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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Thing about KC is I'm not sure they know enough to not look past us.
  2. While there are no "moral victories" in football...we basically got one yesterday.
  3. First time all season we look like we can win a game...we actually look like we can win a few...not many...but some.
  4. I post only to say that this is NOT a ridiculous question to ask.
  5. Well, now that he's a big deal...I ask what is with this "Stevie?" Where does it come from? Why do so many people call him "Stevie" as opposed to "Steve." What do you call him? Am I the only one that, quite frankly, think it's gay to call him "Stevie?" PS: Like I said if there is a reason for this feel free to inform me...I don't know.
  6. Fitz said in presser after game: "Steve's been my guy since I came to Buffalo, glad to see it out on the field finally." And Chan talked about them getting on the same page w/ Steve's "subtle" moves that work well when done in time w/ the qb... Passing game looks great.
  7. Insane first post. Simply insane. Another person assuming a #1 pick gives you a Peyton. When we have a Peyton right here.
  8. Fitz is God. If he can be good for a while he's the "lucky out" we needed to allow us to narrow our needs...
  9. Thing is if there is...at the time...a QB that is a clear cut "top guy" you are almost never in a position to take one so...gota look at it despite being pleased w/ Fitz...
  10. The way we lost the game....you don't hold up a guy and strip it...and so what if our guy is pushing from behind the entire thing is illegal and should have been blown dead. Even though they were slow to blow they sometimes do that and blow later on that it was dead...last play on O for us was a sham.
  11. Not sure but if you sign up for the text message service it sends you the info asap...right on your phone.
  12. Bury guys after one game? I love the guy! I hope he wins it all...I watched him for years at Florida...he used to go out in the spring game and throw the ball into the ground. Obviously he's gotten better at that...and found a team that is jumping in his bandwagon w/ two feet first and he's doing great. Good for him. It sucks he didn't stay at Florida. In fact it's a dagger in my heart he says his heart is still at Florida and if it were up to him he'd be there right now...(ouch)...but he got in the dog house over a stolen laptop which he threw out of the window when the cops came (and they found in the bushes) haha...and that mixed w/ unfounded love for JOhn Brantely led to his transfer. He even said in the response to a question this year: "Heisman?...you can throw that out the window" lol... But this is not a 19 year old Tebow doing these things. This is an experienced player. He's been out of high school and coached for a while now...this would be his senior year had he not done the JC thing....naturally all the talents he has are dominating right now and all the talents he struggles with are phased out in scheme and execution. I'm not saying he couldn't get better at passing...or that he doesn't pass fine for the system he's in now...but he's not a passer...guess what ever nfl QB is? A passer. YOu really want to get excited over a player who doesn't do what he supposed to do at the NFL level naturally? And hasn't done it before? You'll have to take my word for it...but it took Cam at least 3 years to get the level of passing you see now...and the level you see now...isn't the level the NFL wants...and it's close to Cam's top passing ability IMO. I love the kid hope he proves me wrong but he's not a pick I'd like to see us touch w/ a 10 foot pole.
  13. C.Buscuit can't you see how the offense works though? Why he's able to pass the way he is? Why the offense is unstoppable? Do you think Cam will take a million years in the backfield before picking a hole and trucking someone and running for 200 yards against the Jets? The answer is no. He'd have to get the snap and take 2 seconds and then throw the ball on a line, accurately to someone. That's NOTHING like what he's doing right now.
  14. Maybin is such a disaster that I'd just cut his ass at this point. I know I know...gotta wait it out one more year ect...assuming we get a new D-coordinator I'll give him 1 more...just so yet another coach can look at him and give a thumbs down. But honestly, if it were me...I wouldn't even do that. I'm disgusted with him and what he represents. And to not even find a way to impact special teams makes me think he just doesn't work hard. He represents everything terrible about our past and present. I'd send him packing and tell him to enjoy what money he got from me. !@#$ Maybin. This guy is just a pariah. He doesn't get near enough **** from the actual "real" media.
  15. The answer to Cam Newton as far as being a pro "right now" is hell no. NO period. Pro tight end? Maybe...pro qb? Hell no. He's not very accurate, simply doesn't have to (and therefore doesn't) read defensive backfields. He throws what he can as a part of the spread option system which is there for him B/C he's the kind of guy who can run for 200 against a great LSU defense. Simply put he does absolutely NOTHING that an NFL QB needs to do. He's a great athlete. Who knows how good he could become in the future. But He's no draft pick we need this year at any spot. Saying things like "Oh Cam Newton is the greatest player since Bo Jackson he should go #1 over all" is simply retard talk...it's Raiders logic...it's the way you get yourself a Jafatass Russel. PS: Also, he does not look like Vince YOung.
  16. Wow. The NBA is: Completely fixed by Stern Has no rivalries besides Lakers/Celtics Is closing in on the popularity level of hockey! (miles behind baseball) A heartwarming story would be Shaq winning another 'chip w/ the Celtics...>_> The Spurs have a "top 5" guy.... ...the list goes on. The idiocy in this thread is astounding.
  17. Charlotte, Memphis/New Orleans, LA Clippers/Minnesota, Toronto...the NBA could drop 4ish teams easily...
  18. Check comments in that ratings link and compare it to the relative momentum of the playoffs ratings for NBA and MLB respectively. Also, see China as has been said. Also, see Latin America's value relative to almost everything else. Also, Japan has it's own leagues they watch primarily. Blah Blah...basically a few areas watch baseball locally, and a lot of Asia watches the World Series...the NBA's regular season national ratings have beat MLB for 3 straight years. The NBA had the highest rating for it's final in 10 years last year. The NBA is on the complete rise, MLB is not. If the Yankees and Sox somehow miss the playoffs, it falls apart. Sorry you baseball crazies, but it's 3rd. If it's not third to you, that's fine. If for some reason it doesn't seem like it's third where you live...that's fine also. But it is third nationally. And the margin is only going to grow moving into the future. But when you play 162 games and can generate that kind of ticket revenue it's not like you should care anyway what is more popular b/c you like baseball and it makes enough money to continue on...simple as that. If you think the nation is going to care who wins this world series more than who wins this nba championship, you've lost your mind. -shoutbox idiot
  19. It's like conference pride it's just to protect the nfl and thus himself. He's pretty much right except that we're close to turning the corner. That was funny.
  20. Seems like a weak draft to me b/c of Troup and Carrington. CJ is a great player you are just ridiculous on that. Selling Easley and Moats down the river is over board also.
  21. Article was fair. Are you guys kidding me? Offended by this article? People always do this when a team is epically terrible, and that is what we are. Hilarious comment on first page about us having drafted half the ufl though...haha...
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