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Everything posted by In-A-Gadda-Levitre

  1. Banks is saying that just about anyone who is the least bit knowledgeable about offensive play calling in the NFL, and especially those who were on the Buffalo Bills sidelines during the 2007 season, would understand what needs to happen this season on offense. This is not some fantasy vs reality; more like d'oh, use some imagination in your offense and your team will get better, way better.
  2. an open letter sent to JS and Steve Jones (Sports Editor) today Subject: feedback from a sports fan Hello, I was born and raised in Buffalo, but like many others, lack of jobs forced me to move out of the area. As a result, I've lived in several metropolitan areas around the US and had the opportunity to read a lot of sports writer's wit and opinions. I will also mention that I have never once written to a reporter before today. After following your column for many years, I have to say you are the most biased, abrasive, and uninformed sports writer I have ever read, in any newspaper, in any US city. Your lack of understanding and poor judgment borders on ridiculous; the textbook example being today's column on J.P. Losman. In typical Jerry Sullivan style, you write things that are borderline fabrications (i.e. the Bills drafting Trent Edwards because they had already made their decision on Losman rather than inferring that they had doubts about him), but your bias and conclusions reflect how oblivious you really are about sports and players. It's time to put your keepsakes in a box and clean your desk out, because your lack of talent, amplified by your hostile and partisan writing style, damage the sports pages in an otherwise honorable newspaper. from a lifelong Buffalo sports fan
  3. me thinks he means the nav bar at the top of the header. What about a tabbed format? One picky thing is that if you really want to go to TSW, you have to navigate from TBD to www.stadiumwall.com (list of all TBD Forums) to the actual TSW forum. If you click on TSW from TBD, you should go directly to the TSW forum, not a list of TBD forums. Clearly that's a good choice to have, meaning a direct link to TSW as well as a list of all TBD forums if you're making changes, that's my vote.
  4. read some of his other posts, here's a classic
  5. what a great quote from Vic: I love this guy, but not in a man-love, ball-washing kinda way mostly because he gave the Cheatriots a We'll C
  6. I watched this game and was glad when they made the adjustments later and you're right, it was too late. However, to say that is was DJ that refused to make the personnel change is simply ludicrous. You're saying Catavalos and Fewell wanted to make this change and DJ refused? Didn't realize you were on the sidelines that day... DJ is blindly loyal to his staff (like Fairchild) and players that he knows (like A-Train). That's probably one of his worst faults and the funny part is that it's correctable. Saying he's stubborn about listening to game day personnel adjustments from his assistant coaches and inferring that this happens a lot doesn't make much sense unless you can prove it.
  7. I'm not in MD, but I have a close friend with a few older PCs, I'm sure I could get you a system box, keyboard and mouse if we can figure out the shipping. Does it matter how fast, how much memory, all that?
  8. So in a word, Search. As soon as you reply to the initial post, it moves to the top of the list.
  9. Coaching is a double-edged sword IMO - DJ and company got those guys to play despite the injuries and all that. But crapping coaching lost games in the form of comatose offensive play calling, and at least in the Dallas contest, really stupid prevent D at the end of the game. Maybe Stroud by himself doesn't make the defense dominant, but the combination of overall improved DL by his addition, Poz playing the whole season, Mitchell, McKelvin, Simpson's return, and another year of playing together just might.
  10. There's this pretty strong perception on the board that the Bills will never resign their top CBs, they just wave bye to them after they develop and become playmakers. The textbook examples are Winfield and Clements. Maybe the media never figured it out, but I can't remember a single article ever written about the Bills historically not resigning key positions. That in and of itself isn't a big deal, just an indicator that it might not be a real important trend to worry about. JMO, but Donahoe showed a lot of talent to the door. Winfield was one of them. Ralph, Littmann, Marv and others have instilled a thrifty franchise that doesn't overspend, but opens the wallet when they perceive value. Not perfect by any means, but overall not bad at all. Dockery and Schoebel are good examples. Darwin Walker anyone? Clements at $80M? No, not in their opinion. McGee at $23M? Yes, that's worth it to them. Is McGee a pro bowler? Maybe not, but can anyone besides ExpertOpinion claim that Clements is 3 X better than McGee? Hate them if you will, the Cheatriots rarely pay the big bucks like they did with Moss. They plug-in relatively cheap, interchangeable parts and let the Asante Samuels-types walk. The difference is they have Scott Pioli and Belicheat. He's a really good judge of talent despite his lack of social skills, ethics, and flair for fashion. What the Bills do with Lee Evans should be telling. Does he get Kelsay'd, hometown-discounted, or does he walk? As opposed to looking back at over multiple administrations to whether specific positions were being resigned, we should look at the team's overall success (lately and over the next few years) in keeping their star players or at least bringing in pretty damn good replacements on a regular basis. It's too early to tell...
  11. let's see, because the experts didn't have them on their mock drafts, we're gonna be the worst team in the league? fer sure, let's start scouting who we'll draft in 2009 now
  12. hope you're being sarcastic as well, cuz Charlie was fired by Bob McNair
  13. he's a damn good athlete check out NFL.com very aggressive and great ball skills
  14. yeah, I listened again to the question, it was about a receiver being a reach, but the sentiment was the same. "we don't pay a lot of attention to what the so-called experts think, how can it be a reach if yesterday the same player ranked totally different?"
  15. Modrak said they weren't worried, saying that he is such an athlete that he gets his hands on balls that many others wouldn't, and many of his dropsies aren't really catchable. Yes, he said he dropped a couple, but not a big deal. He also said what a great problem to have, your corner has his hands on the ball and maybe doesn't catch it.
  16. yesterday on Bills Brass on McKelvin Tom Modrak made a great point when asked if Leodis was a reach and says a lot about the Bill's draft strategy... He basically said I'm not sure what a reach is anymore; a 1st round is a 1st round. Come on, 6 picks! (some draftniks rated Leodis at 17 I guess). These guys change their mock drafts every day, so... what is a reach??? Sounds like they pay some attention to what the experts say about mocks to get a feel if a particular guy will be available or not when it's their turn, but that's about it. seek forward about 1/3 of the way to hear this part
  17. maybe the collective experts don't think the WRs are that good or deserving of a 1st round choice
  18. interesting story about the tense moment last year in Bills Draft Room when they wanted to pick Trent
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