-2 RB combo poll.
  10. I can't think of any other combos. thanks for your support........
  11. It was only one play, but McGee got burned on a short pass early in the game when he thought the WR was going to in towards the middle of the field after the catch, but instead, he did a spin around towards the sideline for a 20 yard gain. I'm looking for more consistency from McGee this year at the CB position versus last year, where he was really good in some games and below average in others.
  12. 35. Don't go south unless you are positive you won't regret it(hygiene issues ).
  13. I guess you're too young to remember Simpson & Braxton?
  14. Somebody needs to tell the creator of this poll, that when talking about the best venue, Meadowlands Stadium is in NEW JERSEY, not New York.
  15. At least from a tackling standpoint, King reminded of a lot of Winfield. Small guy, but great technique.
  16. If I am not mistaken, on this TD pass, Wire attempted to tackle the TE somewhere inside the 5 yard line(as always, he took a bad angle and WHIFFED). He did come back to jump on the pile, once the TE crossed the goal line. So to answer your question, Wire was definitely back in pass coverage, but hard to tell if the TE was his responsibility on that play.
  17. 98...Babble on all night about this great Bills message board called twobillsdrive, only to find out she doesn't know a football from a baseball.
  18. It's an 1:55:00 long. Watching this is the equivalent of trying to get through an FFS post. Can you just provide a summary instead. PS The opening speaker looks like John Muckler
  19. WOW! Tell us how you really feel about Toronto. I have been to many broadway shows up in Toronto and they are as first rate as touring production that has come through Sheas. Also, to say the only thing to do in Toronto is to walk up and down Yonge St. is about as wrong as you can get.
  20. Baker was in the game during the first half. Leonhard was playing safety midway through the 3rd quarter. Wire and Leonhard were out there together, so I assume CW was playing SS and JL was at FS. PS Leonhard had a nice pick which he almost returned for a TD. Unfortunately it was called back on a PI call(one of the LB'ers).
  21. Cool - YACWST - Yet Another Coy Wire Sucks Thread - can't be enough of those.
  22. The sequence of plays where Edwards was involved during the first quarter was very impressive. One play was stopping the RB for a loss, the next flushing the QB out of the pocket and the third was making the tackle on a WR screen(showed great hustle).
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