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Everything posted by sodbuster

  1. We should have kept two punters on the roster. No way can one guy handle this workload alone.
  2. Man, all the hate in this thread for the Screamer. I love my craft brews, especially IPAs and sours, but half of the beer I have on hand right now is GCA. It's really the only "cheap beer" I'll buy anymore.
  3. When you finally get it, you're gonna put a palm sized bruise on your forehead.
  4. Looks like she's probably playing LB in the video, so I have to assume she's part of the defensive staff.
  5. Wait, did Kyle say his oldest sons name is Harrison?
  6. Still not as bad as his "heritage" monologue last year telling United fans that they should be used to losing in Europe.
  7. Out of everything I saw tonight, this was the most depressing. They actually found a way to make Billy even less intimidating. Disgraceful.
  8. Everybody wants to cut back on the number of preseason games. Guys need to be able to practice... running to the correct sideline?
  9. Did you read the articles? Boyd didn't have a foundation set up. When he eventually did, Bills fans threw a pretty big gob of cash his way. Seventeen years. Heaven forbid people take a little extra time to enjoy finally becoming relevant again after an entire generation worth of disappointment. Why are you so critical of how others consume this entertainment product? Lighten up, you're taking a game way too seriously.
  10. I grabbed a Watkins jersey at the goodwill yesterday just to do this
  11. Yeah. There are way too many gamedays now. It used to be just Sunday, then Monday night, and it was special. Now there's Thursday night, all day Sunday with three, sometimes four time slots if theres a London game, then Monday night. The NFL is like that girlfriend that is way too emotionally available and you lose interest in her.
  12. You made way too many grammatical errors to get away with so much condescension.
  13. I wish more people were like Steve. Well, the way he was, not the way he is now. Actually... now that I think about it, maybe some people could be more like the way he is now.
  14. Yeah, I'd want to get away from Todd Haley, too. Everything I've seen about that guy makes me cringe.
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