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Everything posted by B-Large

  1. Yep, just don’t ask him to challenge plays…. He was terrible… but otherwise, played KC very tight…
  2. KC’s window is now and closing, the Bills are just entering theirs…. We’ll get ours…
  3. Fire Frazier, bring in Vic Fangio. Played the Chiefs tough in Denver, they just couldn’t score for *****.
  4. The kickoff decision and the 4 guys on the line should get someone fired… maybe even killed… just kidding, but two terrible unforced errors
  5. This stung, but know the Bills have like 15 years of shots at Ships with that guy… the NFL needs to change that rule. Both team get a drive, the only asterisk to an game for the ages
  6. Chiefs offense is better.. more playoff experience… Allen is dope tho
  7. My inclination is the Bills will win a Super Bowl when Josh Allen isn't expected to carry the team in a big way. This season is a step in the right direction with the emergence of a consistent running game and a very solid defense. Let hope Allen is plays well, but doesn't have to press all the time, and the rest of the team fills in. Keep in mind, while it would be annoying to lose this weekend and fall short... Josh Allen is going to be here for a few windows on Championship contending teams... chances are he'll get there, just have to be patient if it doesn't happen this year. That being said, I think the ups and downs of this season has readied this team to make a push. Feel good about this weekend...
  8. Could the AFC be any wider open right now? tenn losing to Texans? Bills losing the Jags? So weird
  9. Josh good or bad today? Missed the game and can’t check In much
  10. Broncos have essentially signaled they are looking to the future. Melvin Gordon could be had, has shown some great burst and quickness this season… Broncos need to begin piling picks, offer something for Gordon- 4-7’s might not make our roster anyway… he could help this team
  11. Miller wouldn’t be signed by Denver next season so getting 2 picks for him is the best move. Denver’s defense scheme had Miller in coverage quite a bit- he’s best when rushing the passer. Let him go play somewhere where he gets to do what made him a SB MVP. he will be what Demarcus Ware was for the Broncos 5 years ago… tail end of his career, but plenty to contribute to an elite defense. Denver is thinking QB 2023 draft, Paton is playing the long game. Melvin Gordon might be a guy the Bills should inquire about. I think he could be had and could be a nice addition.
  12. Those mongoloids we’re talking undefeated about a month ago…. Nothing like a chiefs loss to make the day that much brighter… it was probably and ugly evening for many after that embarassing loss at Camarohead…. Losers!
  13. They’re gonna get that kid killed. The whole offense is a dumpster fire, and the organization is utter trash. Darnold is all smiles now that he isn’t part of that disaster
  14. So was Allen good today? Seemed like the Defense was berserker…. Highlights showed some fun plays, but didn’t show his INT?
  15. against the best, you have to score TD's when given a gift- first series was just that... if you go for it on 4th and one with a 6'5" 245 QB... don't get cute..... don't take 11 minutes to punt a ball on your own 5..... I mean, correct those thee items and you win the game.
  16. we expected Josh to throw 50 times and be the bulk of the run game. That’s probably a loss against the best teams, and a banged up QB later in the season.
  17. it was like watching the same team that played the Chiefs to close out the year last season. Except the Chiefs have a superior offense to the Steelers.
  18. A gritty battle that was pretty much decided by a special team blunder. The officiating was a bit lopsided, and while that isn’t an excuse, unfortunately it often saps momentum and rhythm. I think it was just enough to slow down a very talented Bills offense. seems like a lot of people expected star wars from Allen and his offense. Against the Queefs, Squeelers and other top tier teams, the Bills offense will have to be patient and systematic to win these tight games. A yard or two better placed and a few of those long throws are pay dirt and we’re all talking super bowl again. Contenders lose their first games sometimes, it happens. A whole week to prepare to go pound Miami and get back on track. Wouldn’t read to much into Sunday… clean up your game and move on to the next.
  19. nor should it all fall on his shoulders. There are games when he has to be Superman, and that’s okay… but if they think week in week out that’s the plan, he gonna get killed.
  20. It’s gonna be a banner week, we’ll be entertained if nothing else
  21. steelers looked much more regular season ready…. And it showed in the second half…
  22. Over/under on a bench Josh thread? It could happen, it’s gonna be an ugly overreaction fest…
  23. This team wins 12 games, no doubt in my mind. this was a wake up call, you will see a different team next week… tho we don’t play the Steelers again so that helps too!
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