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Everything posted by nedboy7

  1. It is almost as dumb as fox news comments on here.
  2. He seems to be better than the previous 5 QBs.
  3. Excited? I thought we had the worst QB in the league. Why would we be excited.
  4. 4/27/16: Washington turned in an excellent regular season and looked like an early round talent with his combination of size and quickness on the defensive line. However following his impressive season, he landed an arrest for solicitation. Sources say that by the time of the 2016 NFL Draft they don't think it will be a big factor, and to reinforce that view, the charges against him were dropped. In speaking with teams, Washington is being projected to Day 2. Washington had an impressive week at the Senior Bowl. He used his speed and power to dominate the first practice. In the following days he was good, but not as great. Still, Washington looked like a late first-round talent in Mobile.
  5. Bills are making a mistake by not extending Taylor before next year. He will either cost way more next year or we will lose him.
  6. Oh man that's a good one. The ProBowl exposed Tyrod's game. The Bills and all the haters are gonna regret not signing this dude to an extension this year. It is amazing there are so many negative posts about him. He made some huge plays to help win games this year. He was exciting to watch. Basically a total turn around from what we have had recently. What is the alternative? Maybe we can draft a QB in the second round and he will become Rodgers!!!
  7. Whaley has made some great moves. And he countered himself with some bad ones. I guess it goes with the territory.
  8. $28 million gauranteed. Does he get to keep all this money even if he retires the day after he signs?
  9. Well you have a point. The NFL doesnt really care about you. Just your money. And they dont care about the players. The players are just their pawns. I think your comments reflect a good section of the fan base. There is a lack of respect for what these guys do. I suggest if someone feels its not extremely dangerous to play in the NFL you find a friend, put helmets on and run full speed into each other on your lawn. Then repeat 15 times.
  10. Hey maybe if you all think these guys are stupid or disrespectful you should put the work in to become an NFL player and put your life on the line every-week for ungrateful fans.
  11. its the QB's fault they run the same run play over and over.
  12. The last two games should not have been losses. Poor coaching and refs were just enough to sink the team. If they had won we would be talking about how good a GM Whaley is. I am not sure if he is yet but he is not the real issue.
  13. Im not sure how you defend that call by saying Bills shouldnt have been in that position. That was a call that changed the outcome.
  14. and to think people were posting we will be 6-3. talk about not being in reality.
  15. we always play better when down by 10+ great play calling.
  16. Penalties killed this game. Not the talking during the week.
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