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Everything posted by Smears

  1. Fitz is horrible. Im starting to doubt his leadership. No emotion at all today. He either isnt a natural leader or he is in over his head.
  2. I said the same thing about having no emotion. I noticed that on their second possesion. Fitz was moping around, horrible body language which rubs off on the team. They werent upbeat at all. The game was such a joke that during the game the announcers were talking about the Tebow come back while the Bills were driving early in the 4th. What a joke this team has become lately. Wow. I dont know what was funnier seeing Fitz throw a dart to the DBs back or watching Spiller run sideways all game.
  3. I say put the defense and offense in the junk heap. Id keep Dareus, Spiller, Sheppard, Wilson, Nelson, Florence, McGee, Jackson, Chandler, Moats, Byrd, Barnett, Urbik, K. Williams, Levitre, McIntyre, Parrish, Stevie Johnson but not a #1. Maybe I forgot a few more but the rest to the heap. Another garbage gameplan, another emabarrassing loss.
  4. Cut Merriman, Troup, Bell, McKelvin, Donald Jones, Carrington, hell trade Stevie Johnson. They cant catch, are crippled, afraid, or too slow. Just off the top of my head.
  5. Playoffs are a start. Time to admit, we are not better than the Jets. They have beat us fair and square TWICE this year. What Johnson did was funny but not warranted. Stevie isnt even on the same level with these guys. He tries too hard, and it cost the TEAM a win. Stevie deserves it, and so does the Bills.
  6. The Bills have embarassed themselves so much, theyve become the joke of the NFL(even losing 4 SBs). Thats why he said it. The way this team has played, opposing teams arent afraid of playing us. We are the "thats what she said" joke of the NFL.
  7. It was dawned on me that maybe Aaron Maybin wasnt the problem. Our defense still sucks!
  8. I love how Pouha says that being from New York that they have integrity and respect, etc. He is a player on one of the most undisciplined NFL teams there is. Bart Scott, LT, Revis, are few billigerent players I can think of. The Jets are team of class and respect for the game! Remember the sideline BS on the punts? Yea the Yets are above the dirty play and celebration of Stevie Johnson.
  9. Despite a couple floaters Fitz played well enough. Penalties and dropped passes lost this game.
  10. Although the Bills lost today, they played better than I thought. But it doesnt make me feel better. This loss has just cleared up some thoughts Ive read here or heard on talk shows. 1) George Edwards, CB Blitzing on 3rd and 11? I feel a change is needed. I dont feel the Bills lack talent on defense as much as offense. Barnett, Florence, Wilson, Byrd, K Williams, McGee, Dareus, Merriman hell I even like Arthur Moats. The problem lies in the scheme and instruction, not as much the play. With the exception for McKelvin, and a few others, I feel we have a good roster. 2) Spiller needs more time or a different team. 3) Stevie Johnson isnt worth top reciever money. Just play bro! He has style and personality, swagger or what not. But we are more interested in your football skills. Until he proves reliable he isnt worth the monitary risk. I do believe he can play and should be resigned but he needs to chill out. 4) Fitz wasnt actually bad. A couple dropped balls from guys he should depend on lately (Jones, Spiller on that long ball, Stevie.) makes you look bad. His decision making in some situations needs some tuning. But I trust Fitz. Im glad we resigned him. I wouldnt put this loss on the QB as much on the defense, special teams, dropped balls. Fitz proved he can play to me. He shows heart, and cares about this football team. I think we can win with him. 5) Not a playoff caliber team yet. Need depth, especially on offense and some sort of identity on defense.
  11. Definately a dropped ball. His game before was great, until that dropped ball. The second one, (endzone) I think Fitz was off by like 8 inches right. But yet Stevies hands touched it. Im not blaming Stevie for the loss. But he should get humble and take the money Ralph is offering before THAT decreases
  12. Chan sounds the same when they win. He is blunt and honest. I enjoy that about him. But I do feel like the team is giving up on playoffs after I watched it.
  13. I just shaved mine last night after the game. Im done. I didnt even get irrate this Sunday afternoon. As soon as I saw us down 14-3 in the first, Im so accustomed to it that I just laughed at us like everyone else. The team gave up by the beginning of the 3rd. You could see how the moped on and off the field. Fire Edwards. You think the Jets game is worth watching next week???? Go grocery shopping instead.
  14. I like Brad Smith and was excited about the signing at the time. But what are we doing with this guy??? He doesnt play like he wants to be here. He is hardly on the field. What are our plans with him?? I ask the same of Spiller. We may have picked both these boys up for a reason but we arent good enough to utilize them peoperly. Trade em both. I give up.
  15. 1st Get a replacement player that actually has a feel for playing center. wow! 2nd Give up on Donald Jones, sure hes injured, maybe thats 3 more catches a game for someone with hands. Thats twice hes caused interceptions. Too many dropped balls. 3rd Get rid of George Edwards- it hasnt been getting better. We have no identity on defense. Ill ask the same question thats been posted here before. "Where is Whanny?" 4th This team needs to be upbeat on the sideline. Noone was on the sideline keeping moral up. The team has zero charisma. It seems it has little positive influence right now. The playoffs are lost
  16. I would have done the same thing then told her to bring some of her cheerleader friends to the hotel to meet my steve johnson.
  17. I can see the concern about playing the Fins. But seriously the Bills will get their sh*t together for this one. We played horrible yesterday but I dont see us losing 3 games in a row. We are our worse enemy. If we lose the Fins game I would stick a fork in the season. Thats why we will win next week, take it to the bank. You heard it here 24-10 Bills Then after that, you Bills wagoneers will jump back on until we lose again...... dont cry so soon.
  18. Steve Johnson isnt worth number one money until he proves he is. I am happy with him as #1 but teams are catching on to our schemes. Not all his fault. I do understand the flak Jones takes but we need the chemistry of Fitz and Stevie right now. Yes the Bills should retain him, but he needs to understand that he hasnt done anything but have good stats last year. The last couple weeks he has dealt with a nagging groin injury and the flu. Playing the top CBs of some great defenses doesnt help him out. But we need him.
  19. lol The man is a genius, I dont like him because we play them twice a year. But, that is classic! I like that attitude. I hate the Jets and the Patriots, but didnt it look like both teams wanted to win that game until the 4th?? I was depressed just knowing the Bills arent on their level. Not as close as I imagined.
  20. Embarrassing is right! On every level. Im embarrassed for thinking we had a chance for the playoffs. Im embarrassed that I look forward to these games. I feel like that guy that always dumps the one skank but always ends up getting back together with her even though you know its a mistake. Im embarrassed we signed Fitz to a huge contract and he throws ducks up for grabs. Can the guy play a game without a interception??? Spiller isnt a deep threat, what the hell are we doing with this kid? He is dumber than Forrest Gump. FU George Edwards for putting that porous defense in a sh*t game plan AGAIN!! FU Buffalo Bills FU!!! FU for the past 14 years. I actually bought a FitzMagic tee shirt. Jokes on me! 7-9 looks realistic now. EMBARRASSING
  21. I am a Fitz supporter but Ive grown tired of the inconsistencies. Our defense cant stop bird sh*t. I am second guessing the contract. Opposing teams are picking our game plans apart. In turn, the lack of talent shows. If Fitz cant play against the top defenses and win then what do we have?? Every game the Bills have lost has been against better than average defenses.
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