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Everything posted by london_bills

  1. Decide sooner rather than later whether Allen has it or not. Otherwise they go down with Allen if he's not good enough.
  2. Good Post. Interesting read. 1. Allen as a gunslinger. This goes against McDermott's nature. He wants to win games. Something is different with Allen but I'm not seeing the presence and consistency of a top QB even if he has been reigned in. 2. I get concerned that mcdermott neglects the offence. Surely as a defensive expert that qualifies you to know what's hard to defend.
  3. The very best thing the bills can do is follow their plan but draft a QB high again.
  4. I would agree but they need to act on Allen sooner rather than later.
  5. The incompetency of the last drive. We didn't look a capable team.
  6. Answer is when their record is 8-8 or worse. That's when you start to see the plan failing. I say this aswell as judging the performance level of the team. The performances haven't fully been there yet they have a winning record.
  7. There's this whole development vs winning games thing. Why not let Allen throw to win the game for development? Mcdermott played safe to tie the game. Can't say he's wrong but there is a conflict.
  8. Good Post. Orton may well have got this team to more wins. As much as I'm not sure about McDermott I think he needs some credit for a 6-3 record. I agree that being exposed can be a good thing to an extent but it is a difficult thing to comprehend a total rebuild again. It's hard to see the bills getting better this season, at the moment anyway. You mention a new QB. Can this regime survive a QB change? I think its understandable that a project QB may not work out but will Beane and mcd be judged on Allen. And can mcdermott fire another OC, probably not.
  9. Well it was a different plan then last week against the browns 30th run D. Its a difficult one when you see beasley was open on the last play of the game. Obviously Allen decided to give brown a shot like against the jets.
  10. Not really although the pass seemed to take ages to come down He is late. End zone to Knox a split second earlier is a TD.
  11. They make a huge difference as to taking control of a game. Such momentum shifters
  12. It was the kind of nervous pass that Allen throws sometimes at the beginning of the game. He often starts 'nervously' is the only way I can put it. An easy throw for a QB and he misses it (brown could have caught it but it would have been a difficult catch) and we are 3 and out and punt. Inconsistency and often a lack of conviction when it matters. I am expecting more from Allen which may be unrealistic due to his skillet.
  13. There were good throws from Allen but only momentary things. I never got the sense that he is a QB is control of this team and offence and that he could lead them to win this game. I was hopeful on the last drive but that wasn't to be either. I actually thought he had very little presence today, aswell as not hitting all the throws. Really felt like tyrod out there.
  14. I disagree. The moment did look too big for him. The team needed more from that position.
  15. Yeah one of the main jobs of the OC is to design plays where people are open. I think he is doing that to an extent.
  16. He did look deflated. He had more of an attitude earlier in the season, last season against the vikings.
  17. I watched the pressers. Allen was great, such a cool humble guy but I don't correlate the 'needing to be better, putting the game on him' with him able to be better. Mcdermott did look angry about the long shots on 3rd down I thought. Why wasn't he called out for being meek on the last drive? Why didn't they go no huddle today at any point?
  18. I dont get the impression we are getting better as the season goes on though.
  19. Whilst I agree with the reservations about McDermott's defensiveness the wins have to be factored in. I'm not sure I want to can a coach who has a winning record!
  20. Won't happen. mcds record is a good one. IF They start to lose and the record is not good then there will be noise if they continue to play averagely.
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