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Everything posted by TwistofFate

  1. I keep wondering what was going through McDs mind as he watched that.
  2. He gets my game ball today... This was one of many hilarious poses he did today.
  3. Jesus, it's like these team are just giving up....we continue to break their will week after week.... I love it.
  4. Rambo!!!? Give that kid an award!!! Best acting I've seen in years!
  5. What they should really do is compile a couple different artists from different genres and put it to a fan vote. Voting should begin at the start of the season and continue until mid season. Let the fans decide who should be performing at half.
  6. Aside from Moss' burst, power and balance, the main difference I've noticed is his vision and decision making. It's much faster and more natural than Singletary. Motor seems to never create. He tries to ram in a hole that's visibly not there. Moss seems to feel the flow of the play and anticipate lanes opening. Moss definitely needs more action.
  7. Getting pressured with four is a joke. You should be the most calm being pressured by only four guys. He has the receivers, he has the mobility, he has time. He has an all star WR corps around him. He simply needs to hit his target. Shitting on Cosell is foolish, he knows what he's looking at and has watched more film than half the people on this board combined. His assessment is correct and honest.
  8. He's had plenty of clean pockets. He's had time to throw. He's simply not hitting targets. Every metric in the world is backing up the fact he hasn't looked good. I hope it changes, especially because we are now invested in him for big money. But let's not pretend he's doing fine, he's not, and it's OK to admit it. I really don't want to go back on a quarterback carousel so I pray he gets his ***** together and he doesn't revert to what he was the first two years. It was wonderful dominating teams last year and going to an AFC championship and I don't want to be in the basement anymore.
  9. https://nextgenstats.nfl.com/stats/passing#average-time-to-throw Going to leave this here. He has time, he's just not connecting. I hope this gets corrected soon!
  10. I was spoiled last year and this year has me questioning my position. I'm not throwing in the towel yet, I need at least half a season of mediocre play to justify a fluke season last year, but I pray he doesn't revert to historic numbers.
  11. Because this isn't the wild west and they aren't in a saloon. Act like the pro you are.
  12. Then what does it have to do with? He hasn't looked good in back to back weeks.
  13. I hope he snaps out of it...i don't want to go back to not liking him. Maybe he should have actually played in preseason.
  14. Dawson Knox did it again today. Another big time catch. It really looks like he put in a lot of work this off season. Proud of him. I really like the kid, tons of heart.
  15. I thought Allen's bad game last week was an anomaly, but damn, he looks bad. I hope this isn't Fitzpatrick 2.0.
  16. Play calling and design looked very weak today. Nearly every play seemed to be covered like glue leaving many tight contested passes. Run game was again non existent. We didn't make impact plays when the chance was there. 2 turn overs and a blocked punt for a TD ended us. On to next week. Positive note.....Rambo looked improved.
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