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Everything posted by MarkyMannn

  1. Yeah, I'm reading about it now while I drink my regular Pepsi
  2. That's a huge voting block, and I will wager they have a voter turn out of 90%+. Why not? They have a huge stake in who wins. And the Indians, let them kick in to this huge money gobbling tax machine that is NYS gov't. Time for everyone to share the pain, no more free rides
  3. So as I understand, the difference between UAW workers wage scale ($71/hr) and the non-union foreign workers here in the US ($49) is basically in benefits. Their actual "pay" is comparable. So if the insistence is the UAW drop the bennies, how about if our millions of civil servants do the same thing to level the playing field. God knows we could all use the tax relief. Or use that savings to bail-out even more businesses
  4. I hope you are not implying that pile of garbage we watch every weekend is still Butler's fault?
  5. True. Buffalo does ony root for the white guys. I remember back in 90's when the whole stadium would yell this WHITE GUY's name when he would make a play
  6. So this is how low we've sunk. Sympathy from Dolfans Thanks Aqua. Take the AFCE from the Pats and Jets
  7. Probably pulled himself. More playing doesn't help his HUGE contract he still wants
  8. 4 yd pattern on 4th and 5. There goes the playoffs
  9. Geez, to start my snapper of 26 years, I usually have to put a bottle of wine into her
  10. Googled "cleavage" when I was posting about Ashton Youboty being a "BUST" Get it?!?!?!?
  11. Let me in to invest. Got to be better than my 401K Hey, how's my avatar?
  12. Going to lose to the 3 AFC teams, not sure we can beat Cutler and the Broncos
  13. Nice, Kelsay gets a sack, celebrates, and takes himself out of the game
  14. Please. Someone offers him a $10-$20 million contract and he'll run a 9 flat 100 out of Buffalo
  15. Be sure to get a tow rope...............seriously
  16. At 11:18 some guy mentions a culture of losing in this franchise. Probably so. Look at Miami, also does nothing this decade, stink last year, get a credible leader in Parcells and they are 6-4. Who saw that improvement coming?
  17. "Does the thought of putting JP in ever cross DJ's mind?" Do you SEE DJ on the sideline? Doesn't look like he has ANY thoughts going on
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