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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Asians are superior race of fish. Their STEAM* education is far more advanced than those lazy salmon. Pffft... Breed once and die. That's not a hard worker to me! *Notice I added "A" to make: STEAM from STEM? The arts & humanities matter to. "Cultural realease" for the purpose of a prosperous future matters too! ?
  2. On one hand you claim MNF was tamest ever, yet then say buffoonery exists. What is it? Yes... MNF, games in general are tamer than they were 30 years ago... But society has changed. I still beg to differ. The atmosphere on The MNF game against the Pats** was still more electric than the rest of the League. You saw the lots right? And Bills suck! Lost... Going to ANY game in Indy is tame. Sterile.
  3. Priceless! I would have pushed it over the edge sooner... But you two guys told me to sleep on it. LMAO
  4. That was a decade ago. LoL... Like we will see another one. The elites, big markets stole those games.
  5. Danke! I just got a phone call from one... Was totally unreal! I just go native and start interrupting all over the place... Can sniff it quickly out! I used to stutter... Still do at times. So I get all nervous and starting throwing words out. I know I get flak for it, but bots don't wear their heart on their sleeve and interupt. Maybe someday they will! I know you are not a Bot! LoL... Yet... Funny thing, when I resolved the ticket issue to Pats** game I was chatting with a guy @ Bills. He could have been a Bot??? I did square away my TicketMaster account!
  6. No. But okay. I think I am catching on. LoL...
  7. I agree. I am doing this in urban driving. Every space available. A commute will be rural to urban. Once I get rural, open... I go right. Stay right.
  8. Okay... Somebody please translate. I am 50 years old... Don't know what this means. But I wanna be hip to the tech! Help! A Millennial stat! I need a Millennial! Is there a Millennial in da house! Go slow... Walk me through, I am a fast learner!
  9. I am with you. Just being sarcastic. Mocking the people whistling out their ass: Actually. It is much easier just to trample over a right. And practical too. Not saying I am with it AT THIS POINT.
  10. It's obvious we need metal detectors and stadium like security check points when hanging out at a bar. Or... Infringe on my constutional right to bear arms. Simple. No writing letters. Tell the bar to install security. Or... We can always infringe on people's rights.
  11. Yeah... Then they grow up to light up a yoga class @ 40. You can't win with these male hormones.
  12. I was just there. That sucks. Like going to a hockey game. Indy is so sterile. Yay! Shopping at TJMaxx downtown! I find watching game on TV is unwatachble. The game is too far gone, wrecked with all the tech, rules, replays. It's better being at game. Everything has become so sterile. Being there actually is the last hope.
  13. 1996 was pre-internet? Ok... Maybe in Nairobi. ? When did it get the internet, 2011? Sorry being a wiseazz... ?
  14. Keep on the look out for Bills SuperBowl Champions gear! I always pool ALL my resources on Madagascar, then launch my plan for WorldDomination from the city of Antananarivo. Hasn't worked yet... But I Trust the Process©!
  15. Yeah... Not sure. Or single and "that's what he does." If you schedule, book early... I guess it can be done reasonable $$$. I guess all about choices and what you choose to do, enjoy?
  16. Always gotta have dickishness*. The Internet was massively built around that. *Is that a word?
  17. Tailgate. The social aspect. Games on TV have become unwatchable. "We are stardust, we are goldenWe are billion year old carbonAnd we got to get ourselves back to the garden" /Thread At Tailgate. I talked to one Guy who flies in from LA for every Home Game. He was @ MNF. Was going back in morning and coming back for Bears Game. Not sure if He's on this Board... But that's a shut out to Him! X2 ThumbsUp!
  18. So basically you feel like Vontae Davis out there. Kudos, at least you acknowledge it the proper way! ?
  19. I mean I agree, but how can safety practices not be as sharp as they can be? Your either safe or not?
  20. If it wasn't for the rape thing and being a Grade A douchebag... Yes. But no way now. Have a nice life scum bag.
  21. Same here. Except the part about the wife shooting off the back porch. She grew up in Lackawanna off of Abbott. First time visiting Our Son at camp, she met Him @ the range. I had to calm Her down that it wasn't just a free for all on the shooting range! LoL... Far Left Libs!
  22. The Pats* stole 5, are they Champions: EDIT: Throw Nick Foles on thumb...
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