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Everything posted by Perk71

  1. After looking at the pics I think he will do just fine...
  2. I think it all has to do with the wording. You are 100% correct that they invested 2 first round picks and a forth for Watkins. It's just earlier in the thread it was stated by someone else that two first were traded, when it actually was this years firsts were swapped.
  3. They got a first round pick this year right? So they didn't trade away a first round pick this year, they moved up 5 slots
  4. They swapped 1st round picks... I've been drinking and I know the difference
  5. They gave up the 32nd pick next year. I'm happy with the trade
  6. Wide right. I always thought if they had won that one they would have won at least one more in their other three chances. That's just my thought anyways .
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