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Just in Atlanta

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Everything posted by Just in Atlanta

  1. I hereby rescind my initial critique of the white collar. The initial photos made it look weird. But In-depth photos of it, and the rest of the uni, look really sharp.
  2. Wow, had no idea who this guy was, or of his status. Hopefully, he didn't teach Tony Soprano all his tricks. And why can't we read / watch analysis like this on ESPN? I would think this inside football insight would be perfect for the AFC East blog. Mr. Walker writes a lot of posts, which is impressive, but few actually teach me anything.
  3. The collar just looks out of place. Also appears--hope it's just not visible from the straight-on angle--that the pant stripes are gone.
  4. Looks weird in that blurry picture...holding judgment until I see a closeup. Hope Nike doesn't f it up--I love our current duds.
  5. The guy shooting pictures for UniWatch needs to learn how to shoot.
  6. Just saw the Seahawks uni. Has an Oregon Duck look. http://twitter.com/#!/UniWatch/status/187202386064969729/photo/1 Still think it's better than their current ones--which IMO are the ugliest in football.
  7. Great article. I like how the NFL is evolving. Diversity in strategy makes a more exciting game. I hope we can actually use Brad Smith is an effective way next season.
  8. For everyone worried about our backup QB-- Did Thigpen even play a down last season? I don't think so. I remember the guy playing pretty well in KC when he worked for Gailey. Also, Brad Smith seemed pretty effective, and fun to watch, when we used him. He just needs to throw the ball a little. I, for one, am not worried at all about our offensive strategy. We relied on these slants because that is the talent we were dealing with. I'll give it to you that sometimes Gailey abandoned the run too early, but I'm pretty high on our O strategy.
  9. In order: 1. Weak offensive line. Yeah, it performed well--with a lightning-fast-release game. But we need to open up the deep game, and we need depth. 2. Inability to keep playing well throughout a season. We've seen it with Bledsoe--one great half of a season, another bad half. We saw it a few years ago. And we saw it last year. 3. Lack of ability to cover TEs. 4. Lack of depth at LB. 5. Lack of above-average talent at CB. 6. Lack of a second WR. Not worried about WR--we're getting one in the first or second. We have a slew of talented No. 3s. I think our average CBs will benefit from our now fearsome D line. Shouldn't be a problem. Hopefully, we can find LB depth in the third and fourth rounds. We'll continue to struggle against TEs, but the fact we have that new D line should help a lot. OT--don't believe we can get both depth and talent in the draft. This will likely be our one true weakness next season, as it has for others. Don't know what will happen with our inconsistency. I'm optimistic, though.
  10. With Jerry Rice and Aaron Schobel, who also wants to come out of retirement, we'd be golden. Can Lynn Swann still run a fly route?
  11. Next two years? Fred easy. He does it all. Long-term? CJ. Hopefully, we'll never have to make that decision until Fred retires. I envision both of them getting their fair share as both bring unique attributes and I don't think CJ's size allows 100 percent of the carries. Besides, the NFL is now a two RB league.
  12. I hated the thought of drafting anybody but the best OT in the first, and since the best one would be taken, I was thinking WR or LB, even though I knew OT was a huge need. But you just changed my mind. It rarely happens, so that's a compliment.
  13. I hope the naysayers are right. He can't throw! He can only run a college-type offense! Tebow took a 1-4 team that previously had the No. 2 draft pick, help lead them to the playoffs, and beat the snot out of the Steelers. Yeah, we beat up on Tebow pretty badly last year, but we also made Sanchez look like Brady--twice. I think Tebow will make the Jets better, and that he'll be replacing Sanchez as soon as he hits a three-game skid. Tebow can only get better. Few will be screaming when this happens; Sanchez isn't popular. As for the circus, NY is always a circus, especially with R. Ryan at the helm.
  14. It's nice to see your team play a few games in prime time. With this fan, has absolutely nothing to do with your inferiority complex. It's exciting. You really don't get excited to see the Bills playing on MNF? Really?
  15. Just watched the Jets GM at the podium. I think he said Mark was their No. 1 QB or Tebow was the backup 20 times in two minutes.
  16. Is this the same team I've been rooting for the past 12 miserable years? Wow. I like the strategy of our entire team now. Monster D line, quick-strike spread offense, a speedy outside RB, a do-it-all RB, and an INT-happy secondary. Add an OLB, OT and a legit No. 2 WR and we're going to be a force. Will be fun watching them next season.
  17. I don't know WTH they are thinking. But it appears everything they've done this offseason has crashed and burned. Thought it was a new era with the OC from GB. But they get rid of their best offensive weapon. They get rid of their best tackler. No Jeff Fisher. No Brady, no Flynn, no Smith. Now no Tebow. I can almost taste the Dolphin tears.
  18. I agree. Linebacker is a major concern next season. Tight ends / slot receivers ate us alive. Having Mario in there helps, because TEs will sometimes be forced to chip block him, but we still have a hole here IMO. Outside Linebacker is now our No. 1 concern on D. I don't think we're drafting a CB high. We'll likely go for depth. DE--we're set. Depth is all we need. As for Safety, I think we're stacked in skill and depth. I was hoping we'd get a No. 2 WR in FA, letting us focus on O line and Linebacker in the top rounds. But it appears Nix now has a lot of strategizing to do. I say we're going with a speedy LB in the first. SC's Melvin Ingram could fall our way. CBS Sports scouting report: "His combination of strength, leverage and speed has scouts for 3-4 teams also taking a close look at Ingram as a potential edge rushing linebacker. Picking up coverage technique is always the biggest challenge for ends making the transition, but Ingram was recruited as a linebacker, didn't move to end until his sophomore year and still saw time there in certain packages. He had a pair of interceptions last season and was part of South Carolina's 'hands team' on kickoffs."
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