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Everything posted by rockpile

  1. Congrats to Steve and Mrs. Steve! My best to you all! HEY, that child looks a lot like you, Nick! For those who don't know, Nick and Steve are twins.
  2. Wish I could have been there! Wish I could BE there this weekend too!
  3. ICE was a gentleman during dinner, afterwards with drinks, and at the tailgate. Some stevestojan was said on threads the next day by various folks, but I intentionally ignored it and it was deleted. I had no problem with him.
  4. Really. Your adventurous night caused me to update my signature in homage to a true tailgater.
  5. I am not defending A-Rod, and he is not my boy. I am saying that a player will do what he has to, to try to make something happen and fans would roast his ass if he did not. Anything else about A-Rod has nothing to do with that specific point. Oh yeah, I can love a team and dislike a player, too.
  6. I suspect the Sox fans are feeling a lot like Bills fans before SB XXVIII It is all on the line tonight!
  7. So true, Poojer! How many people were ranting that the Bills D should have committed intentional pass intererence rather than let the pass be caught with no time left against the Jagwads?? That is different from swatting at the ball? 'Splain it to me, Lucy!
  8. In the east, it is the B game. Think about it!
  9. I have enjoyed the playoffs and I am happy to see it go seven games. That said, I am and will always be a Yankees fan. Win or lose: I do not lurk, I do not hide, I do not whine, and I do not rub salt in open wounds. GO YANKEES!
  10. Back in the day? When, 2002?? You are a such old timer!! I have never been ripped on eBay, or half.com, but that may be because I was choosy about who I bought from. Worst that ever happened, is a high bidder on a sports card walked from the deal - so I sold it to someone else and got him kicked off.
  11. I'll bet you would take an implant from Chippendales!
  12. That was a really good "Savage" impersonation, "lahjik",
  13. Correct. If the player has one foot out of bounds, the ball is out of bounds. I saw this in a college game a few weeks ago.
  14. Did you mean The Day After Tomorrow? Reviews say great effects, horrible science. I will rent it.
  15. Ouch! You DO know me too well. Current tentative plans are to drive to NY on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, and hang around until Sunday. I do not even know where I am staying. With luck I will have some time to partay around town Saturday, take in the game Sunday, and leave late - like maybe 10PM Sunday to drive back to Rochacha. I'll send you an update by the 29th, Gerry... OF OCTOBER!! Gotta synch schedules with babyrock, too. Where were YOU on opening day, Mr. Planahead?
  16. Happy Birthday to the ONLY original owner of an AFL expansinon franchise in 1960 who has kept his team in the same city in which it was established. I salute you. Mr. Wilson! I hope your team has a nice fish fry for you today. B)
  17. But today I'm stuck in Rochester, with those NY blues again (apologies to Mr. Dylan).
  18. I think the perfect example of Buffalo weather was about 15 years ago. Bills hosted the Cardinals. The weather was cold. It was windy. The flags over the goal posts on the field were blowing at 90 degree angles to the flags at the top of the stadium. It rained. Then it sleeted. Then it hailed. Then it snowed. B) An Arizona punt sailed up and was blown back to the kicker - 10 year punt. Bills won (I forget the score, maybe 21-0?) All scoring was in the end zone right in front of us. It was a very good day! Wear your woolies and your rain parkas - GO BILLS!
  19. No one ever asked me that before (at least not with those words). Seeing double now?
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