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Everything posted by In-A-Gadda-Levitre

  1. Kevin Mawae talks about the NFLPA and the CBA "We can get this done," Mawae said about the working relationship between owners and players. "But this isn't just about rookie salaries. For us it's about G-3 funding for stadiums, better benefits, retired guys, easier access to treatment for retirees, giving us an even bigger percentage of the total revenue, giving us more pensions, bigger salaries, guaranteed contracts. There is a lot to talk about. We have to talk about it all." I'm sure a lot of this is just bs, but scary if they really believe it. The owners wanna pay them way less and they want way more . It's gonna be a wild ride.
  2. gee, all these years I'm deluding myself (with the all the other unwashed lemmings) into thinking I live in a democracy. Now I learn that quoting Abraham Lincoln is nothing but soundbytes. Color me indefensible...
  3. naw I hate trolls, and closed minds that just wanna blame washington for all their woes.
  4. wrong burger breath, it's a democracy of the people, by the people and for the people. Laugh all you want. It's just sad that you're such an angry old man.
  5. Last I heard, we lived in a democracy, not some socialist wasteland, where a higher authority gets to decide what the people want. It's a bummer we're all unwashed lemmings, altered and controlled by scummer lib politicos and enviro groups. Have a decaf dude. You're way too stressed out.
  6. yes, but think about it this way... Kraft is a hands-on owner who's very involved with the team. So imagine Jeremiah Jones goes on IR and of course Kraftie is absolutely aware of this. Two months later JJ is out there practicing. Kraft almost definitely sees him on the practice field and he has to know. Of course this is total conjecture, but I have a hard time believing Kraft is oblivious to practicing injured players.
  7. No, it is still streaming but there is a storage medium in the box (chips or a hard drive). You request a movie, it sends the beginning to the box and you sit down to watch. As you are watching, the box and software are requesting the rest of the movie and it's stored (buffered) as it's received off the network. Video on Demand or PPV doesn't require a DVR recorder to watch a movie. That is also streamed to the set top box and buffered in similar way. The key fact is that you don't have to wait. A feature film is gigabits in size. Regardless of your network connection, it would take many minutes to download and play a movie. Streaming is inherent in all of this.
  8. You are basically correct and ISPs like Comcast have invested heavily in tools that allow them to see what users are doing and how often. The advantage of the box is that it buffers the content, so you don't need a whole lot of instant-on bandwidth. What will happen if 100s of thousands of Netflix subscribers buy this box and start watching movies is hard to predict. I think the reality is that the vast majority of customers will sit down, watch a movie for 2 hours and then go do something else, so we're not going to turn into bandwidth hogs. Activities like P2P downloads and lots of YouTube end up using much more over a longer time frame.
  9. This is not about some silly poll that asked a few hundred people what they thought. Every poll (except in Fl and AK) overwhelmingly said Don't Drill in ANWR. I guess there's millions of fools based on the answers that came back. So, in your view of the world, our elected officials are supposed to ignore consistent, statistical evidence that the American people don't want it and authorize drilling anyways? Other than polls and voter referendums, how exactly is congress supposed to gauge public opinion on important subjects? I agree it's a huge problem, it will take a lot of little things to turn this around, and we need to start now.
  10. interesting, I had read some of that, but never the exact wording he used at the time... Anecdotally, in 1986 I worked for a computer systems company. We were doing a beta test of a very early router, and our partner was a college in Michigan that was gonna try it for us and see if it was ready for prime time. We had internet then, but only a few companies, universities and the military were connected. You couldn't use it for commercial purposes at all. We wanted to FTP (file copy) the software update to them instead of sending a tape or CD via Fed Ex. We had to get all kinds of lawyers to decide if it was legal or not. Eventually they decided it was ok since we weren't selling anything. Years later congress passed legislation to allow commercialization of the government net and history was made. It was a big joke about Al Gore at the time, since the internet itself had been around for so many years and the technology for the www came out of CERN in Europe, so how did he invent it? Looking back, it was very important legislation to change it's purpose from a closed research network to the open Information Highway.
