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Everything posted by Smears

  1. I agree race isnt as big an issue in other countries. Sharpton and Jackson wouldnt have a purpose unless they perpetuate hate and inequality. Funny when that young cop in Rochester was shot in the back of the head by a black teen trying to join a street gang, whites didnt cry racism. I dont recall hearing Sharpton or Jackson calling on their young black communities to "rise above" this behavior. But it seems whitey has to walk on pins and needles when it is the opposite. Look up Pastor James David Manning
  2. Yes Im sure they have the means to correct their situations just like you or I. Maybe they can join the military and fight for us "successful" people.
  3. Cant we all just get along??? I feel too many people take it too serious....
  4. Gosh what happened to people becoming doctors for the good of mankind? I have a friend that is going to medical school and he says alot of the people that attend the school already have their car and rims picked out of a magazine once they start making money. People seem to chase lifestyles these days.
  5. Doesnt get more natural than that. Perhaps airbrushed would be your preference. One thing to complain about picture quality, another to be disappointed with her body. Shocking? Go to bed.
  6. I thought she would have looked better nude. Dont get me wrong she is gorgeous but just expected better.
  7. I want to believe this, but I dont. The way technology is, I would have to see it in person. Digital effects are getting easier by the day....
  8. I like the, " go to Europe " and " party as much as possible " advice. Soon as you start something (job) worth keeping it will suck you in, and then comes the family. By the time you are through you're 60 years old. I took a year off and saw the country. The things you learn from just experiencing new places will never leave you. Life sometimes moves too fast to enjoy.
  9. No. I dont think she is ugly though. Im glad someone that could use some good fortune won the lottery. Good for her. Just dont squander it on new cars and 3 houses throughout the country. Like that women in Michigan who was collecting welfare still because she spent her money on gucci sunglasses and hiphop jeans.
  10. I love how alot of the signatures were purposely scribbled because people were afraid of what would happen to them. But John Hancock wrote his in HUGE print so everyone could read it! Very brave! 3 former presidents died on July 4th John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and James Monroe.
  11. I was talking with a friend not too long ago about how he knew this girl from school "I went to class with her but we didnt have chemistry" that reminded me of the Rodney Dangerfield movie Back to School " Well why dont you call me when you have no class? "
  12. When I was 12 I think, I was riding the bus home and saw a role of money next to the curb at one of the stops. Even though I lived like a mile from there I got off and picked it up. $32 bucks! My first reaction was candy and toys. When I was traveling with a job after high school in Cudahy WI. Me and a man named Jim were doing some work in an elderly women's home. She lived alone. We found a wad of money in her floor joist. It looked as though it had been there for awhile. Yes I admit my first thought was to skim from it but I wouldnt have been able to live with stealing from that sweet old lady. Jim gave it to her and she was so happy. She told us her late husband was a gambler and he used to hide money from her. Some how the mayor found out and they put an article in the local newspaper. I think it was around $2500. She wanted to give us an award but we didnt take it. Thats a story Ill always remember.
  13. Wow sounds like I need to get a life. I learned how to play guitar and bass really well. One of my full time hobbies. ummmmmm I watched the whole North and South saga? Start to finish. It sucked. +2 screwed up the quote sorry
  14. Really. Hes getting old. He should put his ego aside and remember that he plays a GAME for a living. I hate hearing these athletes "problems". Petty tantrums.
  15. I read some blog on some website that calling it the "god" particle is offensive. People may find it hard to believe I guess. Also read that some doctor named Simoncini claims most cancers are a form of fungus that can be cleaned or treated with Sodium Bicarbonate. (baking soda) Also apricot seeds?? Im not an expert but its interesting to read some alternate views of treatment other than Chemo or radiation treatments. Im by far not an expert.
  16. I hope he doesnt get cocky like Revis and suddenly hold out every 2 years once (or if) he has proven himself to be an elite player. I like the pick. But he doesnt seem to be a people person.
  17. I feel bad for Trent. But, I seem to trust Fitz is going to do what he has to do. No matter what. Ill stick to the gun slinger. Trent never seemed like a leader. Go Buffalo!
  18. the 60's and 70's. When real men played real football. They werent paid enough. Poor guys. God bless em
  19. Met Jim Kelly one time at a grand opening of a mall in the early 90's he signed like 3 Bills rain coats, a football and a picture of himself. He had the biggest hands I ever seen. Hell of a nice a guy.
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