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Everything posted by rockpile

  1. Really, ICE, I expected you on Halloween not the day after!
  2. Really... I had to resort to the decadence of Rocky Horror last night!
  3. It made my day! A win is a win is a win is a win is a win. The day I do not care, they will be sprinkling my ashes over the wall at the Ralph.
  4. I think you also have a song to sing at your innaugural speech, remember?
  5. I don't know, I read Sal's article and did not read anything negative there. He did mention that it was a bit "disconcerting" that the DL did better at the position than OL, but he complimented "respected offensive line coach Jim McNally" for making the switch.. This was a wakeup call for the OL. The coaches are doing whatever it takes to get a job done.
  6. Do me a favor. Take your TV to the bathroom and turn on the game. Get a large fan and turn it on. Put on several layers of clothes. Set a metal lawn chair in your shower. Turn the shower on - cold. Sit there for three hours, right til the last minute when the game's outcome is decided. THEN we will talk. That is what the Ralph is like on a day like yesterday. P.S. Monday morning boxscore: Attendance 65,887 - it was mentioned in the paper that if the game was played in sunny, warm Arizona, that would be paid attendance for TWO games. Just to put things in perspective.
  7. Jack Kemp or Daryl Lamonica - circa 1964 season. I saw then both "back when", but as a kid I did not pay enough attention to the game on the field. Other old timers I would like to see (again) in their prime: Jim Brown Johnny Unitas Y.A. Tittle The Purple People Eaters
  8. Happy Birthday! Being 50 does not suck.
  9. IF it does, it is not your fault. I read this in the paper today and would have posted it. My prediction: IF the Bills score a rushing touchdown, KRC will win, in a write in landslide. (Hi, Ken!)
  10. Don't forget your camera and seeya next week! Go Bills!
  11. I will listen to it on my walkman. I really do not mind. I said before the season that his game would not sell out. Unless the Bills are "hot" (or even just not butt-ugly) it is hard to sell 75.5K seats for an Arizona game in this market. I'll be at the Ralph next week.
  12. This is an actual street sign near Broadway and 42nd Street in NY (near TKTS). I thought it fit the new system everyone at One Bills Drive is having such a hard time learning. New photo too, if you click on my name. I am such a shameless exhibitionist! I can't help it - I am just BORED!
  13. No kidding. I skipped breakfast and just had The R.Rich Combo Plate yesterday (a red hot/cheeseburger combo with everything and extra sauce for inquiring minds) and did not eat again until this morning. My main course was R.Rich's dessert! I was able to get the afternoon off so we hung around and shot the bull until almost 4 o'clock.
  14. Um, yeah. The styrofoam is not very tasty though.
  15. Thanks for settig the record straight. I would see you there, but R.Rich took my seats! The Bills don't suck, they are just learning a new system.
  16. It's on West Main Street near Rt 490. You will not need a map.
  17. Yeah, no offense AD, and here is my middle finger to show my sincerity!
  18. Lisa is not coming up for this trip. Rich is bringing a buddy from (I think) Erie, PA. Thanks, I will enjoy the plate. For anyone LOCAL: Update - Rich should be at Nick's in a half hour (1:45 PM EST). Maybe I will see you there!
  19. Actually it is a 75 mile radius. I thought the area that causes the Syracuse blackout is between Naples and Bristol - just a few miles of land that is mostly marshland, pasture, rocks, or water. The western-most part of Syracuse TV viewing area. More cows live in the area than people.
  20. We do not meet on a regular basis, but we always post it here when we do meet. It varies but every 4-6 weeks. Of course you are welcome to join us! That would be at Nick Tahou's on Main Street (in the cultural district) Usually it would be a Friday at noon. I am waiting for Rich to call, since he is driving a LONG way for a Garbage Plate. Sorry if anyone eles's plans were screwed up by this!
  21. He is currently north of Ellicottville and will be here later than expected. I am hanging back for now. He is going to call me when he hits 490.
  22. IMPORTANT UPDATE! Message on my answering machine this A.M. from R.Rich Time will be more like "12:30ish" instead of noon. If you can, adjust your schedule accordingly! Keep an eye on the wall this morning, I expect Rich may call again with a better ETA when he gets closer.
  23. Before the season, I did not expect that all the games would sell out. Arizona was on my blackout list. Time to get out the walkman!
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