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Everything posted by In-A-Gadda-Levitre

  1. yes totally agree, but why wouldn't he have told Goodell yeah, I taped it, but I gave the tape to Joe Schmoe?
  2. darn it, you're right, I'll change it ESPN Gods Claim This Chapter of Spygate Might Be Over
  3. no, Walsh never said that, nor did his lawyer. It was the Boston Herald that said a NE Cheatriot's employee taped a walk through and people assumed they meant Walsh. Apparently Walsh watched the famous walk through and told an assistant coach a couple things he noticed, but he never claimed that he taped it or that he had a tape of that practice.
  4. ESPN is reporting that Goodell said no new information had come to light as a result and indicated that the Spygate scandal had run its course.
  5. yes, I agree. I meant it would change things considerably if the affected teams stood up to the NFL and said this is so wrong, they had an unfair competitive advantage and we want xyz.
  6. 6) The teams that are affected won't push it, because they want it to go away. Witness the Steelers. Not one team has stepped up.
  7. I'm a diehard recycler and this is some pretty heavy stuff. I'll admit that I learned some stuff I didn't know, but a lot of has to taken with a grain of salt. Yes, trees are renewable, but how many years does it take to grow a tree before it can be used for paper pulp. Comparing it with potatoes is kinda silly, but I get their point. Their expert doesn't impress me. You can always find academia that debate conventional wisdom, like the idiots that claim global warming is a farce. Funny stuff though...
  8. You're right, Reed is the clear #3, unless Roscoe steps up during training camp and the preseason. Johnson has a pretty good shot at making the team though.
  9. You can always move the Vonage device wherever you want or get a second box, but that's not always practical. A good way to go would be their softphone setup that let's you call from a laptop or another PC. It's $25/month unlimited calls to US, Canada, and some western europe landlines.
  10. the bandwidth contention is based on many factors, like your connection speed, the ISP, the connection to the resource you're trying to download, time of day, etc. yeah, of course I had to power cycle the router, made no difference. sounds like you're lucky or I'm unlucky...
  11. yep, count me as #4, it can, but there's a few downsides to any VOIP service: 1) If you lose internet connectivity for whatever reason, there is no phone service. 2) You compete for bandwidth on your broadband connection, so just about any type of download activity on computers that are sharing the same network connection can significantly hurt voice quality. This could be something as simple as a web page automatically updating itself. If you typically do a lot of Peer To Peer transfers, watch YouTube, listen to internet radio, or do file downloads, this can be a major problem. 3) I've noticed that VOIP service doesn't always recover well from temporary losses in internet connectivity or power. It has happened with two different VOIP service providers. This means after your power or internet service returns from some momentary outage, there is no phone service, because the VOIP adapter doesn't initialize properly and you have to call them on a cell phone to get them to manually restart it. I will admit that going to a separate VOIP device (as opposed to the integrated VOIP/Router that they supply) has made a huge difference in this respect. I strongly recommend Vonage, just be aware of the tradeoffs...
  12. now this is starting to make sense. Mike Fish from ESPN infers that Goodell learned they were cheating since 2000 from Walsh before the deal was cut. The commish goes public with the 2000 date, they give Walsh pretty much whatever he wants to cover his butt, he delivers tapes from 2000-2001, NFL says yeah, we know that, case closed. Perfect plan to minimize damage and move on.
  13. this is something I previously posted that explains the "rule" and the "memo".... The NFL press releases indicated that the rule stated "no video recording devices of any kind are permitted to be in use in the coaches' booth, on the field, or in the locker room during the game" and that all video shooting locations for club coaching purposes "must be enclosed on all sides with a roof overhead." So the word is that Belicheat interpreted this as you could video tape in the category of for "club coaching purposes" in certain locations during the game and they could video tape in other places as long as it wasn't for use during the game. Then Ray Anderson (the NFL exec VP of Football Ops) sent a memo at the beginning of the 2007 season that, “videotaping of any type, including but not limited to taping of an opponent’s offensive or defensive signals, is prohibited on the sidelines, in the coaches’ booth, in the locker room, or at any other locations accessible to club staff members during the game.” This could be interpreted as they can videotape another team's signals but they can't do it from these locations, or anywhere else that is "accessible during the game." Yeah, it makes zero sense that his guy could standing there taping Jet's defensive signals and not be in violation of the rule, but that's their story. My guess is that Goodell gave Belicheat a pass for violations prior to the beginning of last season and spanked him getting caught during the Jets game, which occurred after the memo came out clarifying the rule.
  14. this is a head scratcher. The league already knew they were cheating since 2000, so is this new evidence, or just confirmation of what they already knew?
  15. Fox Sport's Peter Schrager awards Kawika Mitchell his Larry Brown/Jason David award
  16. IMO, the NFL's crown will not get tarnished unless somehow it gets out that more than NE was cheating. If they can limit the collateral damage to the Cheatriots, in many ways they control their destiny based on the way they handle it. The agreement with Walsh allows him to keep a copy of most everything, so if the league tries to destroy the evidence like before, it will rise from the ashes to haunt them. The most likely outcome is that Walsh has incriminating evidence such as tapes and NE manages to create a reasonable doubt that he did it without the blessing of Belicheat, his staff, and Kraft. They will claim that he did it on his own and he will state that he was following orders. Then it all gets down to who will corroborate Walsh's claim. That's the real question in all this...
  17. Interesting factoid about Peters going down, Got Proof? Maybe we had the worst 3rd and 4th down conversions because we had the worst play calling in the league on 1st-4th (punts and field goals are given a get-outa-stats-free card) Let's see how the pass blocking changes in 2008 with: 1) a bona fide #2 receiver 2) play calling that doesn't send a jumbotron-sized message to the opposing DC about how to stop the Bills offense 3) using Marshawn Lynch as a receiver out of the backfield 4) allowing the QB to audible
  18. huh? There were never reports that Edwards outplayed Losman in training camp, and of course TE played the majority of the preseason games. If you actually count stats in these meaningless games, TE played against 2nd, 3rd, 4th stringers and FAs or rookies who never made their respective teams. Losman opened the season as the starter, so if Trent was soooo much better in training camp and preseason, why didn't he start?
  19. Entry Word: supposition Function: noun something taken as being true or factual and used as a starting point for a course of action or reasoning (see assumption, conjecture, and theory) have you seen him play or even watched highlight reels? at least make it appear as if you have some facts on your side
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