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Everything posted by Realist

  1. Alright, don't need anything but runs and short passes. No reason to go for a kill shot.
  2. He tried to split them. Would have been pretty good if it worked.
  3. That was a great drive. Lot of running and timely passes...and of course end with a great throw.
  4. It's like they practice against the opponents strength snd completely ignore the other phase.
  5. Von has been insistent about OBJ landing in Buffalo. I hope he's willing to restructure to sign him.
  6. Ok, this was a close one, first half I spilled turkey juice on my Zubaz. Had to take them off and threw them in the washer. Lo and behold, the Bills start playing like crap. Zubaz come out of the dryer put them back on, Bills win....you're welcome.
  7. Spencer Brown in the passing game is nothing more than a delay tactic. It takes the DE one additional second from not being blocked at all to get to the QB.
  8. Jumped on this thread to discuss the afternoon games...now I'm all depressed.
  9. Not too worried about NE's running game next week, however, our defense has made Goff, Brisset, and Zack freakin' Wilson look the next coming Tom Brady. I know we were missing a couple of guys but our offensive line was terrible against the Lions. Spencer Brown had a career worst game and I've already seen a bunch of career worst games from him prior to Thursday. If they don't get better, Allen is going to get killed back there or make some horrible mistakes. With all of our injuries, this going to be a very difficult game.
  10. If we're going to do that, let's take away Mahomes and Kelce and watch the Chiefs only win 6 or 7 games a season.
  11. Don't want to hear anymore crap about how great this defense is. Even the drive we got the turnover they were running right through them.
  12. Journalist and Warrow, two words that don't go together.
  13. Nope, sorry, not taking the blame on this one...this one was all on the team. I wore the same Bills gear, drank out of the same beer mug, sat in the same chair. This time it's on them.
  14. Prior to Green Bay, or BGB (Before Green Bay), Allen was pretty much playing smart taking what he was given, then would strike on a deep one. Now he seems to be going for the killing stroke even if it's not there and that's where the INT's are coming from, forcing the throw.
  15. I told my wife, this game will not end in a tie. Bills will go for the win no matter what, they won't take a tie. And I'm ok with that, unless of course the final play was something like 4th and 15 or so. But if we got it to 4th and 3 or 4, I fully expected them to go for the win.
  16. I have no problem with Allen, obviously he has to stop the boneheaded mistakes and thinking he can throw the ball anywhere and it will be caught. But if Allen was out and Keenum had to start we would have gotten killed. Pretty sure the defense wasn't going to show up just because we were forced to play Keenum.
  17. So Warrow tweets out of no where about internal issues and says I've said enough? Bullcrap, if he can't say anything more about what kind of issues because he's afraid of losing respect of the Bills, then maybe he shouldn't have said anything at all. Wouldn't the Bills be ticked he even said that much and not give him as much access? He's doing this so we all click on follow and read everything he has to say, it's all for clicks. I'm not saying it's all sunshine and roses at OBD, I'd be pissed if we just lost 2 games like that as well, but for Warrow to just throw that out there and say he said enough is crap. I've lost all respect for him.
  18. Was on a plane during the game, didn't even wear any Bills stuff. God I suck!
  19. This, I agree with. I'm not saying we need to become a blitzing team, but on occasion you have to bring in extra guys to mix things up. Especially need to do this against a QB like Wilson who everyone knows folds under pressure.
  20. This is what I don't get as a fan. As just a fan, I don't need to make my week miserable digesting what happened after a crappy loss. The actual team does that. I get to move on with my life by looking at Vikings information and praying Allen is ok. The entire team sucked last week, I don't have to stew about it, the coaching staff is not going to take any of my suggestions.
  21. Oh sure, next thing you'll be telling us is there is no such thing as a trap game.
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