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Everything posted by rockpile

  1. Leftover home made chicken pot pie and fruit.
  2. That is OK because three is a crowd anyway, right? See you tomorrow!!
  3. The first time I ventured out to find the Two Bills Drive group, years ago, I went by myself. Yes, I had met some of the folks, but I was nervous as hell! All I knew was that when I got there Bob Lamb would have a ticket for me. So, I show up with a 6 pack and a walkman (to listen to Van Miller) all by myself, if I could not find anyone. Anyway, I found the usual crew (Bob lived in Buffalo then) and never has a group of "strangers" made me feel more at home. They fed me, introduced me around, got me a cigar, it was amazing. How do you become part of the "inner circle"? You already are by logging on here and being a part of this community. I wish I could be there Sunday - enjoy!
  4. Sshhh, be vewy vewy qwiet! The secret password is "lori". stevestojan, I can't make it until next week. R.Rich is sitting in my seats this Sunday. Hello Cindy! I thought that was you! Factoid: TSW parties are open to all benign sentients!
  5. Danger, Will Robinson! Pictures may spark a conversation you do not want.
  6. At least she likes football! Glad you had fun.
  7. I will add my congrats to the Sox for putting together a steamroller end to the season! Enjoy the moment!
  8. Like I would click on a link from someone named collegeguy that said "here are my boys'!
  9. My family cat and me live in the same space. I don't stevestojan in his food dish, and he stevestojans outside. It is an arrangement that works for us. I would not have a cat by choice. I don't hate them, I just have no use for them, unless they are good mousers. The only animals I abuse are Dolphin fans.
  10. Are you coming to Rochester for a Partridge w/cheese garbage plate? No pear tree, the roughage would slow down caramelization.
  11. I am listening to it right now, you backwoods moron. I liked it a lot, even more the second and third times. Then again I like the way Jose Feliciano did it too.
  12. Lemmee see, flip a coin.... oops, it is standing on edge! I know what your saying, and you can post anything you want, you know that! Just makes me sad.
  13. Omigod, Armageddon is here. It is October and we are seriously talking about next year's draft? Puhleeze. I would rather go SUW.
  14. In Vince Ferragamo's first game as a Bill he threw for over 300 yards. We lost that game too. (yes I saw your smilie) I understand what you are saying. When I watch the offense, I start by focusing on the line and using peripheral vision to try to see where the play is going. Not for every play, since I like to shift my attention to other things too (like the Jills ) But emphasis is placed on the QB position because he is the LEADER of the offense. I think that at this point Drew Bledsoe has been beaten into a defeated man. He is no longer a leader. Look at him, that is not fire in his eyes. You are correct that there is not a viable replacement on the bench, at least not yet. The sooner Drew is out of the huddle, the better for the team. Is it all his fault, NO! Is some of it his fault, HELL YES! Being the center of attention accentuates his failures. Good post, AKC.
  15. Very much like the 2-14 years. (hell it is a lot like 1969-70! ) Now is the time when we see who the fans are and who are the pretenders. Glad to hear the tailgate was a success. B)
  16. How many passes that were dropped were not high, low, behind the receiver or just plain alley-oops? Those lollipops had turf marks. I do not blame Drew for everything, never have. But he certainly sucked like a Hoover on Sunday. I am just tired of seeing him, listening to him, and hoping things will get better with him in there. You reach a point and you are DONE. I am there with Bledsoe.
  17. No QB - just running backs, receivers, and special teamers on offense. Put Moulds, McGahee, and Moorman in there in a T formation. Snap it to one of the three and set up a flea flicker, quick snap run, reverse, double reverse... Hell, they could draw up plays on the carpet. Maybe just leave the defense in there all the time. At least they seem to know what to do with the ball. I am being very sarcastic here, I know. I just want to see SOMETHING besides another "L" every week. I will be cheering them on at the Jets game in a couple weeks and wish there was a way that JP could be ready. Bill or George.. anybody but Sue (Drew). I have run out of ideas
  18. I would take Matthews at this point. I am SO SICK of Drew's pouty little face, I want to scream! Run the ball every down. Punt on third down. QB option pass. ANYTHING but 1,2,3 sack me!
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