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The Tomcat

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Everything posted by The Tomcat

  1. The sound echoing instead of being absorbed by people actually has something to do with it as well. [gets books slapped out of hands by bully.....NEEEERD!] It is awesome isn't it. I wish I was there. https://sites.psu.edu/siowfa15/2015/10/18/what-makes-a-sports-stadium-loud/
  2. I dont like it. He will NOT get a call later. Officials dont like be made fools of.
  3. https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9yc3MuYXJ0MTkuY29tL2NocmlzLXNpbW1zLXVuYnV0dG9uZWQ/episode/Z2lkOi8vYXJ0MTktZXBpc29kZS1sb2NhdG9yL1YwL1JDcUlBSHRubUdsNkV5LW9RU29pak5BVk14TEpKeWt4THhsanJDSW1xcG8?hl=en&ved=2ahUKEwim_7uJv57uAhXEF80KHSOSAnQQjrkEegQICBAF&ep=6 HA.....same one
  4. There were at least a dozen people there. I was afraid it might of been a super spreader event. Thanks for looking out for world Browns fans! You know the players are comparing that to the Buffalo fans they saw. (Congrats though)
  5. Да воссияют футбольные боги в Орчард-парке. Счета!
  6. There needs to be a 3rd option. I need to get to AFC Championship to make it feel right.
  7. They’ve also requested interviews with Colts defensive coordinator Matt Eberflus and Chiefs offensive coordinator Eric Bieniemy.
  8. check pristine auction https://www.pristineauction.com/auction/index/search/?category=&term=cole+Beasley&show_options=0&sort=newly-listed&status_active=1&type_hall_of_fame=1&type_holiday=1&mystery=1&drop_ship=1&type_ten_minute=1&type_daily=1&type_classic=1&type_weekly=1&type_art=1&type_coin=1&type_sports_cards=1&type_elite=1
  9. Division No. Superbowl, oh yea. When Cinci scored and they beat Baltimore I had to turn away. That moment hit me good.
  10. As a hunter, I've loved the Bills schedule this year. Its given me more time in the woods during deer season. No joke. That said, I'm sad I can't be at the stadium during our rise as a football team. I need to smell burning hot dogs, stale beer (rookies) and to wait in line at the porta potty even though the designated porta potty for "ladies only" has no line. (respect that boundary boys). I need to eat a chicken wings out of a filing cabinet and blow the horn after my foot hurts from throwing a cherry liquored bowling ball on it. I wanna fall into a pair of tickets the day of the game when a blizzard is coming and make it there an hour before. I want to get a couple pair of tickets for when my son comes home on leave from the Navy. I miss it, I miss everything about it. Let some of us in Cuomo! For God's sake LET US IN! I need it, I want it...... It makes me feel alive! -end rant, Go Bills!
  11. Thx...I bid on something! shhhhh I don't want people to know.
  12. This hair is really heavy on this side...better put it in a man-bun to balance it out
  13. it isnt that bad....needs some refining but id give a c+
  14. After the missed tomahawk chop the Cardinals player lands on AJ's earhole.
  15. Not sure he'd be allowed to play here...fighting with a former Carolina player is grounds for permanent banning! Fines DATE TEAM GAMES SUSP. FORFEITED REASON 12/01/2018 $26,739 Unnecessary Roughness against New Orleans (NO) 09/21/2018 $10,026 Fighting with Torrey Smith (CAR)
  16. can be a $350,000 stipend if your high risk. a “high-risk” opt-out, a designation that allows him to collect a $350,000 stipend and an accrued season. Players not granted the designation receive a $150,000 advance on their 2021 contracts and don’t accrue a season. Interesting what the accrue - don't accrue plays into each players stituation
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