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Everything posted by Stenbar

  1. This is a easy one... I heard from someone that JP Loserman plays qb
  2. What gets me is in most of our losses this yr the game seemed to get out of reach when we would be in a third and short and were flinging the ball 30 yards downfield on it..I dont get the thought process..If you convert a few of the 3rd and shorts with simple short pass routes or maybe a run(lol) then once in awhile you hit em for the big play, not every freaking time...It doesnt work...I would like to know who is making the decision, is it the original play call, is it a call at the line of scrimmage, is he changing the play or is there an option to go deep on the backside? I want to know who is making the decision.
  3. I hear what your sayin, I would rather have it put like this though...His success is proof of how inept our Bills whole staff is, how can a supposed total bust have such success with just the change of a team? The answer is the whole football organization from top to bottom..
  4. Maybe his next TD dance he can incorporate fxing a flat tire motion into it..LOL..IDIOT
  5. Right thru his hands..LOL..Now he can forget about that drop last yr against Pitt and replace it with this one...
  6. I say I say I say booyyyy we gonna build thru the draft!!! We got us this lil scat back named CJ Spillage on the radah..He is a game changa I say... lol.. Build thru the draft. That kills me, makes u wonder if they draft by pin the tail on the college player method
  7. At least he did something for a few weeks..But your prolly right...3 more yrs of that stupid looking beard
  8. Ive said it too many times to remember., as long as Ralph Wilson owns this football team it wont win a SuperBowl...So I start right at the top...
  9. My friends lil brother asked him for a autograph back in the day and he told the 10 yr old kid "I already did its on your mommas bedpost"..Assclown..HOF cant change a ahole...Dont be surprised..Then to make himself a total idiot he sent his wife to drop a autographed football as an apology. Nothing surprises me when it goes to him Kelly or Smith..
  10. I think the Colts have the best shot at the Number 1. And I think they would take Luck without hesitation. Mannings injury isnt to be taken lightly and he isnt young by any stretch..
  11. Fitzpatrick and Florences play are the only reasons we lost today...
  12. How can he be wrong. He would analyze an ant hill with a quote like" gee do u see all those ants on that hill? Must be an ant hill" and he would be right. The fact is he only analyzes the obvious and brings nothing to the game other than that. I am tired of him also..
  13. I think if Ryan had made some better football decisions on where he should throw the football on third and short today wouldve been the biggest difference in the game. He took way too many shots down the field when all they needed was a short 2- 4yd gain. Once in awhile after you have made a few of the short first down throws do you take a shot downfield but not the majority of your third and shorts.
  14. He is very underpaid, when you compare him to what they pay for production at other spots on this team(Kelsay for one). However he is a Rb they discovered and used and he signed the contract nobody held a gun to his head. If he wants to be traded because they are giving a Rb they used theyre 1st rd pick on last year to see if he was worth the pick and he has a problem with it then he is very naive(sp). They have to see if Spiller can be the back they used that pick on. I doubt he is and I think Jackson is a much better back than Spiller but they do need to find out. He should keep his mouth quiet till he actually loses the job..
  15. Now where in my posts did I say I wanted to be a fan of another team? I've lived through all the ups and downs also and its gotten worse. Unconstructive whining? Lol...none here just my opinion. If your opinion is you want them here regardless of being a doormat for other teams that's your choice to defend them against fans such as myself who will say they want a winner and are willing to see a change and in my opinion the change has to be the owner in order for them to succeed.
  16. If he even wanted to win a little I would be ok with that but its been a lonnnngggg ttttiiiiiiimmmmmme.....I expect him to have a well run money conscious team. They dont have to be the best every year but they should at least have a fighting chance to compete at the playoffs. The way the NFL is now you can have a team go from worst to first in a couple of years its happened. We bounce from below average to horrible on a yearly basis. At least once in awhile you should luck out on something, but we make bad draft choice every year make no real free agent signings that help this team and unfortunatley are the laughingstock of the whole darn league right next to the Bengals. Im sorry but thats the truth. And it will not change until the owner does. If that means we have to sweat it out like we did for the Sabres then so be it. I dont know what will happen but I just dont see the upside of Ralph owning this team other than torturing the fans till he passes away. He isnt gonna spend to get better he wont do it. He is more concerned with the profit than anything at all. And thats his right he owns them. Its also my right to wish for a change and I wish hard...
  17. Yes he did. And he lucked into Bill Polian. He wouldnt go out and hire a bona fide Gm cuz he had just got burned By a bona fide coach in CHuck Knox. He hired the cheap and Polian knew what he was doing. Once he left it was all downhill and Wilson hasnt gotten lucky being cheap since. The track record speaks for itself...People lie numbers dont...Im not trying to start a argument I just have a strong opinion about it.If I come across as a jerk its not meant at you just the owner...
  18. You dont know that to be the end result for sure. Noone does...I would rather it be over with and lets get to the next phase of Bills football regardless of the future. Yrs of stupid decisions and terrible front office moves had hardened my feelings. Props to you for the patience and willingness to go through it longer. I go to 3 games a year regardless and support them but I would much rather move on and deal with it than keep putting it off. It is torture watching them both during the season and the offseason. What fun is it knowing ur undermanned both on the field and off it. I think Nix has a plan and he is sticking with it but in the end Wilson is the owner and something stupid will come from him and stop all progress. Its really past the time to have him own this team. Sooner or later we will have to face the truth might as well do it sooner and stop this farce of a NFL football team. Get someone who will run it right and stay if not oh well...I dont want them to move and I doubt they will the economy isnt there anywhere to build and pay for a Nfl franchise these days so my bet is they stay.
  19. I once believed in Santa Claus but then i turned 8 and reality sunk in. As long as Ralph owns this team it will be a Mickey Mouse run organization.( Sorry Mickey for the comparison)
  20. I think that he really is going to build his team through the draft. He seems to be evaluating every player and seeing if they can play to the coaches expectations, and if they dont he is moving on. He isnt spending money on patchwork players who could help this team in areas of need instead he is giving lesser players on the roster the chance to prove themselves to the point of losing games. If they play good we win if they dont we lose and get better draft picks. I see his way and although it stinks to watch right now the future if he is good at drafting will be bright. Thats how I see it...
  21. This game wouldnt have been as close as it was had three perfectly thrown balls been butchered...
  22. Most years I can agree with most HOF inductions but the past four or five years I have felt that some good but not great players have been chosen and voted into the HOF. I was always under the feeling that to be in the HOF you should not only be good but a dominant player at there position. It just seems to me that Players like CHris Carter Tim Brown Curtis Martin Dont even belong in the conversation. So with that in mind who is the One HAll of Famer you just scratch your head and say How the Hell did he get in? Mine is Andre Tippett.... Who is yours?
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