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Everything posted by BiggieScooby

  1. My point is Maybin could whoop your @$$
  2. Interesting blog on the whole Aaron Maybin pre-combine '09 training and the resulting physical transformation. http://blog.pennlive.com/pasports/2009/03/aaron_maybins_physical_transfo.html Perhaps the third year breakout season rule will apply for Maybin like it did for Stevie Johnson & many WRs. To me it seems that Maybin has been given very few opportunities to succeed, because if you can't get on the field, then you can't make plays. Now I understand that PT has to be earned, but as a former athelete I admit that I was a much better game-day player than a practice player. Maybin just turned 23, most guys his age will be getting drafted in a few days. I once heard patience is a virtue. Do you criticize yourself as much as you do Maybin? I think what we see in Maybin is what most of us see in ourselves when we look in the mirror, God given potential, struggling to find a way to harness it. For those that said Maybin can't make a play watch this clip - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkCkIajPs7c
  3. For some reason I thought we were talking about going 6-10 like back in the good ole Jauron days.
  4. Frostbelt, you need to pump up so you can be like Arnold! Imagine if you had another 6'' of girth on those pythons. Very awesome though in all seriousness. HARDCORE!
  5. I voted he can do it without a world-beater defense. I think a good defense that can stop the run & a dominating run game is all he'd need. Fred & CJ need to produce which will allow Fitz to flourish. Also acquiring a TE who is competent would help, especially for 3rd down conversions.
  6. Nobody wants to pay a guy who has questionable work ethic & and lacks elite pro-caliber ability. As more teams abandon the 4-3 his stock drops. Fairley also has a history coming into the league of being a cheap-shot artist. What he did against Georgia this past season would warranty $100K+ fines by Roger.
  7. We all give Belichick way too much respect, this guy was fired in Cleveland & cheated his way to 3 Super Bowl wins. As for Jake Locker he is a good kid but has Losman like accuracy and is not poised in the pocket. Lets build a defensive front 7 that will make Belichick & other teams prepare for.
  8. I'm with you, but I have a hunch Mr. Ralph wants a QB. I hope Chan & Buddy aren't the "yes men" I think they are. The true catch 22 is Ralph is 92 and ain't getting any younger. This guy was born in 1919! I respect the heck out of him for keeping the team in Buffalo but the facts are we always seem to be grasping at straws.
  9. I posted on this about 2 weeks ago. I'd do it, take the picks and build for the future. There is too much risk in Newton, and Gabbert isn't a top 3 QB. With the depth that we need to build on the defensive side of the ball it makes sense to stock pile picks. We are in year 2 of a 4 seaon rebuild. 2013 is the year we can make a legitimate run for the Super Bowl.
  10. Butch Davis offered LeBron a spot in 2003. Probably wouldn't be a bad idea to get one of these kids into camp. I want guys who are athletes that like to go to battle.
  11. Chad Pennington is a prime example of good brain, not so good arm. Give that guy a gun and I think we'd be talking about him as we do Manning & Brady. There is a difference between intelligence and being able to process things quickly. Some people with high IQs are very slow processors of information. The ability to read a defense is god-given. There is a reason Magic Johnson could play point guard at 6'9'', while most guys that height are trying not to trip. Cam Newton & Blaine Gabbert have proven they can make 1 to 2 reads per play so far, their success in the NFL will depend greatly on making the transition to 3 to 4 reads. Colt McCoy proved to us all last year that he had the talent, despite ideal size, but has the ability to make NFL reads & adjustments.
  12. I'm always surprised the Bills do not bring a college basketball power forward to camp to "try-out" for a Tight End position. That said I'm paying close attention for the next Antonio Gates. While we Bills fan continue to put our sole-focus on bickering over the #3 pick our competition is planning how to widen the gap. Portland State Julius Thomas 6'5'' 248 might fit the Bill - http://www.denverpost.com/broncos/ci_17622375. Thoughts Bills fans?
