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Everything posted by FireChan

  1. Well your topic title seem to insinuate this should be compared to other recent cases.
  2. I never read that. I assume you're talking about the Polian thing?
  3. I've had experience with NYS coming after me after moving as well.
  4. What kind of comparison are you trying to draw here? I hope not that the definition of excessive force doesn't change between a 90 year old guy and a 20 - 40 year old one.
  5. I have to admit, Hughes' play against the Browns was eye-popping. The cap space argument is valid to me, but I personally don't see another option besides a lucky "revival" of a backup guy. There's always going to be negatives to moves. Hell, Sammy had negatives in terms of the trade. But without taking a shot, without taking a risk, you'll never find out if the player was worth it. Like Russell Wilson being "too small." I hope we aren't sitting on the couch next year going, "That guy was available? Why did we not get him?!?" I have no idea why.
  6. Cutler went to the NFC Chip in 09. I compare him to Flacco and Eli because I think all of their games are similar. I can see him getting traded because A. there's been smoke and B. they are entering a total rebuild, need cap room to maneuver, and he hasn't won a Superbowl, like you said. The post Greg is referring to is here. You may agree but think the contract is too much, which I get. But I think he fits as the kind of guy we need. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/175139-bills-gm-wants-next-coach-to-revive-ej-manuel/page-21
  7. Damn, I really thought I got some believers. Anyway, I like Hughes and think he'll be good. But my point was if he wants some huge contract, maybe we are better off with a lesser player that Rex can maximize and spending that money elsewhere. Sort've like, "Rex is so good at defense, he doesn't need a billion dollar defensive line," you know?
  8. I get your point. But we have Rex now. Hughes was a nobody before Pettine's system, which was Rex's system. Will his loss really be felt? TE depth? What TE do you want who is going to be a difference maker? Hell, Cutty got Martellus Bennet to triple his production when he joined the Bears. We could see the same thing happen to Chandler. Guard? A little more troubling, but I assume we're going to draft a guy in the second round for that spot. Bottom line, you see a QB who can play at a high level, you get him. The Ravens would take Flacco and his ginormous contract over TE depth and G's in a second. And, I believe his cap hit is radically smaller in 2016. Which means no worries for Dareus or anyone else.
  9. You're right it may be a little overblown. But you look at the other positions, he was high on some of the offensive players talking about game planning and other things. It's clear that Rex thinks EJ is a question mark IMO. Yep. He's a guy that has shown he can play at a high level and I don't think he'll be too expensive. Whaley is no stranger to giving up some assets for playmakers and guys who can get us over the hump.
  10. You can really say it both ways, but one way doesn't sound so bad and the other sounds bad.
  11. Because Doug allegedly slammed the org on his way out and went out classlessly. The subtle shots are hypocrisy for most of the guys. Maybe not Fred, because he's about as loyal as you can hope for, but the rest of them? Everyone wants loyalty on their own terms. You aren't very talented, but you gave your heart and blood for the team? "Cut him, he sucks!" It's fickle. At the end of the day, it's your family vs. your team. I know everything gets romanticized these days but it is a business. No one took shots at Byrd when he bounced for the cash.
  12. Oh, totally agree. He's gotten time, and he'll get more time to show us if he has that. I wasn't applying that to EJ, just as a general thing. With the injury cut season and the development plan thrown out the window for the playoffs, he's got extenuating circumstances. I just haven't seen it yet.
  13. Sancho is getting further and further from that point where a QB shows he can rally the team and dominate. It usually comes in the second season based on some of the QB's we've talked about. I think if a QB doesn't have that "light you up" potential, they'll max out as Alex Smith-type QB's. They can manage the game, make most of throws and not ooze incompetence. But you need more luck to win with that guy, because the team around him needs to be extremely competent. Which, in the salary cap era, is very difficult. Flacco/Eli gunslingers can make their own magic and bring the team past their talent. Alex Smith will never do that IMO.
  14. You're right. But yes. If 4 QB's go this year, next year may be like 2013. A bunch of very late prospects, and all the QB needy teams with a guy or two. As a business decision, I'd go. From what I've heard, Cardale's tape is impressive. There's injuries, not starting etc to worry about next year in college. If he transfers, he has to wait two years. Go. Get paid. I haven't seen going back for one year be very beneficial. Risk/reward.
  15. How many community college students do you know? How many 18-20 year olds do you know? How many of that group have a realistic outlook on their career and lifestyle?
  16. The point is that Schwartz took over a much worse team, and that's going to negatively affect his winning percentage for comparison purposes. I think you can admit that. Can you really fault Schwartz for the only 0-16 team in the Super Bowl era not winning 9 games?
  17. Thanks. Also, SB, sorry for bringing up and focusing on specific QB's. It just kinda flowed that way.
  18. I wonder how his averages would've changed without putting up 13 points in the 4th quarter down 40.
  19. The thing about "consistency in the playoffs" is that the teams that win the Superbowl are not always consistent. Joe Flacco isn't consistent. Neither is Eli. They both have had great games against good opponents, and really bad games. Short of hitting on a top 5 generational guy, you want a guy who, at his best, can play great, and you accept that he's gonna have some games or years where he'll play worse and fall short. Flacco is a good QB for this reason. He's had great games before, but whether it's luck, streaking or what have you, he put together a couple of his best to win a championship. So did Eli. And both of those guys have had really bad years as well. Rodgers, Brady, P. Manning are all great because they are consistent. A down year for one of those guys is an above average year for a Flacco/Eli QB. But Flacco/Eli both have the potential on any given Sunday to outduel one of those guys if they play well. That's the kind of QB I want to target short term. That's why I want Cutler. His season stats are a little above average, but not spectacular. I get that. But is there a available QB with a better chance to throw for 400 yards and 4 TD's on a random game? If you had to pick one QB out of the guys available for trade/FA, who gives you the best odds of winning a shootout against a great QB? That's the main reason why I, personally, don't have as much faith in EJ as I would like in delivering a Superbowl. He's had some good performances with good team performances, no question. But I haven't seen him elevate to that point where I go, "Woah, we could outscore anyone with EJ playing like this." I know it's a tall order, but I wish I had seen that. In short, I want a guy who has had multiple "hot" games where he's flat out dominated. I don't care about his lows. Consistency be damned. Just give me someone with a shot to play at a Pro-Bowl level for a game. That could be enough, with some luck.
  20. Rich Cimini @RichCimini Follow Hearing that Todd Bowles' four-year will be at least $16 million. Chan Gailey, out of football last 2 yrs, will be his OC, per source. #nyj
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