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Everything posted by Boludo

  1. ya fitz to stevie is played out. the league has seen him run that slant a hundred times and the other wrs dont draw much attention and overall other teams are doing a good job of limiting him.
  2. He's not going to lead the league in TDs at the end of the season, and everyone knows it. He does have a legit shot at leading the lead in interceptions (again), though.
  3. Yes Cassel is 100% in the mix and I meant to include him and somehow forgot him.
  4. He is on track to lead the NFL in interceptions for back to back seasons. He has reached his potential and has no upside. He has stretches of competency but has a tendency to make bad plays in the big moments. Who could potentially be thought of as having a worse QB situation that the Bills? Weeden - He looks bad so far, is tied with Fitz with 7 picks, is already 28 years old as a rookie, and generally seems in over his head. Sanchez - I'm not sure when exactly the Jets will finally admit he's a bust and move on, but they eventually will and Sanchez will then hold on to a backup QB job for a couple more years before being bounced from the league for good. Bradford - He has never had a solid group of receivers to work with, but he has had plenty of time to show improvement and doesn't seem to be going anywhere. Honorable Mention: Jake Locker, Ryan Tannehill, Michael Vick No matter how you slice it, Fitzpatrick is undeniably one of the worst QBs in this league. It's hard to take the Bills seriously as any sort of legitimate threat with a QB situations like this. The QB situation has been bleak since Bledsoe. Nonetheless there has been no emphasis for a decade in the draft or in free agency to bring in a top flight QB. Draft a QB every single year in the early rounds until you find someone! Everything else is secondary.
  5. i'm glad they cut him it should have happened during the offseason moorman was a great bill and was an all star at his position for a while but the rest of the league has caught up with him and surpassed him last year he was marginal at best he's simply a below average punter at this point in his career thanks for the memories brian you will be remembered fondly but its time to move on
  6. of course this is an illegal hit under the new rules if you can't immediately recognize that you need to adjust your understanding of today's NFL rules ASAP
  7. outlawing kneel downs is ridiculous a team could run a HB dive three times with very very very little risk if the back was instructed to go down and be ball secure at the expense of yardage but at the end of the game on meaningless plays there is a high risk of someone taking a cheap shot at someone else, and also injury concerns this can all be avoided by simply taking the knee
  8. i am in favor of having good players on the football team. Jennings is a good player, so I would be happy if he was on the team.
  9. He is what he is at this point in his career. He was a bad draft pick and has value as a reserve DB and returner. He could probably make one of the final roster spots on most NFL teams but couldn't really start anywhere.
  10. stevie cut him. it was borderline dirty since he was coming sorta from behind and the side but it wasn't a hugely notable one by any stretch, just happened to result in an injury this time.
  11. if i could somehow get someone to take this action i'd bet it all on the under last year he led the nfl with interceptions at 23, and that is less than 1.5 per game
  12. after this week id like to soak his beard with gasoline and put a match to it
  13. peyton would have NEVER come to buffalo even if the bills could have paid him $50m/year somehow
  14. 2009 was pretty bad - that was the Monday night game against New England with Brady coming off injury where Leodis fumbled the kickoff at the end to lose the game and they spray painted a penis on his lawn This one stings a bit less since it wasn't a last minute heartbreaker, but it also leaves me with a much more hopeless and empty feeling. What's the worst opening game YOU can remember?
  15. peyton and ben have superbowl rings fitzpatrick cant operate a razor
  16. Ralph is the owner. Littman, Brandon, Overdorf, etc seem to run the front office. Nix is the GM. Gailey is the coach. --- If Gailey doesn't do his job Nix can fire him. If Nix doesn't do his job the execs can fire him. But the execs CONTINUE to do a bad job year after year after year. Who can fire THEM? Answer: No one. Not Ralph, he is far too old to be involved in meaningful franchise decisions. Littman/Brandon/Overdorf know this. They fail at their job and give themselves pay raise after raise while holding the fan base hostage with subtle threats of moving the team. Why should anything ever change?
  17. by "solid" do you mean "overhyped", "underachieving", and "ineffective"?
  18. see WHAT coming exactly? that fitz sucks? of course they saw it coming. anyone with a functioning eyeball could see it coming. he led the nfl in interceptions just last season
  19. wow you predicted the bills wouldnt be an elite nfl team? thats so sick bro how did you know? man you must really know your nfl did you predict the dolphins would lose to the texans today? cuz if you called that one too it would just be spooky
  20. you are comparing the bills to the packers, saints, and giants? wow the packers lost a tough one to one of the best teams in the nfl. the giants lost a tough one to a solid cowboys team. the saints are dealing with a huge amount of offseason turmoil. all three of those teams were in the game right until the end. it's not that the bills lost, it's HOW they lost. fitzpatrick is a bottom 5 qb in this league and the "improved" defense looked just as bad as ever.
  21. On one hand, everyone knew Fitzpatrick wasn't an elite quarterback. During the offseason, however, I managed to forget he was the guy that led the entire league in interceptions last season. Looks like he is on track for back to back titles. The Bills will never go anywhere with this guy at the helm. On the other hand, the defense was supposed to be hugely improved on paper. The highly touted defensive line got almost no pressure on Sanchez, the linebackers were invisible, and the secondary was a disaster. The poor outing by the defense was overshadowed by Fitzpatrick's standout failure, but looking back perhaps the defense was the bigger disappointment due to the hype and letdown.
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