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Everything posted by appoo

  1. I think he has the skill set that McDermott would love, but lacks the the athlecism to make use of them as the 2nd backer in McDermotts system. If McDermott went with a traditional 4-3 + Dime on passing downs, rather than a 4-3 + Nickle + Nickle system, he'd be a better fit as you wouldn't be asking him to run side line to side line.
  2. Not trying to get into social engineering here, but in the most general of terms, women have a very different approach to regulating social media among kids than dads do, and a lot of that is because girls are taught from a very young age, how to communicate real thoughts and emotions with other kids and people. Boys learn to pretend emotions don't exist and only communicate that they're tough. Again, that's a VERY generalized viewpoint, on a prevalent issues that's ripping through society today, and has a BUNCH of nuanced factors. Reason I'm bringing this up, is that most of the powers the be in the NFL are men, and again as a general rule of thumb, generations prior to millennials, men weren't taught how to deal with emotions. That's central to the issues we're having with Social media.
  3. Here's a radical idea, allow players to walk out of a contract as easily as teams can cut players. Pay back 50% of your signing bonus, nullify all future guaranteed money, and you can walk. That would resolve a lot of the whining about social media.
  4. Oh and an aspect about NFL players that should be discussed here - contracts aren't guaranteed. So that means a club can cut a player's ass whenever they want, and all they'd owe them is the money they already gave them, and whatever % of guaranteed money is left over - for which most NFL contracts isn't a huge amount. I'm not a huge fan of what DeShaun Watson is doing, but I'm not without sympathy either. If teams can walk away from players with a click of a button, while players have to launch an entire media campaign over the course of months, to be able to switch teams, that's inherently unbalanced. There's inequity, and when thaythappens, there's ALWAYS going to be a power struggle, and it's going to be the less powerful trying to gain more power. Right now, the best tool players have to level that playing field, is through social media, because they can galvanize support around them. Right or wrong.
  5. It's amazing how much people in power whine and cry when they lose the ability to control every aspect of the humans they have in their power. This isn't about social media. This is about men in power who no choice but respect the freedom of voice of their employees - something they NEVER had to worry about. Suddenly, fearing public opinion for your actions, is a real thing. In general, those organizations that generally allow their people to freely express themselves, are thriving today. The NBA took an early stance that their players are their own real people, with their own voices, which they are free to express. The NFL was all about "Protect the Shield", and now you have BS like this being leaked to the media, along with a league that's badly struggling with it's image, and is often at war with it's own players. That's no random nor coincidental. That unfortunately one of the consequences of peeling back the lid, and letting people have their expression of voice and culture. It's bad that those kids lost out on opportunities, that they got scalded, but I hope to see is those people who refuse to hire someone because of a freakin party picture, loosen the hell up...that's the evolution I want to see. Yes kids are gonna be kids, people are gonna say dumb things, gonna say bad things fueled by ignorance...I wish all those things were viewed as inconsequential or as teaching moments. Not things that should forever brand someone. But also, that's real life, and it shouldn't be hidden away, and we shouldn't be afraid of it.
  6. Watt is a 3 down player if you view him as a 3T on passing downs. He's an excellent run defender so you start him at DE on 1st and 10 and go from there.
  7. HS. Barely got off the bench. Loved the experience of being part of that team for 4 years and learned a ton and got better
  8. He’s not running the perma nickel with AJ Klein. Not unless he loves giving up 30 a game. he’ll have to land another 3 down backer. Which are expend and kinda rare. Much better off finding a 4th corner and an EDGE for you it’s a fandom, for the players it’s a job market
  9. You can scheme around losing Milano. It’s called a dime package
  10. Colts are giving up 30M+ in cap space for him, though he has a 24M dead cap out after this upcoming season. That’s actually a lot for a QB who maybe toast
  11. you win the SB next season and that doesn't matter though.
  12. You can easily spread 24M , to make most of that money hit in 22. Convert about 15M to a roster bonus. Give him a 5M bonus, and a base salary of 2M per year. That's a 4.5M hit in YR1, and a 20M hit in YR2. But this is a dangerous game to play, as your basically banking on the Cap to hugely increase for 2022. If you do that with Watt, you'll have about 70M in cap space tied up between Allen, Watt and Edmunds (who's 5th year would be activated, unless the Bills choose to extend him this offseason/season to lessen that ~10-15M hit).
  13. If you have a defensive football system that doesn't fit JJ Watt, then you're actually a soccer team, and you're playing a 4-4-2
  14. He'd intrigue me as an EDGE rotation for when the Bills are down an distance situations. Not en every down player for this system
  15. Absolutely the eff not. Not only is he worse than Star (he graded quite poorly for the 3 games he's played) but he's not had two straight years worth of surgery shortened seasons. Oh and we can't afford to move on from Star, who Dead Cap prohibits it.
  16. Star himself is an above average 1T. 1 tier below Kenny Clark/Vita Vea. His positive impact is far greater than his abilities. With him back, the Bills get TWO new players. Star at the 1T,....and a close to elite 3T in Ed Oliver. Remember that JErry Hughes finished 2nd in Pass rush win rate. Having Star back and Watt signed? I mean QBs are going to feel that
  17. Sign me up. Also more removed from his injury....and was elite in 2019. Might have another elite season in him Man... Watt -- Star -- Olive -- Hughes??! Thats the best damn DLine in the league!
  18. Back to the debate of Pressures vs sacks....you're not gonna get a sack unless you get a pressure.
  19. The Packers are 20M over the cap. They a lot of work to get to 180M, and would need at least 10M in cap space to sign Watt.
  20. The bills put more pressure on Lamar Jackson than the Bucs put on Patrick Mahomes, for reference. In terms of pressures. The Bills definitely got a lot of pressure on opposing QBs in a lot of games this season, and Jerry Hughes had a very good year in beating his lineman within 2 seconds (pass rush win). The problem is that while the Bills had effective pass rush, it was only effective when they blitzed. When they chose not to blitz, they’d get torched. Part of that was because they were forced to play Ed Oliver at 1T so often. Part of that was because they didn’t have a consistent pas rusher opposite Hughes. The NFL, when you have good teams against each other, is a matchup and game plan league. Hence the Chiefs getting blown out by the Bucs, the Bills getting blown out by the Chiefs, but if the Bills and Bucs played, likely would have been a pretty good game
  21. plus having ugly ass uniforms. Perhaps not a coincidence the Bills returned to prominence along with returning to the having one of the best unis in the league
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