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Everything posted by Boludo

  1. Dalton looks pretty good - I would MUCH rather have him that Fitz. I mean, by a WIDE WIDE margin. Everyone knows that young QBs don't always work out - but also sometimes they DO work out! All I want is a reason to have some hope and enthusiasm again.
  2. lol what else are they supposed to say? you can't put enough lipstick on this pig i guess it beats "hey guys remember marino and kelly? that was cool right? well this isn't that but please watch anyways"
  3. just because you imply that you have secret knowledge doesn't mean anything it's the internet, lots of people do that anyone that has seen wilson speak in the last couple years can use some common sense
  4. For someone like Cowher or Gruden it would have to be a dream situation for them to come out of retirement, they would obviously never consider Buffalo. If you think otherwise you are delusional. Even top HC prospects around the league, such as hot coordinators or what not, are very unlikely to come to Buffalo if they have any other options. For Buffalo to get a good HC, it needs to either be a season where there are several emerging coordinators and only a couple teams changing their HC, or else the Bills need to take a flyer on someone young and upcoming and hope it pans out. Either way, they need to do SOMETHING and bring someone new in. Once you know there is nothing there, you might as well move on. I mean, really, c'mon - hasn't this whole Gailey thing turned out basically how you thought it would when his name was first being thrown around for the job?
  5. How good is it to be a Colts fan right now? One of the best things in all of NFL fandom is having a young quarterback to root for. You live and die with every throw, scrutinizing everything he does on the field and charting his growth. There is so much hope for the future, the sky is the limit. PLEASE BUFFALO DRAFT A QUARTERBACK! Remember when it was FUN to root for Losman? Hell even Edwards seemed cool for a minute. It just feels so hopeless with Fitzpatrick.
  6. ralph can barely form a coherent sentence he has only a vague awareness of the status of the team and his weekly phone calls are nothing more than a nuisance and formality that OBD deals with the notion of ANYONE in the bills organization being accountable for ANYTHING is a joke it doesn't matter how bad fitz is or chan is no one is going anywhere
  7. OP - it's a sisyphean effort to try to convince people around here that QB is important the majority of this board can't admit that QB matters, fitz is bad, wilson is bad, buddy is bad, chan is bad, etc. but this is not really a message board where knowledgeable NFL fans post
  8. If you respond to this topic saying you won't really follow football much if the Bills leave town, you really don't get or appreciate NFL football at all.
  9. I also did some research, and here are the results of my studies: Percentage of Demographic that Highly Values an Elite Quarterback Winning NFL Franchises - 100% Average NFL Fans - 90% Buffalo Bills Fans - 50% Bills Management - 0%
  10. If they move you won't be a fan? It sounds like you are a fan of the crappy city of Buffalo moreso than you actually care about NFL football. Some people are fans of the players, coaches, and the team itself. To each their own.
  11. Who else is really looking forward to the bye week? A full day of watching NFL football without having to deal with the frustration of watching the Bills? Yes please!
  12. welcome to the last decade of Buffalo Bills football
  13. ... then you drank the Kool Aid. Yes, the defensive line looks nasty on paper. However: - It's still the same coaching regime that fielded one of the worst defenses in the league last couple years. - The linebacking corps is arguably the worst in the NFL. A washed up Barnett is the best linebacker, and is surrounded by a bunch of middle to late round unproven young players. - The cornerback group is arguably the worst in the NFL. Gilmore has great potential, but Williams looks like a bust and McGee is way over the hill and McKelvin was never good. Let's rewind the clock a few seasons and look back at what the Bills defense looked like in 2008, when they had a middling defensive unit: DL - Schobel, Williams, Stroud, Kelsay, Denney LB - Posluszney, Crowell, Ellison, Mitchell DB - Whitner, McGee, Greer, McKelvin, Wendling, Simpson, Wilson, Scott DC - Perry Fewell That DL was at least as good as this DL. That LB crew and DB crew were far superior to what we have today. Fewell was a good DC and currently is the Giants DC and seems to be doing well there. If our defense a few years ago was in the middle of the pack, and even on paper before the season started was MUCH better than this year's defense, why on earth would anyone expect the great things from this year's defense? The only way to immediately turn around a poor defense is to bring in an elite DC/HC, and the Bills have neither. There is good young defensive talent on this team but it is being wasted and their growth inhibited by this incompetent coaching staff.
  14. who the hell knows if the defense played well and fitz played ok and they ran the ball well and won the game i wouldn't be surprised but if fitz turned it over 4 times and we lost by 17 i wouldn't be surpised either
  15. gilmore is solid we will be happy with him williams is a bust tho unfortunately
  16. his art isn't that good looks like it would win a high school talent show or sell a few paintings at small art shows but not much more
  17. doug flutie was fun and entertaining and was a winner. he wasn't among the elite qbs of his day but he was better than the majority of qbs that have started for the bills. ralph wilson is one of the worst owner's in football if the main criterion for judging is an owner's impact on the on-field success of the franchise. this is all very old news.
  18. 49ers franchise record today with 621 yards of offense. They passed for over 300 yards and also rushed for over 300 yards. Amazing. Not even the 49er greats such as Waslh, Montana, Craig, Rice, or Young could manage to pile up 621 yards of total offense in their Hall of Fame careers. Kudos Chan and Wannstedt for being a part of history!
  19. Gailey is proven bad, Philbin is likely bad, and Ryan is quickly sliding from good to bad. What division has worse coaching staffs? The AFC West can make a pretty good case.
  20. Top NFC East NFC North Middle AFC North NFC West NFC South Bottom AFC South AFC West AFC East Overall the NFC seems to be playing at a much higher level than the AFC so far this season. There is a pretty reasonable argument to be made that the AFC East is the worst division in football this year. Three of the teams have uncertain QB situations, it's the only division where all four teams have given up 90+ points this year (other divisions are at one or two and only the NFC South has three), and the marquee Patriots appear to be on the downward cycle of their dynasty. How do you rank em?
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