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Al Cowlings

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Everything posted by Al Cowlings

  1. Why would I want to punch him? He didn't do anything to me or my family. I get the Brady hatred, most good players who lead the life that he does (rich beautiful wife) gets their share. To me Gronkowski comes across much more as a cocky jerk who needs to tone it down a bit. I think Brady has built up the time in this league and has been a model citizen. Plenty others in the NFL that need to have their character questioned.
  2. what tone is set? that we can't win by playing by the rules and have to do something like that? Why are we even talking about this-wasn't this D-line going to be the thing that ended the patriots streak and kept Brady awake at night? This board has gone from ploclaiming the DL as the next great NFL defense to taking late hits to rattle a QB.
  3. Maybe the players don't feel the same about dirty plays and cheap shots as ignorant fans like you because they actually have to play the games. That means they don't want to have to deal with dirty plays from other teams and chances of career threatening plays. There may be some bad blood towards certain players and teams in the league, but overall these guys respect one another. I am not a big Brady fan at all but should he apolgize to the Buffalo fans for winning so much? What brings about this kind of hatred? The hotel comment? If so, answer me this, isn't it the truth?
  4. Hardly say that Pittsburgh was garbage in 1990, they went 9-7 and missed playoffs by one game. They went on to have a pretty good run in the 1990s and the past decade. Let's face it, Buffalo has been a laughing stock for most of its history. A couple of playoff years in the early eighties and then a great run in the 1990s. Outside of that its been miserable. At this point they are all by themselves with regards to haplessness for the past decade. This shouldn't happen in a league that has a salary cap and prides themselves on parity.
  5. They are both retread coaches that no other team would even look at as a head coach. But, I'm not sure what NFL coach could win in this league with QBs like Losman, Edwards, and Fitzpatrick leading your offense.
  6. Cleveland, Oakland, and Jax have all made the playoffs this century. I think we are the worst.
  7. Pretty pathetic list of places to dine. Only thing worse than Buffalo's restaurants are its hotels.
  8. Hold on, Brady and Fhitztragic's numbers were almost identical? I'd say there is very big difference you ate leaving out.someone had 4 ints and someone did not. His yards are all dinks and screens that have huge YAC totals. It make' s a DC's job pretty easy to prepare v. Buffalo. Time to admit to what he is-a career backup.
  9. OK, so I don't get overboard with all the hype and I am not a Bills fan. I'm guessing I've been one much longer than you.
  10. who have they shut down this year? Please let me know these great DL from KC and Cleveland.
  11. With Kelly it became a failure for everything he did after his career. He wanted to move to NC and get into NASCAR-fail. His ESPN career was a disaster. Bar, night club-fail. His Super Bowl appearances were huge -fail. This is want Buffalo wants helping to run this franchise after Ralph dies? Good luck.
  12. Yes, coming a catch away from a Super Bowl victory sure is mediocre. What do you call the other 30 teams seasons last year, a disaster?
  13. I wasn't referring to intramural Frisbee football or the traditional Thanksgiving touch football game at the park with your old Pop Warner buddies.
  14. So I guess he should have stayed around Buffalo and done nothing with his life but wave a Bills flag around (what Jim Kelly is doing-after he failed in every other post career venture.) How come everyone forgives Kelly for the ultimate Buffalo diss (pooting about having to go to Buffalo) but has problems with Fred Smerlas?
  15. The goal was to stop the Wildcat in week 1??? BTW, Jamaal Charles was hurt, far from stopping him.
  16. "Wanny" give me a break. What a loser. Great analysis from someone who probably never played a down of football in his life. I am surprised that you haven't gotten any offers for a NFL D-coordinator job. You basically just created a plan to beat a team and QB who have been on a great run for 10+ years.
  17. WNY will never have a good college football team. There are no good high school players around and they can only get the scraps from other areas. The fan support is a joke as well.
  18. and people wonder why everyone in the country thinks Buffalo is Darwin's Waiting Room.
  19. Sad thing is that this is not true of every NFL venue. So many of WNY's degenerates attend these games. Its embarassing. I'm sure the young crowd will make fun of me for saying this, but the crowds there have gotten so much worse. Will never bring my son there until he is over 13, and unfortunately the Bills will be gone by then. There are no hot chicks in WNY. The ones that look like lineman are the majority. Perfectly put, and so true
  20. A lot of this was done in Garbage time against the Jets and against what looks to be one of the worst teams in the entire NFL. Let's see what we do against NE. Cleveland should be a W as well.
  21. I agree with everything that you say. This is the year for the Bills to make it in a wide-open AFC team. there will be some very good and upstart teams in the NFC who will not make the playoffs this year because it is such a strong conference.
  22. Yeah, looked horrible against UB. He's not even the best QB in his own conference.
  23. Yawn. So you really think that this is going to get into the way of LA getting a stadium built? Even so, they will find a way to get something built there. Heck, the Coliseum is just as good as the Ralph.
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