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Everything posted by Garion

  1. gree secondary was the story. Wide open receivers and Gilmore being picked on repetitively.
  2. Tons of negatives but Gilmore getting picked on consistently was one of my bigger disappointments amongst many
  3. I had some pangs of hope. Six minutes left down by fourteen is doable with an onside kick. Failed onside and another jets drive .
  4. Not much to take out of it but run blocking looked as good as I can recall seeing it for a long time usually a bills rb is getting hit in the backfield multiple times a game.
  5. For those interested in the book . Here's a link from the front page http://buffalonews.com/article/20120908/SPORTS/120909613/two-bills-drive
  6. On topic I asked my wife for a copy because I liked armed and dangerous. Think I saw a link about this on this board on Wednesday
  7. It's like classic republican trickle down economics cut the taxes on the rich to below that of the rest of the country and bang the rest of us get richer! If you will buy that line of reasoning I am not sure how you can balk at putting money into the middle class can't accomplish the same thing
  8. Or to show players (and maybe fans) who complain about rules trying to discourage higher risk hits. Football is "about being a mans sport" sound pretty hollow if you have seen players like Everett and Byrd almost lose their lives for it.
  9. Heck yes. This board is great but the offseason topics/arguments can get a bit . . . Ridiculous sometimes.
  10. Put me in the (apparently small in this thread) groupr of Bills fans who think Marv is our favorite Bill of all time. I get the counter arguments above but is there anyone else who could have managed the personalities of those bickering bills and meld them into a veteran mutually supporting team? Bruce/Kelly/Thurman in particular could have been major personality problems on man other teams. Marv's eloquent devotion to the best of sportsmanship, and the historical context of the game (including quite literally history) is still inspiring to me. Those bills teams had incredibly consistent excellence (until the superbow of course) that really has only very rarely been matched even by other HoF coaches. While I don't think he's a great GM again if we are going to damn him for Whitner give him credit for Jackson (and Johnson maybe?) The issue though when he came in was Wilson flailing around trying to find someone to fill a gap -as the fitful process of hiring Chan showed Buffalo is not a landing spot most folks in the NFL will willingly go. I'd rather have had Marv and that collection of 90's Bills than Jimmy Johnson/Jerry Jones and that group of 90's Cowboys. I'm proud to be a Bills fan I don't think I could have been proud of that Cowboys team - which were a reflection of their coach and owner.
  11. Nice analysis what strikes me is how a team that has been consistently good for the last decade the Ravens has gone through a lot of QBs pre flacco to get to 8. They were good before him but were churning through QBs.
  12. Good post and they still don't know what they have got. If he is a legitimate starter he would have been worth a first in hindsight.
  13. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buffalo_'66 Agree with almost everything said by others. See the link for a movie our bills club members passed around when it came out on DVD ten years ago
  14. I watched this topic with some interest and frankly thought many of the folks in it had blinders on to the harmful things nfl players do to themselves currently. Take a look at this espn article for some perspective. It also includes stats on the percent of current nfl players using steroids. http://m.espn.go.com/nfl/story?storyId=8285375
  15. Silly poll you could have just listed the busts from those drafts or even just the four players drafted immediately behind The Bills picks. Re the TJ trade take aloof at how many of succesful teams like (the Pats*) picks from rounds 5-6 have made the team. If you think low talent team is a better comparison take the Fins. After the first three rounds your chances of being On the team in three years drops dramatically
  16. I am not a big TJackson an by any means but I like the fact the FO decided our backup QB plan isn't working lets pull the trigger to get someone else now. Given that fe low round picks make the team I am fine with spending it. Salary would have to be renegotiated in my book.
  17. Agree and that's assuming the guy pans out and other pieces come together. He looks like he will be good but is his projected future value worth say three probowl potential players? For Aaron Rogers or a young Manning or Brady probably yes. For a guy who -could- be the next Ryan Leaf no. In any case there is an obvious tendency to assume the QB is responsible for all a teams success and failures. If a team is dominant it's because they have a great QB. However I would argue a guy like Brees's career suggests you can go from being thought of as decent or pretty good to "elite" just by getting in the right situation in terms of supporting cast (and he had two probowl skill position players in San Diego) Brady is great but Matt Casel took that pats team to the playoffs in his season long absence. If Cassel stayed with that same NE supporting cast could he have done that several years in a row -probably. Would that make him top tier? Two years ago Matt Ryan was the up and coming star of the NFL and you could have started this thread with his name. now would you make a three pick trade for him? Too much cedit for their good year too little credit for their mediocre year.
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