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Everything posted by stuvian

  1. not true. There's no proof that our organization saw no value in these players. We had hired McDermott but not Beane at the time of this draft. terry and Kim didn't want a franchise QB being picked until the new organization under Beane was fully formed. It was all about timing.
  2. Watching other teams is much more enjoyable because of my disproportionate emotional investment in the Bills
  3. They didn't want to let Whaley make the franchise QB pick. What hurts more is that we wouldn't have had to trade up to get Mahomes as we did Allen. I'm not knocking Allen.I think he's a good pick but Mahomes is freaking Dan Marino.
  4. Watson has mediocre stats but throws for 4 TDs. Never seen a QB like that
  5. why are the Dolphin defenders standing around watching?
  6. the arm was going fwd and in a QB league nothing else matters
  7. if the QBs arms going fwd its a fwd pass
  8. hate the tuck rule but that's the right call
  9. I'm supposed to hate the Fins but they're earning my respect
  10. me too. I got 13.5 plus on the Fins on one of my online books
  11. that was worth 7 points. Could be a decisive call. very fresh legs if Gase is getting 100+ passer ratings out of Osweiler he should get Coach of the Year
  12. they should have kicked the 3. Not like Gore's a great receiver
  13. gloryhole has lost his street cred. He's another one of Goodell's corporate shills
  14. is that the astrodome next to the Texans stadium? Why isn't that thing imploded yet? Aikman looks like he just rolled out of the rack
  15. waiting for talent to come around has got us to the decade of fail. Great organizations build culture and process so that above average talent can succeed in the absence of great talent
  16. never been to a reunion. Have only stayed in touch with a few friends sparingly
  17. I won $2. Made a down payment on the Seahawks Why are you slumming with us riff raff?
  18. Netflix Canada pulled this without explanation
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