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Everything posted by stuvian

  1. it's McDermott's team and Beane was hired to compliment him, not the other way around. The notion that McDermott can't succeed in Goodell's era of video game football because he's a DC doesn't hold water.
  2. Whether it's TT or someone else, most veteran backups would have this team playing .500 football. I don't agree that Beane or anyone else should be fired but Peterman is nothing more than a practice squad QB. Trotting him out as a starter has turned this into another lost season. Maybe that's inconsequential mid - regime but sooner or later a franchise has to learn how to win and close games psychologically. Whatever momentum we got from being a playoff team last year has been squandered.
  3. Never wiped myself with ice cream but now I'm curious
  4. It's a name designed by people in Ottawa to mean nothing
  5. If we can avoid pick sixes we might have a chance to avoid embarrassment
  6. I think there is consensus that the Bills got rid of Chuck Knox and Lou Saban too soon
  7. Did Jim Mora Jr. Even see the field before he was let go in favour of Pete Carroll in Seattle?
  8. Any Browns coach between Eric Mangini and Hue Jackson had a snowballs chance in hell
  9. I think Al Saunders getting named interim Browns coach for 6 hours counts as letting a coach go too soon
  10. Marty got let go after coaching the Bolts to 14 - 2 and losing to the Pats in the post season
  11. This is too high a price for Carr but it's a steal for Nick Mullens ?
  12. Choking is the new tickling. I'm a yes
  13. That Red Blacks player was fined for having fun in a no fun zone aka Ottawa
  14. Beane's addiction to Nathan Peterman might cost us the season. Whereas if we had a serviceable veteran QB all through camp we might still be competitive. Still, firing him would relegate us to Cleveland browns status - a predicament it only took 19 years to crawl out of. Canning him would destabilize us and badly. He's done more right than wrong
  15. I guess paying out a million dollars per completion gets a little rich after awhile
  16. wishing you peace as you celebrate his life
  17. Kimmel should go back to pleasuring himself with his Bea Arthur painting
  18. the defense really played with passion. I could see fear in Tom Brady's eyes for the first ever against us. We shut down Gronk for the better part of the game. GRONK! Trotting out a veteran QB on one week's notice is a fools errand. We should have had a true vet like Anderson in camp in July. If we had done these games wouldn't be lost causes. Instead we trot our Peterson so that Beane can "recoup value" on his late round pick. Unfortunately I can't "recoup value" on my season tickets with these guaranteed loss games. If Beane loves Peterson so much he could have stashed him on the practice squad where he belongs. We could have had the likes of Anderson or Matt Bradley both mentoring Allen and being ready to take over in case of injury. These games could have meant something. With our D and Shady and average QB play we are back in the wild card. Didn't the locker room revolt over the prospect of trotting out Peterman recently? Yet here we are again wasting what is probably Kyle and Shady's last years with the team. I'm perfectly willing to suffer through Allen's growth but we shouldn't have to throw the season away to do it. Sometimes these vets have a resurgence like Case Keenum, Fitz and Rich Gannon but to do so they have to be in camp long enough to gel with the team and learn the playbook. Instead we're making desperation moves at the 11th hour which everyone knows won't work.
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