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Everything posted by rockpile

  1. A couple weeks back, I went in for jury selection. Took about 4-5 hours and cost me $6 to park. My company paid me for the whole day and I blew off the afternoon. I figured I should do my civic duty, albeit reluctantly, and now they can't call me back for 6 years. BFD - not worth avoiding!!
  2. Steve, if you ever want your name to NOT be synonymous with stevestojan on this board you have to change that sig. Bring back Rob Johnson? Right......
  3. Oh, the horror! I agree with JSP! We're billsfanone.
  4. Sorry you took so much stevestojan. Maybe if you were a little less nasty in your post? I am still here. One thing I will never understand, is why a person is a FAN or not is based on season tickets. I don't care if you are 300 miles away or 3, geography has nothing to do with fandom, loyalty, or well, ANYTHING except that you can afford tickets and chose to buy them. Go Bills!
  5. But when he gets 4-5 seconds, and still misses the receiver, and gets intercepted, it is the OLs fault? I am not defending the OL, but when Drew had opportunities today he BLEW THEM AWAY.
  6. Bench Bledsoe. The season is essentially over and you can stick a fork in Bledsoe - he is done. His throws were WAY off today. Bench Williams. I am tired of seeing linebackers knock him on backwards onto his ass. Game ball goes to to DEFENSE. What a gutsy group! stevestojan call on roughing the passer by Fletcher. ZERO yards allowed in the 3rd quarter. Holy stevestojan! Put ANYBODY in there at QB. We are already losing and keeping Bledsoe in there is not going to change anything. I'll take Matthews just to see anything different. McGahee has my vote as starter, but I do not say bench Henry. Replace Clements on punts or at the least give him a compass so he knows which way is north. He makes my eyes hurt. Ah, fuggit. Time to pop the cork on the merlot. Be a fan and wear a Bills jersey to work tomorrow, wherever you are. It will piss someone off.
  7. Last play of Q1: 3rd and 10 - why throw a 6 yard pass - WTF ?? Why wasn't Neon' s celebration dance not a penalty ?? It was LONG after the actual TD, so it was definitely orchestrated. Does anyone give a stevestojan that Drew just passed Esiason on the all-time whatever it was list? TH is one dimensional. Bills have to try something else. I do not think Fletcher roughed the passer either! Lucky to be 10-3. C'mon Buff - make me CHEER !!! Oh crap, 1st down and goal for the Ravens already.
  8. Me and the wife saw Friday Night Lights and really enjoyed it. I knew the premise since I had seen but not read the book. Now you figure I would like a football movie, but here is the clincher. My wife does not watch football, does not LIKE football, only tolerates football. She loved the movie. After seeing a heartbreaker loss at Brockport, then this movie, and then some of the Bills/Dolphins game, she is actually considering going to the Ralph next year. I guess what I am saying is that Friday Night Lights can appeal to football and non-football fans too!
  9. My wife's grandparents came over from Italy in the 20's. They met when he was 22 and she was 16. After a few dates, he proposed marriage and she accepted. They were married in 1934 and raised four children through hard times and world wars. Dominic and Stella were hard workers. They learned our language and always worked one or two jobs. They kept food on the table without any special government programs. Stella worked for 30 years as manager for Central Bargain - a dry goods store. It started as an Italian neighborhood but every decade it changed depending on the "wave" of immigrants that arrived. Dom worked 35 years at Ritter Company, doing anything and everything - he worked his way up by watching and learning from others. Mostly he built small motors, like the ones used to power dental equipment. Now Dom lives in a home for folks who need a little extra help. Stell lives home but spends every day there, with her best friend. On their 65th anniversary, I asked Grandma and Grandpa how they were able to keep it together for so many years. Grandma quickly answered "Because he does what I tell him!" Grandpa looked at me, smiled and said with a wink, "That's what I let her think!" I later asked them when they 1st knew it was love. Grandma just smiled and said nothing, looking away as if it stirred a memory. Grandpa looked at me and said with certainty "After the first night I slept with her!" As of today they have 4 children, 13 grandchildren, 23 great-grandchildren, and 4 great-great-grandchildren (a 5th is on the way). We try to have them over for dinner or picnics at least once or twice a month. More than once we have had all 5 generations over for a party or dinner. Family is everything to this clan. Tomorrow I will be taping the Raven/Bills for delayed viewing. During the game I will be celebrating their 70 years together with them and as many family members as can make it. When interviewed for the Irondequoit Post for an article about their 70th anniversay, Grandpa said he still thinks she is cute, Grandma just said "He's a good man." We should all be so blessed in life.
  10. Was that at training camp when we had the daycare with us? I am having a brain cramp.
  11. "my own girl is hotter" The mysterious and perhaps mythical Mrs Rock is the prettiest thing these eyes have ever seen. Our first date was Dec. 31st 1978, so this is not a passing fling! B)
  12. Man, you must be old if you understood that reference!
  13. I don't know, my youngest daughter, Mott the Hoople, never gets teased.
  14. Being a father of four, I can identify with the grief of the man whose daughter was killed. Being close friends with a city cop, I can see how being outnumbered (conservatively) 1,000 to 60,000 might cause a policeman to make such a horrendous mistake. Hell, if a similar event happened outside the Ralph, it could have been any of us. All I can feel is numbed by news like this.
  15. Not sure I can make it, but maybe you could mail me some buttons! Oh, you did not mean Mescalito? Nevermind.
  16. Think Mexico. Puerto Vallarta and points south along the coast. I'm going back in February.
  17. Speechless? Harriet, please confirm this, I think he is pulling my leg! Enjoy the series, Brandon! B)
  18. My step son has the initials JAW and "Jaws" was a nickname he loved. My oldest daugher was Amity Faith Benson - AFB - and one uncle always called her Air Force Base when she was little and she loved it. Most people never really pay attention to initials, so go with the name you love. If kids are going to tease her, they will find a reason. If it is not initials, it will be something else. Just my 2 cents.
  19. I don't really care anymore. Congrats to the Redsox for their comeback. I am happy for the fans who are enjoying their win with a little class.
  20. Um, they are only small when set on a table in front of Rich! It's all in the perspective.
  21. If you go back through the thread, you will note I said I had no problem with ICE. You are so right that some people think that the keyboard makes them powerful. For those types, reality is kryptonite.
  22. Give me the word and I will call a meeting of the WNYTBDGPS!
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