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Everything posted by QCity

  1. Take your logic and rational thinking and gtfo! We'll have none of that talk on a Monday.
  2. The posters on this board need to wise up. This guy is obviously a troll and isn't very knowledgeable about football (he's president of the Cam Newton is going to suck club lol). There's a lot of fans on this board that are weather vane's - they talk playoffs after every win, and after every loss they don't think the Bills will win a game for the rest of the season. Please step away from the Reply key and let the less knowledgeable rant on.
  3. Romo might not break a sweat this game. He certainly won't have to wash his jersey.
  4. Thread Summary: Bills cut ticket prices, fans complain.
  5. If they didn't get it on the QB sneak you would all be whining that we didn't give it to Fred. Jets are very stout in the middle a QB sneak is not a gimmie.
  6. No. Just No. Freddie running with a boat anchor tied around his waist would be better than him splitting time with Lynch.
  7. Actually, you only want 1 point man negotiating 1 contract at a time. There's still really no urgency at this point (aside from making the fans jittery).
  8. This is going to be a really tough week for the Negative Nancies.
  9. So true, as soon as I read the Maybin comment I thought I was being trolled on a forum. Comments like that simply belie sound football knowledge in lieu of garnering attention.
  10. Yeah I was wondering about that myself. Also, when he lead the SEC in sacks he did it with a cast on his hand for half the season. Would like to see him get some snaps this Sunday.
  11. Thread summary: Bills fans are great at picking last week's lotto numbers.
  12. I wonder if we're going to get a thread like this for J.P. Losman.
  13. That's why I initially listed his salary for the next 3 years, and was mocking their cap trouble. Doc asked what was guaranteed, as if to hypothetically ask what they are on the hook for if it doesn't work out. I was just pointing out that they are on the hook for a lot for than $5 mil - meaning the 2 draft picks (if Palmer doesn't work out).
  14. They definitely didn't want to trade 2 high draft picks for a 1.5 year QB.
  15. So Palmer took a pay cut to $2.5 mil this year in order to fit under the Raiders salary cap. Here's his salary for the next 3 years: 2012 12.5 mil 2013 13.5 mil 2014 15 mil So with the current team the Raiders have on the field right now, they are already $10 mil over the salary cap next year. Hey Raider Nation, look on the bright side, at least you don't have to worry about signing any draft picks!
  16. Campbell is a free agent after the season, so they will get nothing.
  17. There's 20 million reasons. That's the amount of direct revenue the Bills bring to NY state each year. Why is this so hard to understand?
  18. Collins just said they ran a study and the Bills generate $20 mil a year in direct revenues for the state. $100 million in upgrades for a 10 year lease is a bargain. When people start complaining about this, it honestly makes me wonder why Wilson keeps the team here after all. $100 mil? There's a group on the west coast that would throw a $1 billion dollar stadium at the team.
  19. Only the top 4 or 5 picks command that salary with the current rookie scale wage. Middle first round picks get around $2 mil a year. Actually, due to the new wage scale, first round picks have never before been this valuable. It's funny when people cherrypick terrible Bills 1st rounders (Mike Williams, Erik Flowers, John McCargo) then argue that by ditching a #1 pick a team "loses nothing". Hey, I can cherrypick too, how about Jerry Rice, Lawrence Taylor, Bruce Smith, Peyton Manning, Barry Sanders, and Jim Brown? Bunch of busts, huh? It's been over 15 years since free agency was reworked, and nearly every GM in the league has figured out (it took some longer then others) how valuable draft picks are in order to sustain a winning team. Most analysts and a few GM's had Palmer going for a 3rd round pick - maybe, maybe a 2nd rounder. Raiders panicked and got fleeced.
  20. "The injury is so severe, trainers had previously cut out holes in the back of Williams’ cleats to alleviate the pressure." WTF does he have??
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