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Everything posted by MarkyMannn

  1. Besides, if we dump him, what's the back-up plan? Nall? Gimme a break
  2. I've heard where every game is sold out or virtually sold out. The exception being the Christmas Eve / Titan game
  3. Don't be cheap. Buy the tickets and you don't have to worry about it
  4. There was a time when it was planned for speed enforcement too. Like if you traveled 80 miles on the NYS Thruway, and started and ended in one hour, you were going 80mph. A citation would then be sent to you
  5. I saw on another board that Denver charges $50 for stadium parking
  6. Why shouldn't it be stuck on "OTHERS"? Let them kick in a little. My buying tickets lets them sit home and watch the game for free
  7. Hopefully it will be sunny and 80 instead. Because you know if the weather guys said it was going to be sunny and 80, it would be 60 and showers
  8. Well OK, but even if we compare it one game. Losman won, Ben shut out Monday night
  9. This is where you miss a guy like Bryan Cox, someone who the fans can rally around
  10. Too bad they were mostly 20 yards down field
  11. I believe that. Close down the Indian casinos until this guy is caught, and they would hand him over before I finish this post
  13. If the back wiper still works, just drive in reverse all the time
  14. I had a similar accident in January 2003. I was driving with my son to his NYS DMV licensing road test of all things. We're stopped at an intersection, even though we had the green light, and other cars were stopped too, because a fire truck with lights and sirens was entering from a side street. I'm looking at the truck when a 16yr old kid with daddy's car skipping school plows into the back of me. My 94 Taurus was crushed up to the rear window by this kid's 1/2 ton puck-up. I had only 3-4 months earlier dropped collision on the car because of its age. Well the cops tell me it is 100% the other driver's fault. So I contact the other driver's insurance the next day to see what they were going to do about my car. For up to a week they tell me they have no record of their driver being in an accident and they don't believe me. So I fax them the police report, they contact the kid and his parents, and then tell me they will replace the car. They offered me $3500 for a car with a NADA retail of $3550. Not bad. But I counter-offered with a lot of reasoning $6000, and they accepted it. I was really happy over that. But looking back I wonder if they were anxious to get this behind them before I claimed injuries of some sort. Now neither my son or me were hurt. But I was concerned with the jarring my head took when it snapped back and hit the head-rest. Why? I had Lasik about a week earlier. Although I didn't notice any effects, I still went back to the surgeon immediately just to have it checked out. I was OK. Still, NYS no-fault covered that Although I'm sure you'll be OK on the property damage, I would be concerned about your pain now and some how try to protect myself. I too would consider the lawyer part. Lets face it, insurance's goal is to pay out as least as possible on every claim. They could care less about you
  15. As a fellow ATV owner too, that story in no way is the truth. Of course if NYS took my ATV registration money and provided ATV trails, like they do for snowmobiles, this wouldn't happen either
  16. I saw that street sign too. Off 219 just north of Salamanca by the rr tracks
  17. I'll let you know at the end of October, when the Bills are 8-0 or 0-8, or depending where they are between that
  18. I remember being exited about Hank Bullough, until he took the sails out of my wind
  19. He's corny, but cool. I like his movies Add Arnold S in Terminator2 Stallone in Rambo 1 or 2
  20. That's what I noticed, and that ball hit Whitner in the numbers. Damn, we NEED to make those plays
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