  13. Brady will be 34 in August. Now I'm not God, but I do know it won't be too many more seasons until Brady starts to wear down. Brett Favre started to show signs of wear & tear by his mid 30s, Payton Manning threw a ton of picks during a horrible mid season stretch. I don't think we'll see Brady throw 36 tds and 4 ints as he did in '10 ever again. That said why worry about Brady? Let's worry about us. We need a guy to build our franchise around. Franchise guys will be found in this draft, fact of the matter is most guys are found in the first round. I will be happy with any of the guys we take, so long as they have a dominant career.
  14. John Clayton, the guy blabbers on and on about how great organizations like the Patriots are & calls out our owner for shooting down the '06 CBA. Now the guy is recommending we draft Newton because we don't know how to build a 3-4 Defense. This guy is the master of the obvious and at the end of the day he really doesn't offer solutions just excuses & long-winded diatribes.
  15. Better pick than Newton, but we need a DLman.
  16. You gotta be willing to negotiate or else you get what happened today. I know Buddy ain't smart, but he ain't dumb either.
  17. Not true according to Ed Bouchette of the Pittsburgh-Post Gazette: http://plus.sites.post-gazette.com/index.php/pro-sports/steelers/108526-ed-steelers-can-trade-future-picks This is all hypothetical. This is probably what they will offer upfront. From a pure point standpoint we'd give up 2200 acquire a 1200, get 36 with their 5th rd, & probably get 1200 with their 1st next year. We probably would want to counter with their 2nd or 3rd rd pick this year instead of a 4th or 5th.
  18. Rumor around the water cooler is the Vikings are interested in trading up in the draft. Would the Bills be stupid to oblige? Scenario would likely entail us taking the Vikes 12th & a 4th/5th round pick in '11, plus Vikes 1st round pick in '12. Without having a FA QB acquisiton option the Vikes are looking to the draft to find another QB. Joe Webb, Tarvaris Jackson are decent QBs but Newton offers a solid foundation to build on with extraordinary potential. The Vikings also have shown a propensity to favor African-American QBs from Randall Cunningham, Daunte Culpepper, to their current QB corps of Joe Webb & Tarvaris Jackson. The question becomes where do the Vikes finish in '11 if there is football? One would figure Green Bay & Chicago finish '11 higher, factor in Detroit continuing to show improvement. This all said it wouldn't be unthinkable that the Vikes finish in the bottom third of the league again landing us a top 12 pick. Thoughts?
  19. I think Bowers is a good enough athelete to play the 5 technique as a 3-4 DE. I don't think he has the coverage ability to play OLB in a 3-4. Naturally his best grade is 4-3 DE. I wouldn't use the 3rd pick on him if we intend on staying with the 3-4 as our base defense. Dareus & Fairley would be the safest DL picks. I personally like Quinn because of his versatility as a 3-4 OLB or 4-3 DE. Von Miller is the safest 3-4 OLB.
  20. don't forget about bud adams. admirably, ralph is the only original afl owner not to move his franchise.
  21. "can't wait!" for watching steve play again. would love him & fitz to develop for another 2 seaons. they almost could run their plays in the dark.
  22. There's an interesting dynamic at play with the 2011 CBA, being that Ralph is one of the last "old-guard" owners. For all that is said that he isn't all too different than the Daniel Synders & Robert Kraft's of the world. Ralph got his start due to inheriting his father's insurance business. Granted Ralph didn't buy some team for 1 billion dollars but not many owners have. Ralph loaned New England thousands of dollars to keep the AFL afloat. Guys like Jerry Jones supposedly rose from the dirt of the dust bowl & worked their way to billionaire status. I have no problem with Ralph - WWII vet, smart, stubborn, and ultimately a good businessman. Say what you want about the Bills in Toronto series it netted the franchise 87 million or so. The only thing Ralph should do is sell the naming rights and get another 2-5 million. I do believe Ralph has a succession plan. He is too business savvy not to have one. Being said there are no loopholes in the NFL system that can get our franchise setup like Green Bay. We need something good to happen, perhaps now that we have Ed Wang we can play one of our soon to be 9 home games in Beijing. is now the time we report you to cheese patrol?
  23. Maybe Belicheck decides to roll the dice with another washed up RB. I don't see many teams being interested in this guy. Any non-veteran team probably has no need for this has-been.
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