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Everything posted by TwistofFate

  1. Rightfully so...he was an impact player this week and that's all that matters.
  2. We have had disadvantages, but it's irrelevant at this point. We still have to make it happen. Every team deals with set backs via injury, covid, schedule changes, etc. The thought process now is....beat New England's ass.
  3. They've done one piece on him, agreed he wasn't playing the best, but it wasn't as bad as it seemed. They blamed a lot of it on scheme, saying it put Edmunds in tough positions to react quickly. Has the thought ever crossed your mind that offenses are attacking him specifically and putting him in these positions purposefully? While I haven't given up on him, I expect more of him given his draft status, length of time in this defense and type of season he had last year. A first round pick has certain expectations to live up to and thus far he hasn't been the IMPACT player he was supposed to be. The only reason my eyes have specifically been averted to Edmunds is because of Devin White from Tampa Bay. I've watched every Tampa game this year and that second year ILB is literally everywhere on the field blowing up plays and creating HAVOC. He is making impact plays every single game. He's also in a division where he's facing Kamara and McCafferty. Which is no small task to handle for a LB. I'm just not seeing those kind of plays from Edmunds....and it's concerning.
  4. Just watched the KC game again. Edmunds was directly responsible for two Chiefs Tds. He got shook by Kelce one time in coverage. The second time was on Helaire TD run because he was out of position and hesitated to hit his gap. He also missed an opportunity on an interception...it was a tough grab, but his hands were on it.
  5. If you really want to see what a 1st round LB looks like, watch Devin White from Tampa Bay....all the kid does is make plays...impact plays....since his rookie year last year. That is the expectation I have for Tremaine. I hope he gets it together and gets it together quickly.
  6. Pro Bowl caliber linebacker should make that play. I appreciate the effort, but he had a B line. Missed open field tackle in space along with slow closing speed. If there wasn't help over the top it could have gone for much more. He over shot the play. Thanks for the input.
  7. Things definitely improved in the second half for the unit as a whole, including Edmunds. They didn't run much in the second half though, it's like they completely abandoned it, which put us in more coverage schemes along with pressure. We were much more aggressive on D and the front 7 played way better. They plays I chose were stand out plays to me which showed a spotlight on Edmunds where he had opportunities to make some impact plays. There were others plays that didn't look good from him but I chose to not include because they looked like it was a break down of multiple assignments which put him in awkward situations that he probably shouldn't have been in.
  8. This is a highlight reel of the 9 worst plays from Tremaine this past Sunday. While there were others, it was hard to say if they were on him or not. Plays were there for him to make on the those plays but I chose not to add them because they were't "blatant." These plays are plays that show his misdiagnosis of plays, being bullied out of plays, not capitalizing on opportunities and over running plays. For the record, I'm not anti-edmunds, just becoming increasingly concerned about his play on the field moving forward. All players have bad games and I'm trying to keep things in perspective because of the season he had last year. I just really feel a first round talent should be making much more of an impact especially in year 3.
  9. I'm working on a video now, will be up soon. You can decide all decide for yourselves.
  10. Yes, and with the penetration it initially looks like the whole play is going to be completely blown up. I'm going to try and put some video up later.
  11. The thing that bothered me most was how many times he shot gaps to make a play in the backfield and simply ran right by the running back.
  12. Went back to watch Edmunds and the defensive front 7 specifically. Edmunds was really bad. Edmunds shot gaps many times and completely over ran the backs where he was more than capable of making stops for a loss. He was pushed around easily by linemen and could get off the blocks. His play has been questionable but he was really bad on Sunday. Update: I made a quick video of the 9 most blatantly bad play from Edmunds on Sunday-
  13. Bingo....and we must move forward with this. We don't have the talent to just rush 4. We brought heat from everywhere in the second half....backers, safety, CB. I watched Gases press conference and even he said it was too much, we really brought the pressure in the second half from everywhere.
  14. Singletary was drafted because of his jump cuts and ability to gain yards after contact. He's not the fastest RB, but it's hard to hit holes when defenders are in the back field the second he takes a hand off. I think we really need to start hitting him on swing passes out of the back field. He was wide open multiple times yesterday and Allen didn't really even look his way. Amazing how much different he looks with a line that can block....
  15. The format I'd like to see evolves the kicking game. 1 OT period in its current format, if it ends in a draw, flip a coin. Winner gets the option to make a field goal from 52 yards or defer. You have the option to attempt a 52 yarder to win it, or defer for a chance at a 42 yarder if it's missed. These games need to end in a w/l. I'd like to see sudden death come down to a kicker and add more value to the position.
  16. He shredded us the first game we played last season completing nearly 80% and 300 yards. Second game not so much. He was average against us in 2018 and shredded us again in 2017. Belichicks defense didn't have our number, our terrible Qb play was our demise. Bradys "decline" was mainly due to lack of offensive weapons, which is evident by what he's doing this year, well into his 40s, with an entirely new team, system and coaching staff. Each week he's getting even better as he gets more comfortable. There's really no doubt in my mind the Patriots would not be 2-4 with Tom Brady. Would they be perfect? Probably not, but they definitely wouldn't have a losing record. I'd put them at least 4-2 with Brady.
  17. I don't think we will make a trade, and it wouldn't bother me if we don't. We have what we have and will have to deal with it.
  18. How's his team doing this year? And before we hear about covid nonsense that everyone is dealing with, as well as injuries, I'll throw it out there. Brady was NE, not Belichick. I think Belichick gets waaaay too much credit. It was Brady out in the field continuously shredding defenses and throwing dimes all over the field. 2 minutes in a game and Brady with the ball struck fear in anyone with the lead. Belichick wasn't executing out there, Brady was...over and over and over again. We've met our demise at the hands of Brady for decades. Some of his best games were against us, and according to him, his best game ever was against us. With Brady gone, I know we have the best shot ever to take this division, regardless of Belichick.
  19. He's not the best ever. Tom Brady carried that team for years. They would never have had the success they did without him. While Cam was throwing multiple ints yesterday, Brady put 5 tds on the board. They will never have the success they had without him again, and Belichick will be exposed as a coach who succeeded simply because he happened to have the GOAT as his Qb.
  20. Yea, a washed up Brady who was holding them back put 5tds on the board today. Brady was NE and they never would have been what they were without him. Belichick is overrated, I always thought he was. Brady was throwing dimes all day today all over the field. I can't wait to smash NE this week, it's been a long time coming. Our boys better get it done. This is by far the most important game on the schedule for me. Changing of the guard must happen this week.
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