  11. yes, but there's many things that effect the value of the dollar and in 10 yrs, we'll probably be consuming way oil than we do now if the trends continue. The problem is that historically the vast majority of American people didn't want to drill there. Not just liberals! Maybe in 2008, the sentiment might be different. I haven't looked at those polls in a while.
  12. Obviously you're in denial about most of the problems facing this country and you sell the American people short for assuming they're as blind as you. Responding point by point is a waste of bits, since it will fall on deaf ears. Independents who follow McCain are probably no better than GOP congressmen and women that drank the Bush/Cheney kool-aide. Now they're fighting for their respective political lives. Democrats don't have all the answers and will probably screw up their share of issues in 2009 and beyond, but they're orders of magnitude ahead of the destruction of American ideals, our economy, and our leadership on the world stage we have suffered at the hands of the GOP. Together we can probably fix anything, but first we have to agree there's a problem. Watch what happens when Democrats sweep the White House and the congress in November.
  13. Well, there's a few holes in your big bang theory... * At $200B or so per year for Iraq and another in $200-$400B in McCain tax cuts whose costs are verified by his own staff, how in the hell do you pay for it? The answer is significantly increased deficit spending. And please don't quote your trickle down, supply-side theories. That's like Clinton telling us we're gonna return to the same economic prosperity we had during her husband's terms. $200-400B for more tax cuts that mostly target the wealthy and large corporations? That'll work in 2008. NOT! Obama will cut the tax for middle class America and raise taxes for the wealthy. Yeah, nobody will vote for that, will they? * 76-80% of the American people hate the war in Iraq! They won't elect another president who will continue the same failed policies. * Albatrosses? Most of what plagued Obama is old news and Americans don't wanna hear about it. Reverend Wright, flag pins, Bill Ayers, Bittergate? Come on, I really do hope the GOP tries to run a negative campaign by highlighting these tired stories. It will fall on its face, and sounds like McCain already knows it. Wait till all of the flip flopping by McCain is reinforced on a daily basis. Or great ideas like his Gas Tax Holiday. I'm guessing that Obama is rubbing his hands in anticipation of a debate with McCain where not only does he lose his temper, but spews all of the attributes of a 3rd Bush term. * The Republican brand, philosophy, tactics, and strategy are in the toilet; worse than any other time in modern history, with the possible exception of Watergate. They are not only gonna lose the White House, they're about to lose 20 or more seats in Congress. * Americans are also sooooo tired of the old school Washington, DC, with its powerful lobbyists and special interests. They want a change and that change is embodied in Barack Obama. Will he be successful? Impossible to say, but he's got a shot at making a huge difference in the way Washington has operated for way too long. * The isolationist, tough guy, and lack of diplomacy (for the most part) foreign policy strategy has made America the enemy and the laughing stock of the world. It will take many years to repair our image and achieve success in our foreign policy initiatives after the damage done. Attacking Obama for wanting to negotiate without preconditions is laughable given the failures of this policy in the past 2 presidential terms. What's even more funny is that the current administration did the very same thing they ridicule Obama about with Sudan, a country they tie to genocide. So all that experience in GOP-style foreign policy is a liability, not an asset my friend. There's so much more with respect to the economy, energy, and business as usual... You can throw all the dirt you want about left wing politics, Obama, and how great your holier than thou conservatism is, because you're not only gonna lose, you're gonna lose big time.
  14. The CCD is pretty much inside every modern digital camcorder and many digital still cameras
  15. NASA is not the origin of digital computers, but their requirements in terms of speed, size, weight, non-destructive memory and lots of environmental characteristics accelerated the development of todays small, fast computers that are based on semiconductors and external storage. There's many books dedicated to the subject, have at it. I guess I never realized that space exploration and research is "wasted billions"
  16. I totally agree with all this. Of course she didn't mean any harm. But at this stage of her life, she needs to start having accountability over her own actions and how they're perceived. A more genuine response would have worked wonders in the Damage Control department.
  17. The most amazing part of this is her pseudo apology. She doesn't say she's sorry to anyone except maybe if she offended someone to the Kennedy family. Freaking amazing what this woman thinks and says.
  18. Joe Biden's response I haven't always liked this guy, but he's dead on in his op-ed. Maybe vying for Sec of State job.
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