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Bleeding Bills Blue

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Everything posted by Bleeding Bills Blue

  1. Sounded like the smart scheme. You don't blitz an andy reid team. Unless you want to give up 40 yard screens all game. We didn't get any pressure and smith broke contain multiple times. They also gashed us in the run game. That comes down to the LBs and depth linemen. IK, Carrington, Bryant all had miserable games.
  2. I would go for 2 to tie the game.... 100 out of 100 times in that situation. Not even factoring in the carpenter miss.
  3. Agree. It's hard to think about play calls, tendencies, and all that. All while people are probably jabbering in your ear about something else completely. I personally think challenge's are stupid. Just have a couple booth reviewers like they do in college... review what you think is close. Don't have the ref run off the field, just radio in the call.
  4. THIS. I hate being kicked off the field. Or getting a huge turnover, and immediately kicking it for 3 points. It starts with run plays getting stuffed, and it ends with a lot of questionable 3rd down playcalling.
  5. I mean just random ones that fantasy "pros" etc. post online.
  6. Ban it or don't - I honestly dont care. However I don't play, because I realize that it is entirely luck-based. Sure there can be skill involved in picking a lineup, but i can just pick a random lineup i saw someone else is using and still beat you. Not to mention, there are probably hundreds of people doing this for a living, and they're probably really good at it. And they probably play lineups in tons of contests. Oh and for the "its skill based" argument, why are the commercials designed to tell me that I can win? I'm not skilled...? Am i? If it's legal, just put more regulation into it. Look into the winners a bit, etc. I for one think online poker should be legal too. The reason it isn't, was most likely cheaters (and not greasing the right politicians).
  7. I still absolutely detest the 3rd down playcalling. I'd also like to see more passing on 1st and 2nd down. Not a ton, just mix it up a little.
  8. Not to agree or disagree, but to be fair to tyrod - he does drive the ball down the field a lot more. Tannehill doesn't throw more than 3 or 4 yards beyond the line of scrimmage.
  9. I though i read that the money commitment would have made it difficult to swing. But hey, that's next seasons problem.
  10. Running the ball is great when its working - but we are far too passive in even our passing game sometimes. When we lined up in creative passing formations - mccoy as a receiver, 5 wide - there was space to make things happen and we got some first downs. It also makes the defense adjust to different formations. When were this bunched together shotgun with 2 wide, we almost always check down since the receivers are like always in fly routes. That or we check into a run on 3rd and 3 or 4. Or call that stupid roll left disaster play. Romans third down calls are just awful lately, no hitches, no outs, no slants. Everything gets all weird and fancy instead of just - beat your man. I'd like to see a quick easy passing call that allows us to get to the line quicker too. And the lack of screen calls is pretty bizarre. I know contain rushes can play into the lack of screen calls since people are tending to stay home more... but they blitzed a decent amount in that game and we like never call screens to beat that aggressiveness. Better put that in against KC or we're gonna get beat up.
  11. He'll probably be fairly cheap for as long as we'll have him. Unless he has some sort of huge breakout campaign.
  12. It's a really annoying problem. Lining up late means you can't make adjustments if your play won't work. You're forced to just go ahead with what roman wants. The running game has definitely benefited from his calls (mis-direction, cutbacks, traps/veers, sweeps). But if there's like 25 versions of essentially the same play, it gets confusing in the huddle when people have no idea how to line up. Then there's 25 different run options, with different blocking schemes, different pulls. It gets messy really quickly. This is all before we even line up on the field, and see how the defense lines up. The 2 minute offense should only have plays on the wrist band - and they should all be designed to get the ball out quick and line up quick. Clocking it should be an option, as should screens.
  13. With the attitude of many WRs coming out of college, his is a nice breath of fresh air. Keep him around - at least he puts in the work. He's a depth guy forced to learn all the roles on the offense (Z,Y, Slot), and play special teams. He's also pretty big - which is good for a running team.
  14. I seem to remember Thigpen fair-catching balls at the 5 yard line - and everyone saying "what the hell are you doing?". But maybe being cut 5 times will teach the guy to mind his surroundings a little better.
  15. We hadn't had a first down in a few drives. I consider it a force for that reason. Maybe the read is right - but i still try to get a first down on a higher percentage play.
  16. Maybe they were showing a play where we forced it to sammy despite other options?
  17. Don't reach for one. We've got holes all over the roster. Grab an OLB or DT for our 3-4 defense. Grab some Oline help. Wherever there's good value. Sure we could use a better QB - but so could every team that drafts ahead of us.
  18. I was 11 when i watched that game, and i remember it pretty clearly. We didn't line up for the extra point we were so pissed off.
  19. New England takes a lot of what he did at Oregon actually. Having a HOFer at QB helps a lot with playcalling though. They also rotate their OLine like no one else ever has before. The biggest key that they do is teach every guy how to play multiple spots on offense, so they never have to sub anyone and can hurry up whenever they want to.
  20. I'm thankful that we don't have St. Doug, Chan, Jauron, Mularky, or Greg Williams at the helm. Rex isn't perfect, but he's probably helped bring in some decent talent. As well as a couple of prime-time games. Whether we end up in the playoffs or not - its pretty cool that people talk about us again. I remember when we hired st. doug, my brother texted me "who the hell is doug marrone?"... And probably the same thing for every other one of those hires I mentioned.
  21. Yeah - Patriots are a perfect Heel champ. They cheat - but they have the clout to get out of everything they do. And we're just some crappy local jobber.
  22. I just remember watching them early on and it looked like... EJ in the preseason. Bradford had 0 time, and any plays he made were like miracles. The running backs all looked like crap since they were being hit 4 and 5 yards behind the line of scrimmage. I'm sure they're better now, but it didn't look promising.
  23. Looked through just some basic numbers. Houston has attempted the most passes in the league - buffalo has attempted like the 3rd or 4th fewest. We also average about 50 yards more rushing per game. Hopkins gets targets because he has to - they cant run so they pass much more frequently. We've also had some big leads to protect several times this year, and running the ball well was much more of a priority. We both have turned the ball over about the same amount - but EJ was involved in several of those (and could be involved in more if Tyrod can't go... Oy vay). I still feel like we take care of the ball better in general than houston though. For our team - this is good, we don't have a star QB. We also have a top 5-10 RB in the league. Passing that often with Hoyer/whoever at the helm is also why i don't see Houston as a playoff team unless they win that cruddy division somehow.
  24. not illegal - the rule book kind of states that he can be defenseless, but it mostly says you cant hit him in the head or the knees. So similar to roughing the passer rules.
  25. I think he didn't have a good game, but there were also some plays that make you believe. The 2 scramble first down passes were legit throws, that no one else we have would have made. The deep ball accuracy was way off last night, and that sucks since teams are stacking the box against us especially in the 2nd half. But to call him "Trentative" because he checks down a few times is pretty tough - he threw probably 5 or 6 fly routes in this game and most of those reads were correct. He played... bad, and we were still in the game. I'd take that over playing Fitz bad, and turning the ball over with lower percentage stuff over the middle. I hate close games, but it seems like were built to play close games. Sucks - but Tyrod might actually be a good option for the type of offense we're going to run. My biggest thought is he needs to tuck and run a few of those read-option plays though in the 2nd half. The read's were to keep the ball and beat them to the edge, and he handed off for a few no gainers.
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