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Just in Atlanta

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Everything posted by Just in Atlanta

  1. Can't say I agree with most of those statements. And I also read that feature with the quote praising Brad Smith. In fact, this report quotes a scout who says the Bills' only weakness is lack of a tight end.
  2. I've heard plenty people say that Detroit makes them nervous. Never heard that anxiety directed to the city's football team.
  3. Did the Bills get some bad calls by the refs last night? Yeah, but the Jags got one or two too. I assure you, there is no officiating conspiracy against the Bills. Further, Stevie and God are tight now, so cosmic forces will be on our side for a change this season.
  4. I think I just saw a first challenge of a review of a call ever. Next year can we challenge challenges?
  5. Will the powers that be listen to everyone--the fans and pundits--and reverse this idiotic new kickoff rule? I'd rather we just start on the 20 than watch touchbacks every other time.
  6. Despite the score, we look better than the Jag-u-wires.
  7. Every fan says the refs suck when they make a call they don't like. These refs really do suck. Let em play ball already.
  8. If he's going to call em the Jagwires, he should call the Bills the Biles.
  9. Overall looking good. Chan man likely will make the first stringer defense play another quarter to get some much need tackling practice.
  10. These refs are awful. Bills, however, looking great. This Bills fan is happy so far. Don't worry about the Gerrad TD. He does that to the best of them.
  11. Does anyone know where to get a free link? Keeps on saying search, but I can't find one. Thank you.
  12. It wasn't steroids Merriman was smuggling. It was a carton of Prozac. Morale will improve when we beat KC. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGpQ4O0poB0
  13. As the creator of this thread, I must say now it's not a good one. Was trying to make a point, but as posters pointed out, it's not logical to use guys from 10 years ago. If I post another bad thread like this one again, may someone run over Pat Moran's cat. Moderator: Feel free to close this boring thread.
  14. We are all beating a dead horse here. Over and over. I'll beat it again. There is something seriously wrong with the front office to not only get rid of our most valued veteran on offense but to only get a fourth rounder for him. It may have been good for Ralph's bottom line, but a horrible move for the team and its public image...which was finally moving up. Adding insult, we end up drafting another much lesser receiver after two WRs get injured...after the team says we have so much WR depth. I was really happy about this team's offseason moves until that move. Lee will be a valued asset for the Ravens. We have a great No. 2 (Stevie) and a cadre of talented No. 3s, but no No. 1. Even if Fitz turns out to be an above average QB, he will need that veteran downfield talent.
  15. It appears this Poojer fellow needs to verify that he is the discoverer of Peter Pan, and how, and why, he came across him. I'm pretty certain the TBD Randy Constan is a Bills fan, given his knowledge of the fact that Dick Jauron loved Member's Only jackets and that he's been on this board for nine years. The question is if TBD Randy Constan is really Peter Pan Randy Constan. We need Patrick Moran to investigate.
  16. You win close games with experience and attitude. Many of the people on this team played last year, and learned from their mistakes. Second, Lee had like 300 yards last year. I do think he will be better.
  17. I said past 10 years. My point is, we have been getting rid of a lot of great players...it's a trend...and it's hard to win when there is little continuity. All of those stars you mentioned were on the Bills in the 90s when we were good. We took advantage of them. The others we never got to see their full potential.
  18. I recently posted a comment from a Ravens fan saying all of our castaways would make a good team. Just read that AP state of the Bills story, which indicated, among other gruesome truths, an above average shedding of veteran talent. So, here's part of a team I'd build with the folks we've gotten rid of over the past decade: Defensive Coordinator: Perry Fewell Special Teams Coach: Bobby April Safety: Kurt Schulz LB: Poz DT: Sam Adams WR: Lee Evans and Eric Moulds Those are the ones who spring to mind right away. I know there are a lot more. Just a conversation starter. I think to be a good team, you need more cohesiveness from year to year. How can I pay $200 for a jersey, when I doubt he'll be on this team as soon as he demands money?
  19. As a relative newbie to TBD, I see people are kind of obsessed with this Peter Pan guy and get unlimited joy out of Rick Rolling everyone, myself included, to his site. Is he really a Bills fan? How did this theme get started anyhow? I could go through his site and maybe find out, but I'm scared. Thanks for the intel. -JustInAtlanta
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