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Everything posted by stony

  1. thank you Has there ever been any indication that he is in on player personnel decisions. I always thought the Chief Operating Officer designation was a nice way of saying that while important, he doesn't really have anything to do w/ personnel moves.
  2. Is that the same Bruce Smith who wore a NFL HOF 2009 jacket w/ the letters in duct tape before he was even inducted?
  3. There is some sort of disconnect going on. I never attempted to. Whatever, an argument about Maybin is counterproductive at this point I suppose.
  4. Wow...I never insinuated that you said to cut him now. In your oft-repeated words, "what the !@#$ are you talking about." First off, it is well documented that Buddy Nix has mentioned time and time again, he will forgo free agency in favor of the draft. I didn't think I needed to link common knowledge. Your defending Reggie Torbor, who you claim is way ahead of Maybin on the depth charts when in reality Torbor has been rapidly losing playing time as well. He sucks, and defending him as a good FA pick-up is pointless. Miami fans can't thank us/laugh at us for having their re-tread on our roster. You say an undrafted FA might be better than Maybin at this point. If its Coleman, play him all you like. I never said play Maybin over better qualified people. All I said, and I don't see a rebuttal for it, there is no harm letting the season ride out and seeing how he adjusts in the offseason. This makes financial and roster sense. Hell, if he doesn't do anything through training-camp next year, that might be good enough.
  5. I haven't heard him talk much, other than admitting he needs to get better. Regurgitating the zero sack thing is a little passe by now, too. Once again, it makes financial and roster sense to give him year three. If he shows nothing by then, then you get to say your good-byes.
  6. Exactly, let's not condemn a guy that's trying to make a play. To compare returning kicks at the end of the 4th quarter when a 1st down virtually locks up a victory and Spiller's fumble is apples and oranges. Stupid stuff like not turning your head around when the ball is thrown should get people more pissed that than the Spiller fumble. I think the love affair with Drayton should end ASAP if it hasn't already.
  7. I agree mostly here, however, he has yet to put two good games in a row together. I'm not even asking for another 300yd day, just real, offensive production that keeps the Bills in the game. If he can string a few of these together, not only will the Bills win a game, he will change a lot of peoples minds regarding his ability to lead the team for next season, thus allowing to FO to address defense first and foremost in the draft.
  8. Yup, and Thomas Jones always kills us too. If there ever was a week where the coaches just say screw it, we'll run blitz all day, stack the line, and let the QB beat us, this seems to be it. Matt Cassel kind of sucks in my opinion and Garrard aside, is the worst starting QB we've played thus far. Dwayne Bowe has played well the past two weeks, but outside of him they don't have much except for their sweet rookie TE...awe crap, we might be screwed.
  9. So your advocating dropping a 1st rd pick that was deemed 1st round worthy by all analysts (yes, of course they can be wrong) and replacing him with players who "can" contribute. I'm assuming you mean adding guys via FA which makes no sense because a) our GM has already ruled out that approach and b) any FAs that do happen to be signed during this rebuilding process are stop gaps at best. Do you want Maybin who in theory has potential and is still owed lots of money, or do you want more Akin Ayodele and Reggie Torbors? It's easy to spend other people's money, but no owner will cut lose a big investment in just two years cause he sucks. What's the point, you can pay him his guaranteed 16mil over two years, a bitter pill indeed, or take a gamble and pay it over three years and hope he turns into something useful. I'm down on Maybin just like the next guy but to assume we'll get anything better in the short-term w/ our drafting history and no-free agency approach is not sound thinking.
  10. Maybin inactive Damn, thats a punch in the balls StubHub take tickets?
  11. He might want to think about downsizing, not sure if that 2nd contract will be coming. I wonder how many tickets he bought for his family.
  12. I got dizzy reading this post, but your right on, he's not even close to being an NFL QB right now. Tim Tebow looks like Dan Marino in the passing game compared to Cam Newton. Amazing runner though.
  13. Considering Okla City is one of the up and coming teams w/ arguably the best player in the NBA on their team already, I couldn't imagine them being one of the teams. Take the Grizz though.
  14. Far from it. But, agree to disagree I suppose.
  15. I realize, for better or worse, it's part of today's game. But I do love it when a guy like Brady takes on the toughest SOB on the field in front of all his guys to see.
  16. I never get the hate on Brady. Peyton complains just as much as Brady does, he just doesn't beat the Bills two times every year, hence the hatred. Peyton berates his teammates on the field, but since it's him, we call that leadership. As for him jawing w/ Ray Lewis, god forbid an elite QB who has the balls to talk some smack, show some fire, to one of the games all-time great LBs. After we get over telling ourselves how much we hate him, just rememeber we would kill to have someone w/ half his talent.
  17. Disagree. I believe those numbers were the collective total of losses by all the franchises. If I'm correct, the league itself is still very financially viable due to its huge followings in China, and other secondary markets in Europe.
  18. That's actually quite hilarious, but I thought those were the days when a cop would pull you over ask ask you nicely to dump the beers out and get on your way....
  19. Damn, I was thinking the same thing after I posted it. I am embarrassed. Yeah, it was him. Stupid logic once again.
  20. I don't know if you should call out George Edwards and then suggest they start Kyle Williams as a D-End. He is not anywhere near athletic enough to set an edge on the outside. Also, and this isn't saying much, but Dwan Edwards has been our best Def. linemen aside from Kyle Williams and you want to bench him? C'mon man, and how does anyone know if Maybin can cover TEs.
  21. Or that they're twins. I mean, they look exactly like one another (before Trent grew out his hair).
  22. I agree 100% regarding the sudden Locker bashing. People will say he doesn't win as much as the other guys which is a valid argument. However, the talent surrounding him compared to what Mallet has at his disposal is night and day. I know most people around here hate the opinions of the draftniks, but I've been hearing that Mallet is mid-1st rd. pick at best right now. Things will likely change during the pre-draft circus, but do we really want a guy who can't throw five yard passes w/ any touch? I don't think our oline will so much better that it will allow for someone like Mallet to attack down the field. That is his strength, not touch and exploiting defenses underneath.
  23. Well said. McGee has been one of the steadiest players on our team for the past 5+ yrs. I hate it when people randomly assert that a player is faking it because things are going badly...and then back up their argument w/ a duck reference.
  24. No offense, but what has Ray Rice done this year? I'm more worried about our 'vaunted' secondary getting torched by Boldin and Co. If there ever was a week the Bills could steal one from a far superior opponent, this is the week. It's all up to the coaching staff. They've had two weeks/two game-tapes to find tendencies and weaknesses to exploit. It would be so much easier if they didn't have to correct so much on our side, but it should be sufficient enough to actually do something to catch Baltimore off balance.
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